367 research outputs found

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    Synchronous programs are easy to specify because the side effects of an operation are finished by the time the invocation of the operation returns to the caller. Asynchronous programs, on the other hand, are difficult to specify because there are side effects due to pending computation scheduled as a result of the invocation of an operation. They are also difficult to verify because of the large number of possible interleavings of concurrent asynchronous computation threads. We show that specifications and correctness proofs for asynchronous programs can be structured by introducing the fiction, for proof purposes, that intermediate, non-quiescent states of asynchronous operations can be ignored. Then, the task of specification becomes relatively simple and the task of verification can be naturally decomposed into smaller sub-tasks. The sub-tasks iteratively summarize, guided by the structure of an asynchronous program, the atomic effect of non-atomic operations and the synchronous effect of asynchronous operations. This structuring of specifications and proofs corresponds to the introduction of multiple layers of stepwise refinement for asynchronous programs. We present the first proof rule, called synchronization, to reduce asynchronous invocations on a lower layer to synchronous invocations on a higher layer. We implemented our proof method in CIVL and evaluated it on a collection of benchmark programs

    Static Analysis of Run-Time Errors in Embedded Real-Time Parallel C Programs

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    We present a static analysis by Abstract Interpretation to check for run-time errors in parallel and multi-threaded C programs. Following our work on Astr\'ee, we focus on embedded critical programs without recursion nor dynamic memory allocation, but extend the analysis to a static set of threads communicating implicitly through a shared memory and explicitly using a finite set of mutual exclusion locks, and scheduled according to a real-time scheduling policy and fixed priorities. Our method is thread-modular. It is based on a slightly modified non-parallel analysis that, when analyzing a thread, applies and enriches an abstract set of thread interferences. An iterator then re-analyzes each thread in turn until interferences stabilize. We prove the soundness of our method with respect to the sequential consistency semantics, but also with respect to a reasonable weakly consistent memory semantics. We also show how to take into account mutual exclusion and thread priorities through a partitioning over an abstraction of the scheduler state. We present preliminary experimental results analyzing an industrial program with our prototype, Th\'es\'ee, and demonstrate the scalability of our approach

    09501 Abstracts Collection -- Software Synthesis

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    From 06.12.09 to 11.12.09, the Dagstuhl Seminar 09501 ``Software Synthesis \u27\u27 in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Towards Extending the Range of Bugs That Automated Program Repair Can Handle

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    Modern automated program repair (APR) is well-tuned to finding and repairing bugs that introduce observable erroneous behavior to a program. However, a significant class of bugs does not lead to such observable behavior (e.g., liveness/termination bugs, non-functional bugs, and information flow bugs). Such bugs can generally not be handled with current APR approaches, so, as a community, we need to develop complementary techniques. To stimulate the systematic study of alternative APR approaches and hybrid APR combinations, we devise a novel bug classification system that enables methodical analysis of their bug detection power and bug repair capabilities. To demonstrate the benefits, we analyze the repair of termination bugs in sequential and concurrent programs. The study shows that integrating dynamic APR with formal analysis techniques, such as termination provers and software model checkers, reduces complexity and improves the overall reliability of these repairs.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS 2022

    Deadlock-Guided Testing in CLP

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    Static deadlock analyzers might be able to verify the absence of deadlock. However, they are usually not able to detect its presence. Also, when they detect a potential deadlock cycle, they provide little (or even no) information on their output. Due to the complex flow of concurrent programs, the user might not be able to find the source of the anomalous behaviour from the abstract information computed by static analysis. This work proposes the combined use of static analysis and testing for effective deadlock detection in asynchronous programs. The asynchronous program is first translated into a CLP-version so that the whole combined approach is carried out by relying on the inherent backtracking mechanism and constraint handling of CLP. When the program features a deadlock, our combined use of analysis and testing provides an effective technique to catch deadlock traces. While if the program does not have deadlock, but the analyzer inaccurately spotted it, we might be able to prove deadlock freedom. The main results in this project have been submitted to: - the special issue on Computational Logic for Verification of the journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming and - the 27th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR'17), and are currently under revision

    Symbolic Partial-Order Execution for Testing Multi-Threaded Programs

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    We describe a technique for systematic testing of multi-threaded programs. We combine Quasi-Optimal Partial-Order Reduction, a state-of-the-art technique that tackles path explosion due to interleaving non-determinism, with symbolic execution to handle data non-determinism. Our technique iteratively and exhaustively finds all executions of the program. It represents program executions using partial orders and finds the next execution using an underlying unfolding semantics. We avoid the exploration of redundant program traces using cutoff events. We implemented our technique as an extension of KLEE and evaluated it on a set of large multi-threaded C programs. Our experiments found several previously undiscovered bugs and undefined behaviors in memcached and GNU sort, showing that the new method is capable of finding bugs in industrial-size benchmarks.Comment: Extended version of a paper presented at CAV'2

    Verification of Concurrent Systems : optimality, Scalability and Applicability

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, leída el 14-10-2020Tanto el testing como la verificacion de sistemas concurrentes requieren explorar todos los posibles entrelazados no deterministas que la ejecucion concurrente puede tener, ya que cualquiera de estos entrelazados podra revelar un comportamiento erroneo del sistema. Esto introduce una explosion combinatoria en el numero de estados del programa que deben ser considerados, lo que frecuentemente lleva a un problema computacionalmente intratable. El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de tecnicas novedosas para el testing y la verificacion de programas concurrentes que permitan reducir esta explosion combinatoria...Both verification and testing of concurrent systems require exploring all possible non-deterministic interleavings that the concurrent execution may have, as any of the interleavings may reveal an erroneous behavior of the system. This introduces a combinatorial explosion on the number of program states that must be considered, what leads often to a computationally intractable problem. The overall goal of this thesis is to investigate novel techniques for testing and verification of concurrent programs that reduce this combinatorial explosion...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    A Term-based Approach for Generating Finite Automata from Interaction Diagrams

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    Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) represent regular languages concisely, increasing their appeal for applications such as word recognition. This paper proposes a new approach to generate NFA from an interaction language such as UML Sequence Diagrams or Message Sequence Charts. Via an operational semantics, we generate a NFA from a set of interactions reachable using the associated execution relation. In addition, by applying simplifications on reachable interactions to merge them, it is possible to obtain reduced NFA without relying on costly NFA reduction techniques. Experimental results regarding NFA generation and their application in trace analysis are also presented.Comment: 29 pages (15 pages paper, 3 pages references, 11 pages appendix) 9 figures in paper, 14 figures in appendi

    Software Model Checking with Explicit Scheduler and Symbolic Threads

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    In many practical application domains, the software is organized into a set of threads, whose activation is exclusive and controlled by a cooperative scheduling policy: threads execute, without any interruption, until they either terminate or yield the control explicitly to the scheduler. The formal verification of such software poses significant challenges. On the one side, each thread may have infinite state space, and might call for abstraction. On the other side, the scheduling policy is often important for correctness, and an approach based on abstracting the scheduler may result in loss of precision and false positives. Unfortunately, the translation of the problem into a purely sequential software model checking problem turns out to be highly inefficient for the available technologies. We propose a software model checking technique that exploits the intrinsic structure of these programs. Each thread is translated into a separate sequential program and explored symbolically with lazy abstraction, while the overall verification is orchestrated by the direct execution of the scheduler. The approach is optimized by filtering the exploration of the scheduler with the integration of partial-order reduction. The technique, called ESST (Explicit Scheduler, Symbolic Threads) has been implemented and experimentally evaluated on a significant set of benchmarks. The results demonstrate that ESST technique is way more effective than software model checking applied to the sequentialized programs, and that partial-order reduction can lead to further performance improvements.Comment: 40 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in journal of logical methods in computer scienc
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