6,794 research outputs found

    On Termination of Integer Linear Loops

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    A fundamental problem in program verification concerns the termination of simple linear loops of the form x := u ; while Bx >= b do {x := Ax + a} where x is a vector of variables, u, a, and c are integer vectors, and A and B are integer matrices. Assuming the matrix A is diagonalisable, we give a decision procedure for the problem of whether, for all initial integer vectors u, such a loop terminates. The correctness of our algorithm relies on sophisticated tools from algebraic and analytic number theory, Diophantine geometry, and real algebraic geometry. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first substantial advance on a 10-year-old open problem of Tiwari (2004) and Braverman (2006).Comment: Accepted to SODA1

    Termination of Linear Programs with Nonlinear Constraints

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    Tiwari proved that termination of linear programs (loops with linear loop conditions and updates) over the reals is decidable through Jordan forms and eigenvectors computation. Braverman proved that it is also decidable over the integers. In this paper, we consider the termination of loops with polynomial loop conditions and linear updates over the reals and integers. First, we prove that the termination of such loops over the integers is undecidable. Second, with an assumption, we provide an complete algorithm to decide the termination of a class of such programs over the reals. Our method is similar to that of Tiwari in spirit but uses different techniques. Finally, we conjecture that the termination of linear programs with polynomial loop conditions over the reals is undecidable in general by %constructing a loop and reducing the problem to another decision problem related to number theory and ergodic theory, which we guess undecidable.Comment: 17pages, 0 figure

    On the Termination of Linear and Affine Programs over the Integers

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    The termination problem for affine programs over the integers was left open in\cite{Braverman}. For more that a decade, it has been considered and cited as a challenging open problem. To the best of our knowledge, we present here the most complete response to this issue: we show that termination for affine programs over Z is decidable under an assumption holding for almost all affine programs, except for an extremely small class of zero Lesbegue measure. We use the notion of asymptotically non-terminating initial variable values} (ANT, for short) for linear loop programs over Z. Those values are directly associated to initial variable values for which the corresponding program does not terminate. We reduce the termination problem of linear affine programs over the integers to the emptiness check of a specific ANT set of initial variable values. For this class of linear or affine programs, we prove that the corresponding ANT set is a semi-linear space and we provide a powerful computational methods allowing the automatic generation of these ANTANT sets. Moreover, we are able to address the conditional termination problem too. In other words, by taking ANT set complements, we obtain a precise under-approximation of the set of inputs for which the program does terminate.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1407.455

    Finding polynomial loop invariants for probabilistic programs

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    Quantitative loop invariants are an essential element in the verification of probabilistic programs. Recently, multivariate Lagrange interpolation has been applied to synthesizing polynomial invariants. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach. First, we fix a polynomial template as a candidate of a loop invariant. Using Stengle's Positivstellensatz and a transformation to a sum-of-squares problem, we find sufficient conditions on the coefficients. Then, we solve a semidefinite programming feasibility problem to synthesize the loop invariants. If the semidefinite program is unfeasible, we backtrack after increasing the degree of the template. Our approach is semi-complete in the sense that it will always lead us to a feasible solution if one exists and numerical errors are small. Experimental results show the efficiency of our approach.Comment: accompanies an ATVA 2017 submissio

    Synthesis for Polynomial Lasso Programs

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    We present a method for the synthesis of polynomial lasso programs. These programs consist of a program stem, a set of transitions, and an exit condition, all in the form of algebraic assertions (conjunctions of polynomial equalities). Central to this approach is the discovery of non-linear (algebraic) loop invariants. We extend Sankaranarayanan, Sipma, and Manna's template-based approach and prove a completeness criterion. We perform program synthesis by generating a constraint whose solution is a synthesized program together with a loop invariant that proves the program's correctness. This constraint is non-linear and is passed to an SMT solver. Moreover, we can enforce the termination of the synthesized program with the support of test cases.Comment: Paper at VMCAI'14, including appendi

    Polynomial Invariants for Affine Programs

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    We exhibit an algorithm to compute the strongest polynomial (or algebraic) invariants that hold at each location of a given affine program (i.e., a program having only non-deterministic (as opposed to conditional) branching and all of whose assignments are given by affine expressions). Our main tool is an algebraic result of independent interest: given a finite set of rational square matrices of the same dimension, we show how to compute the Zariski closure of the semigroup that they generate

    A survey of parallel execution strategies for transitive closure and logic programs

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    An important feature of database technology of the nineties is the use of parallelism for speeding up the execution of complex queries. This technology is being tested in several experimental database architectures and a few commercial systems for conventional select-project-join queries. In particular, hash-based fragmentation is used to distribute data to disks under the control of different processors in order to perform selections and joins in parallel. With the development of new query languages, and in particular with the definition of transitive closure queries and of more general logic programming queries, the new dimension of recursion has been added to query processing. Recursive queries are complex; at the same time, their regular structure is particularly suited for parallel execution, and parallelism may give a high efficiency gain. We survey the approaches to parallel execution of recursive queries that have been presented in the recent literature. We observe that research on parallel execution of recursive queries is separated into two distinct subareas, one focused on the transitive closure of Relational Algebra expressions, the other one focused on optimization of more general Datalog queries. Though the subareas seem radically different because of the approach and formalism used, they have many common features. This is not surprising, because most typical Datalog queries can be solved by means of the transitive closure of simple algebraic expressions. We first analyze the relationship between the transitive closure of expressions in Relational Algebra and Datalog programs. We then review sequential methods for evaluating transitive closure, distinguishing iterative and direct methods. We address the parallelization of these methods, by discussing various forms of parallelization. Data fragmentation plays an important role in obtaining parallel execution; we describe hash-based and semantic fragmentation. Finally, we consider Datalog queries, and present general methods for parallel rule execution; we recognize the similarities between these methods and the methods reviewed previously, when the former are applied to linear Datalog queries. We also provide a quantitative analysis that shows the impact of the initial data distribution on the performance of methods

    Generating Non-Linear Interpolants by Semidefinite Programming

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    Interpolation-based techniques have been widely and successfully applied in the verification of hardware and software, e.g., in bounded-model check- ing, CEGAR, SMT, etc., whose hardest part is how to synthesize interpolants. Various work for discovering interpolants for propositional logic, quantifier-free fragments of first-order theories and their combinations have been proposed. However, little work focuses on discovering polynomial interpolants in the literature. In this paper, we provide an approach for constructing non-linear interpolants based on semidefinite programming, and show how to apply such results to the verification of programs by examples.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure
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