82 research outputs found

    Learning Agility and Adaptive Legged Locomotion via Curricular Hindsight Reinforcement Learning

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    Agile and adaptive maneuvers such as fall recovery, high-speed turning, and sprinting in the wild are challenging for legged systems. We propose a Curricular Hindsight Reinforcement Learning (CHRL) that learns an end-to-end tracking controller that achieves powerful agility and adaptation for the legged robot. The two key components are (I) a novel automatic curriculum strategy on task difficulty and (ii) a Hindsight Experience Replay strategy adapted to legged locomotion tasks. We demonstrated successful agile and adaptive locomotion on a real quadruped robot that performed fall recovery autonomously, coherent trotting, sustained outdoor speeds up to 3.45 m/s, and tuning speeds up to 3.2 rad/s. This system produces adaptive behaviours responding to changing situations and unexpected disturbances on natural terrains like grass and dirt

    Genetically evolved dynamic control for quadruped walking

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    The aim of this dissertation is to show that dynamic control of quadruped locomotion is achievable through the use of genetically evolved central pattern generators. This strategy is tested both in simulation and on a walking robot. The design of the walker has been chosen to be statically unstable, so that during motion less than three supporting feet may be in contact with the ground. The control strategy adopted is capable of propelling the artificial walker at a forward locomotion speed of ~1.5 Km/h on rugged terrain and provides for stability of motion. The learning of walking, based on simulated genetic evolution, is carried out in simulation to speed up the process and reduce the amount of damage to the hardware of the walking robot. For this reason a general-purpose fast dynamic simulator has been developed, able to efficiently compute the forward dynamics of tree-like robotic mechanisms. An optimization process to select stable walking patterns is implemented through a purposely designed genetic algorithm, which implements stochastic mutation and cross-over operators. The algorithm has been tailored to address the high cost of evaluation of the optimization function, as well as the characteristics of the parameter space chosen to represent controllers. Experiments carried out on different conditions give clear indications on the potential of the approach adopted. A proof of concept is achieved, that stable dynamic walking can be obtained through a search process which identifies attractors in the dynamics of the motor-control system of an artificial walker

    Mode-Adaptive Neural Networks for Quadruped Motion Control

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    Real-time Perceptive Motion Control using Control Barrier Functions with Analytical Smoothing for Six-Wheeled-Telescopic-Legged Robot Tachyon 3

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    To achieve safe legged locomotion, it is important to generate motion in real-time considering various constraints in robots and environments. In this study, we propose a lightweight real-time perspective motion control system for the newly developed six-wheeled-telescopic-legged robot, Tachyon 3. In the proposed method, analytically smoothed constraints including Smooth Separating Axis Theorem (Smooth SAT) as a novel higher order differentiable collision detection for 3D shapes is applied to the Control Barrier Function (CBF). The proposed system integrating the CBF achieves online motion generation in a short control cycle of 1 ms that satisfies joint limitations, environmental collision avoidance and safe convex foothold constraints. The efficiency of Smooth SAT is shown from the collision detection time of 1 us or less and the CBF constraint computation time for Tachyon3 of several us. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the proposed system is verified through the stair-climbing motion, integrating online recognition in a simulation and a real machine.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Legged Robots for Object Manipulation: A Review

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    Legged robots can have a unique role in manipulating objects in dynamic, human-centric, or otherwise inaccessible environments. Although most legged robotics research to date typically focuses on traversing these challenging environments, many legged platform demonstrations have also included "moving an object" as a way of doing tangible work. Legged robots can be designed to manipulate a particular type of object (e.g., a cardboard box, a soccer ball, or a larger piece of furniture), by themselves or collaboratively. The objective of this review is to collect and learn from these examples, to both organize the work done so far in the community and highlight interesting open avenues for future work. This review categorizes existing works into four main manipulation methods: object interactions without grasping, manipulation with walking legs, dedicated non-locomotive arms, and legged teams. Each method has different design and autonomy features, which are illustrated by available examples in the literature. Based on a few simplifying assumptions, we further provide quantitative comparisons for the range of possible relative sizes of the manipulated object with respect to the robot. Taken together, these examples suggest new directions for research in legged robot manipulation, such as multifunctional limbs, terrain modeling, or learning-based control, to support a number of new deployments in challenging indoor/outdoor scenarios in warehouses/construction sites, preserved natural areas, and especially for home robotics.Comment: Preprint of the paper submitted to Frontiers in Mechanical Engineerin

    Motion Planning and Control of Dynamic Humanoid Locomotion

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    Inspired by human, humanoid robots has the potential to become a general-purpose platform that lives along with human. Due to the technological advances in many field, such as actuation, sensing, control and intelligence, it finally enables humanoid robots to possess human comparable capabilities. However, humanoid locomotion is still a challenging research field. The large number of degree of freedom structure makes the system difficult to coordinate online. The presence of various contact constraints and the hybrid nature of locomotion tasks make the planning a harder problem to solve. Template model anchoring approach has been adopted to bridge the gap between simple model behavior and the whole-body motion of humanoid robot. Control policies are first developed for simple template models like Linear Inverted Pendulum Model (LIPM) or Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum(SLIP), the result controlled behaviors are then been mapped to the whole-body motion of humanoid robot through optimization-based task-space control strategies. Whole-body humanoid control framework has been verified on various contact situations such as unknown uneven terrain, multi-contact scenarios and moving platform and shows its generality and versatility. For walking motion, existing Model Predictive Control approach based on LIPM has been extended to enable the robot to walk without any reference foot placement anchoring. It is kind of discrete version of \u201cwalking without thinking\u201d. As a result, the robot could achieve versatile locomotion modes such as automatic foot placement with single reference velocity command, reactive stepping under large external disturbances, guided walking with small constant external pushing forces, robust walking on unknown uneven terrain, reactive stepping in place when blocked by external barrier. As an extension of this proposed framework, also to increase the push recovery capability of the humanoid robot, two new configurations have been proposed to enable the robot to perform cross-step motions. For more dynamic hopping and running motion, SLIP model has been chosen as the template model. Different from traditional model-based analytical approach, a data-driven approach has been proposed to encode the dynamics of the this model. A deep neural network is trained offline with a large amount of simulation data based on the SLIP model to learn its dynamics. The trained network is applied online to generate reference foot placements for the humanoid robot. Simulations have been performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in generating bio-inspired and robust running motions. The method proposed based on 2D SLIP model can be generalized to 3D SLIP model and the extension has been briefly mentioned at the end

    Oncilla robot: a versatile open-source quadruped research robot with compliant pantograph legs

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    We present Oncilla robot, a novel mobile, quadruped legged locomotion machine. This large-cat sized, 5.1 robot is one of a kind of a recent, bioinspired legged robot class designed with the capability of model-free locomotion control. Animal legged locomotion in rough terrain is clearly shaped by sensor feedback systems. Results with Oncilla robot show that agile and versatile locomotion is possible without sensory signals to some extend, and tracking becomes robust when feedback control is added (Ajaoolleian 2015). By incorporating mechanical and control blueprints inspired from animals, and by observing the resulting robot locomotion characteristics, we aim to understand the contribution of individual components. Legged robots have a wide mechanical and control design parameter space, and a unique potential as research tools to investigate principles of biomechanics and legged locomotion control. But the hardware and controller design can be a steep initial hurdle for academic research. To facilitate the easy start and development of legged robots, Oncilla-robot's blueprints are available through open-source. [...

    A Bio-inspired architecture for adaptive quadruped locomotion over irregular terrain

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    Tese de doutoramento Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrónica e de ComputadoresThis thesis presents a tentative advancement on walking control of small quadruped and humanoid position controlled robots, addressing the problem of walk generation by combining dynamical systems approach to motor control, insights from neuroethology research on vertebrate motor control and computational neuroscience. Legged locomotion is a complex dynamical process, despite the seemingly easy and natural behavior of the constantly present proficiency of legged animals. Research on locomotion and motor control in vertebrate animals from the last decades has brought to the attention of roboticists, the potential of the nature’s solutions to robot applications. Recent knowledge on the organization of complex motor generation and on mechanics and dynamics of locomotion has been successfully exploited to pursue agile robot locomotion. The work presented on this manuscript is part of an effort on the pursuit in devising a general, model free solution, for the generation of robust and adaptable walking behaviors. It strives to devise a practical solution applicable to real robots, such as the Sony’s quadruped AIBO and Robotis’ DARwIn- OP humanoid. The discussed solutions are inspired on the functional description of the vertebrate neural systems, especially on the concept of Central Pattern Generators (CPGs), their structure and organization, components and sensorimotor interactions. They use a dynamical systems approach for the implementation of the controller, especially on the use of nonlinear oscillators and exploitation of their properties. The main topics of this thesis are divided into three parts. The first part concerns quadruped locomotion, extending a previous CPG solution using nonlinear oscillators, and discussing an organization on three hierarchical levels of abstraction, sharing the purpose and knowledge of other works. It proposes a CPG solution which generates the walking motion for the whole-leg, which is then organized in a network for the production of quadrupedal gaits. The devised solution is able to produce goal-oriented locomotion and navigation as directed through highlevel commands from local planning methods. In this part, active balance on a standing quadruped is also addressed, proposing a method based on dynamical systems approach, exploring the integration of parallel postural mechanisms from several sensory modalities. The solutions are all successfully tested on the quadruped AIBO robot. In the second part, is addressed bipedal walking for humanoid robots. A CPG solution for biped walking based on the concept of motion primitives is proposed, loosely based on the idea of synergistic organization of vertebrate motor control. A set of motion primitives is shown to produce the basis of simple biped walking, and generalizable to goal-oriented walking. Using the proposed CPG, the inclusion of feedback mechanisms is investigated, for modulation and adaptation of walking, through phase transition control according to foot load information. The proposed solution is validated on the humanoid DARwIn-OP, and its application is evaluated within a whole-body control framework. The third part sidesteps a little from the other two topics. It discusses the CPG as having an alternative role to direct motor generation in locomotion, serving instead as a processor of sensory information for a feedback based motor generation. In this work a reflex based walking controller is devised for the compliant quadruped Oncilla robot, to serve as purely feedback based walking generation. The capabilities of the reflex network are shown in simulations, followed by a brief discussion on its limitations, and how they could be improved by the inclusion of a CPG.Esta tese apresenta uma tentativa de avanço no controlo de locomoção para pequenos robôs quadrúpedes e bipedes controlados por posição, endereçando o problema de geração motora através da combinação da abordagem de sistemas dinâmicos para o controlo motor, e perspectivas de investigação neuroetologia no controlo motor vertebrado e neurociência computacional. Andar é um processo dinâmico e complexo, apesar de parecer um comportamento fácil e natural devido à presença constante de animais proficientes em locomoção terrestre. Investigação na área da locomoção e controlo motor em animais vertebrados nas últimas decadas, trouxe à atenção dos roboticistas o potencial das soluções encontradas pela natureza aplicadas a aplicações robóticas. Conhecimento recente relativo à geração de comportamentos motores complexos e da mecânica da locomoção tem sido explorada com sucesso na procura de locomoção ágil na robótica. O trabalho apresentado neste documento é parte de um esforço no desenho de uma solução geral, e independente de modelos, para a geração robusta e adaptável de comportamentos locomotores. O foco é desenhar uma solução prática, aplicável a robôs reais, tal como o quadrúpede Sony AIBO e o humanóide DARwIn-OP. As soluções discutidas são inspiradas na descrição funcional do sistema nervoso vertebrado, especialmente no conceito de Central Pattern Generators (CPGs), a sua estrutura e organização, componentes e interacção sensorimotora. Estas soluções são implementadas usando uma abordagem em sistemas dinâmicos, focandos o uso de osciladores não lineares e a explorando as suas propriedades. Os tópicos principais desta tese estão divididos em três partes. A primeira parte explora o tema de locomoção quadrúpede, expandindo soluções prévias de CPGs usando osciladores não lineares, e discutindo uma organização em três níveis de abstracção, partilhando as ideias de outros trabalhos. Propõe uma solução de CPG que gera os movimentos locomotores para uma perna, que é depois organizado numa rede, para a produção de marcha quadrúpede. A solução concebida é capaz de produzir locomoção e navegação, comandada através de comandos de alto nível, produzidos por métodos de planeamento local. Nesta parte também endereçado o problema da manutenção do equilíbrio num robô quadrúpede parado, propondo um método baseado na abordagem em sistemas dinâmicos, explorando a integração de mecanismos posturais em paralelo, provenientes de várias modalidades sensoriais. As soluções são todas testadas com sucesso no robô quadrupede AIBO. Na segunda parte é endereçado o problema de locomoção bípede. É proposto um CPG baseado no conceito de motion primitives, baseadas na ideia de uma organização sinergética do controlo motor vertebrado. Um conjunto de motion primitives é usado para produzir a base de uma locomoção bípede simples e generalizável para navegação. Esta proposta de CPG é usada para de seguida se investigar a inclusão de mecanismos de feedback para modulação e adaptação da marcha, através do controlo de transições entre fases, de acordo com a informação de carga dos pés. A solução proposta é validada no robô humanóide DARwIn-OP, e a sua aplicação no contexto do framework de whole-body control é também avaliada. A terceira parte desvia um pouco dos outros dois tópicos. Discute o CPG como tendo um papel alternativo ao controlo motor directo, servindo em vez como um processador de informação sensorial para um mecanismo de locomoção puramente em feedback. Neste trabalho é desenhado um controlador baseado em reflexos para a geração da marcha de um quadrúpede compliant. As suas capacidades são demonstradas em simulação, seguidas por uma breve discussão nas suas limitações, e como estas podem ser ultrapassadas pela inclusão de um CPG.The presented work was possible thanks to the support by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation through the PhD grant SFRH/BD/62047/2009

    Online Optimization-based Gait Adaptation of Quadruped Robot Locomotion

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    Quadruped robots demonstrated extensive capabilities of traversing complex and unstructured environments. Optimization-based techniques gave a relevant impulse to the research on legged locomotion. Indeed, by designing the cost function and the constraints, we can guarantee the feasibility of a motion and impose high-level locomotion tasks, e.g., tracking of a reference velocity. This allows one to have a generic planning approach without the need to tailor a specific motion for each terrain, as in the heuristic case. In this context, Model Predictive Control (MPC) can compensate for model inaccuracies and external disturbances, thanks to the high-frequency replanning. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop a Nonlinear MPC (NMPC)-based locomotion framework for quadruped robots. The aim is to obtain an algorithm which can be extended to different robots and gaits; in addition, I sought to remove some assumptions generally done in the literature, e.g., heuristic reference generator and user-defined gait sequence. The starting point of my work is the definition of the Optimal Control Problem to generate feasible trajectories for the Center of Mass. It is descriptive enough to capture the linear and angular dynamics of the robot as a whole. A simplified model (Single Rigid Body Dynamics model) is used for the system dynamics, while a novel cost term maximizes leg mobility to improve robustness in the presence of nonflat terrain. In addition, to test the approach on the real robot, I dedicated particular effort to implementing both a heuristic reference generator and an interface for the controller, and integrating them into the controller framework developed previously by other team members. As a second contribution of my work, I extended the locomotion framework to deal with a trot gait. In particular, I generalized the reference generator to be based on optimization. Exploiting the Linear Inverted Pendulum model, this new module can deal with the underactuation of the trot when only two legs are in contact with the ground, endowing the NMPC with physically informed reference trajectories to be tracked. In addition, the reference velocities are used to correct the heuristic footholds, obtaining contact locations coherent with the motion of the base, even though they are not directly optimized. The model used by the NMPC receives as input the gait sequence, thus with the last part of my work I developed an online multi-contact planner and integrated it into the MPC framework. Using a machine learning approach, the planner computes the best feasible option, even in complex environments, in a few milliseconds, by ranking online a set of discrete options for footholds, i.e., which leg to move and where to step. To train the network, I designed a novel function, evaluated offline, which considers the value of the cost of the NMPC and robustness/stability metrics for each option. These methods have been validated with simulations and experiments over the three years. I tested the NMPC on the Hydraulically actuated Quadruped robot (HyQ) of the IIT’s Dynamic Legged Systems lab, performing omni-directional motions on flat terrain and stepping on a pallet (both static and relocated during the motion) with a crawl gait. The trajectory replanning is performed at high-frequency, and visual information of the terrain is included to traverse uneven terrain. A Unitree Aliengo quadruped robot is used to execute experiments with the trot gait. The optimization-based reference generator allows the robot to reach a fixed goal and recover from external pushes without modifying the structure of the NMPC. Finally, simulations with the Solo robot are performed to validate the neural network-based contact planning. The robot successfully traverses complex scenarios, e.g., stepping stones, with both walk and trot gaits, choosing the footholds online. The achieved results improved the robustness and the performance of the quadruped locomotion. High-frequency replanning, dealing with a fixed goal, recovering after a push, and the automatic selection of footholds could help the robots to accomplish important tasks for the humans, for example, providing support in a disaster response scenario or inspecting an unknown environment. In the future, the contact planning will be transferred to the real hardware. Possible developments foresee the optimization of the gait timings, i.e., stance and swing duration, and a framework which allows the automatic transition between gaits

    Locomotion system for ground mobile robots in uneven and unstructured environments

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    One of the technology domains with the greatest growth rates nowadays is service robots. The extensive use of ground mobile robots in environments that are unstructured or structured for humans is a promising challenge for the coming years, even though Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) moving on flat and compact grounds are already commercially available and widely utilized to move components and products inside indoor industrial buildings. Agriculture, planetary exploration, military operations, demining, intervention in case of terrorist attacks, surveillance, and reconnaissance in hazardous conditions are important application domains. Due to the fact that it integrates the disciplines of locomotion, vision, cognition, and navigation, the design of a ground mobile robot is extremely interdisciplinary. In terms of mechanics, ground mobile robots, with the exception of those designed for particular surroundings and surfaces (such as slithering or sticky robots), can move on wheels (W), legs (L), tracks (T), or hybrids of these concepts (LW, LT, WT, LWT). In terms of maximum speed, obstacle crossing ability, step/stair climbing ability, slope climbing ability, walking capability on soft terrain, walking capability on uneven terrain, energy efficiency, mechanical complexity, control complexity, and technology readiness, a systematic comparison of these locomotion systems is provided in [1]. Based on the above-mentioned classification, in this thesis, we first introduce a small-scale hybrid locomotion robot for surveillance and inspection, WheTLHLoc, with two tracks, two revolving legs, two active wheels, and two passive omni wheels. The robot can move in several different ways, including using wheels on the flat, compact ground,[1] tracks on soft, yielding terrain, and a combination of tracks, legs, and wheels to navigate obstacles. In particular, static stability and non-slipping characteristics are considered while analyzing the process of climbing steps and stairs. The experimental test on the first prototype has proven the planned climbing maneuver’s efficacy and the WheTLHLoc robot's operational flexibility. Later we present another development of WheTLHLoc and introduce WheTLHLoc 2.0 with newly designed legs, enabling the robot to deal with bigger obstacles. Subsequently, a single-track bio-inspired ground mobile robot's conceptual and embodiment designs are presented. This robot is called SnakeTrack. It is designed for surveillance and inspection activities in unstructured environments with constrained areas. The vertebral column has two end modules and a variable number of vertebrae linked by compliant joints, and the surrounding track is its essential component. Four motors drive the robot: two control the track motion and two regulate the lateral flexion of the vertebral column for steering. The compliant joints enable limited passive torsion and retroflection of the vertebral column, which the robot can use to adapt to uneven terrain and increase traction. Eventually, the new version of SnakeTrack, called 'Porcospino', is introduced with the aim of allowing the robot to move in a wider variety of terrains. The novelty of this thesis lies in the development and presentation of three novel designs of small-scale mobile robots for surveillance and inspection in unstructured environments, and they employ hybrid locomotion systems that allow them to traverse a variety of terrains, including soft, yielding terrain and high obstacles. This thesis contributes to the field of mobile robotics by introducing new design concepts for hybrid locomotion systems that enable robots to navigate challenging environments. The robots presented in this thesis employ modular designs that allow their lengths to be adapted to suit specific tasks, and they are capable of restoring their correct position after falling over, making them highly adaptable and versatile. Furthermore, this thesis presents a detailed analysis of the robots' capabilities, including their step-climbing and motion planning abilities. In this thesis we also discuss possible refinements for the robots' designs to improve their performance and reliability. Overall, this thesis's contributions lie in the design and development of innovative mobile robots that address the challenges of surveillance and inspection in unstructured environments, and the analysis and evaluation of these robots' capabilities. The research presented in this thesis provides a foundation for further work in this field, and it may be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the areas of robotics, automation, and inspection. As a general note, the first robot, WheTLHLoc, is a hybrid locomotion robot capable of combining tracked locomotion on soft terrains, wheeled locomotion on flat and compact grounds, and high obstacle crossing capability. The second robot, SnakeTrack, is a small-size mono-track robot with a modular structure composed of a vertebral column and a single peripherical track revolving around it. The third robot, Porcospino, is an evolution of SnakeTrack and includes flexible spines on the track modules for improved traction on uneven but firm terrains, and refinements of the shape of the track guidance system. This thesis provides detailed descriptions of the design and prototyping of these robots and presents analytical and experimental results to verify their capabilities