12 research outputs found

    Schema Vacuuming in Temporal Databases

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    Temporal databases facilitate the support of historical information by providing functions for indicating the intervals during which a tuple was applicable (along one or more temporal dimensions). Because data are never deleted, only superceded, temporal databases are inherently append-only resulting, over time, in a large historical sequence of database states. Data vacuuming in temporal databases allows for this sequence to be shortened by strategically, and irrevocably, deleting obsolete data. Schema versioning allows users to maintain a history of database schemata without compromising the semantics of the data or the ability to view data through historical schemata. While the techniques required for data vacuuming in temporal databases have been relatively well covered, the associated area of vacuuming schemata has received less attention. This paper discusses this issue and proposes a mechanism that fits well with existing methods for data vacuuming and schema versioning

    Elaboration d'entrepÎts de données complexes

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    National audienceIn this paper, we study the data warehouse modelling used in decision support systems. We provide an object-oriented data warehouse model allowing data warehouse description as a central repository of relevant, complex and temporal data. Our model integrates three concepts such as warehouse object, environment and warehouse class. Each warehouse object is composed of one current state, several past states (modelling its detailed evolutions) and several archive states (modelling its evolutions within a summarised form). The environment concept defines temporal parts in the data warehouse schema with significant granularities (attribute, class, graph). Finally, we provide five functions aiming at defining the data warehouse structures and two functions allowing the warehouse class inheritance hierarchy organisation

    Modélisation et manipulation de données historisées et archivées dans un entrepÎt orienté objet

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    National audienceThis paper deals with temporal and archive object-oriented data warehouse modelling and querying. In a first step, we define a data model describing warehouses as central repositories of complex and temporal data extracted from one information source. The model is based on the concepts of warehouse object and environment. A warehouse object is composed of one current state, several past states (modelling value changes) and several archive states (summarising some value changes). An environment defines temporal parts in a warehouse schema according to a relevant granularity (attribute, class or graph). In a second step, we provide a query algebra dedicated to data warehouses. This algebra, which is based on common object algebras, integrates temporal operators and operators for querying object states. An other important contribution concerns dedicated operators allowing users to transform warehouse objects in temporal series as well as operators facilitating analytical treatments

    Modélisation et extraction de données pour un entrepÎt objet

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    National audienceThis paper describes an object-oriented model for designing complex and time-variant data warehouse data. The main contribution is the warehouse class concept, which extends the class concept by temporal and archive filters as well as a mapping function. Filters allow the keeping of relevant data changes whereas the mapping function defines the warehouse class schema from a global data source schema. The approach take into account static properties as well as dynamic properties. The behaviour extraction is based on the use-matrix concept

    Striving towards Near Real-Time Data Integration for Data Warehouses

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    Abstract. The amount of information available to large-scale enterprises is growing rapidly. While operational systems are designed to meet well-specified (short) response time requirements, the focus of data warehouses is generally the strategic analysis of business data integrated from heterogeneous source systems. The decision making process in traditional data warehouse environments is often delayed because data cannot be propagated from the source system to the data warehouse in time. A real-time data warehouse aims at decreasing the time it takes to make business decisions and tries to attain zero latency between the cause and effect of a business decision. In this paper we present an architecture of an ETL environment for real-time data warehouses, which supports a continual near real-time data propagation. The architecture takes full advantage of existing J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) technology and enables the implementation of a distributed, scalable, near real-time ETL environment. Instead of using vendor proprietary ETL (extraction, transformation, loading) solutions, which are often hard to scale and often do not support an optimization of allocated time frames for data extracts, we propose in our approach ETLets (spoken “et-lets”) and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) for the ETL processing tasks. 1

    Survey Report on Real-time Data Warehouses

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    èŻ„æŠ„ć‘Šæ˜Ż2006ćčŽ10æœˆæž—ć­é›šćœšćŒ—äșŹć€§ć­Šæ•°æźćș“ćźžéȘŒćź€æ”»èŻ»ćšćŁ«ć­ŠäœæœŸé—Žćˆ¶äœœçš„。Outline: Project introduction;Real-Time Data Warehousing: Challenges and Solutions;Our Research Work;Reference

    Modélisation et manipulation d'entrepÎts de données complexes et historisées

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    Le mémoire de cette thÚse traite de la modélisation conceptuelle et de la manipulation des données (par des algÚbres) dans les systÚmes d'aide à la décision. Notre thÚse repose sur la dichotomie de deux espaces de stockage : l'entrepÎt de données regroupe les extraits des bases sources utiles pour les décideurs et les magasins de données sont déduits de l'entrepÎt et dédiés à un besoin d'analyse particulier.Au niveau de l'entrepÎt, nous définissons un modÚle de données permettant de décrire l'évolution temporelle des objets complexes. Dans notre proposition, l'objet entrepÎt intÚgre des états courants, passés et archivés modélisant les données décisionnelles et leurs évolutions. L'extension du concept d'objet engendre une extension du concept de classe. Cette extension est composée de filtres (temporels et d'archives) pour construire les états passés et archivés ainsi que d'une fonction de construction modélisant le processus d'extraction (origine source). Nous introduisons également le concept d'environnement qui définit des parties temporelles cohérentes de tailles adaptées aux exigences des décideurs. La manipulation des données est une extension des algÚbres objet prenant en compte les caractéristiques du modÚle de représentation de l'entrepÎt. L'extension se situe au niveau des opérateurs temporels et des opérateurs de manipulation des ensembles d'états.Au niveau des magasins, nous définissons un modÚle de données multidimensionnelles permettant de représenter l'information en une constellation de faits ainsi que de dimensions munies de hiérarchies multiples. La manipulation des données s'appuie sur une algÚbre englobant l'ensemble des opérations multidimensionnelles et offrant des opérations spécifiques à notre modÚle. Nous proposons une démarche d'élaboration des magasins à partir de l'entrepÎt.Pour valider nos propositions, nous présentons le logiciel GEDOOH (Générateur d'EntrepÎts de Données Orientées Objet et Historisées) d'aide à la conception et à la création des entrepÎts dans le cadre de l'application médicale REANIMATIC