11 research outputs found

    Temporal Support in Relational Databases

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    Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission. © 2012 Higher Education AcademyThis paper examines the current state of temporal support in relational databases and the type of situations where we need that support. There has been much research in this area and there were attempts in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) standards committees in the late 1990s to add an extension called TSQL2 to the existing SQL standard. However no agreement could be reached as it was felt that some of the suggested extensions did not fit well with the relational model, as well as being difficult to implement. TSQL2 was abandoned and since then vendors have added their own data types, and if we are lucky, operators too in an attempt to provide support. However, to novice students and database designers it is often not apparent why some temporal concepts are difficult to deal with in a relational database. In teaching these concepts to students we use a Case Study (based on a real example) which illustrates the problems of providing temporal support by using examples of the data types which could be useful to solve temporal problems and the operators which are necessary to provide this

    TEMPOS: A Platform for Developing Temporal Applications on Top of Object DBMS

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    This paper presents TEMPOS: a set of models and languages supporting the manipulation of temporal data on top of object DBMS. The proposed models exploit object-oriented technology to meet some important, yet traditionally neglected design criteria related to legacy code migration and representation independence. Two complementary ways for accessing temporal data are offered: a query language and a visual browser. The query language, namely TempOQL, is an extension of OQL supporting the manipulation of histories regardless of their representations, through fully composable functional operators. The visual browser offers operators that facilitate several time-related interactive navigation tasks, such as studying a snapshot of a collection of objects at a given instant, or detecting and examining changes within temporal attributes and relationships. TEMPOS models and languages have been formalized both at the syntactical and the semantical level and have been implemented on top of an object DBMS. The suitability of the proposals with regard to applications' requirements has been validated through concrete case studies

    Application of the Temporal Database Technology in the Development of Latvian Railway Information Systems

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    The paper presents the research of temporal data usage in the information systems (IS) for railway transport. In the research the IS artifact building phase has been executed. The models and methods oriented at the operation with the temporal objects of the railway transport system have been designed. The work takes into consideration the problems of the temporal objects presentation in the relational databases, as well as the problems of provision of their integrity and the questions of interaction with them. The investigation results have been employed in the development of the interactive passenger train schedule IS for the Latvian Railway

    TOQL: Temporal Ontology Querying Language

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    Tamper Detection in Audit Logs

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    Temporal reasoning in a logic programming language with modularity

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    Actualmente os Sistemas de Informação Organizacionais (SIO) lidam cada vez mais com informação que tem dependências temporais. Neste trabalho concebemos um ambiente de trabalho para construir e manter SIO Temporais. Este ambiente assenta sobre um linguagem lógica denominada Temporal Contextua) Logic Programming que integra modularidade com raciocínio temporal fazendo com que a utilização de um módulo dependa do tempo do contexto. Esta linguagem é a evolução de uma outra, também introduzida nesta tese, que combina Contextua) Logic Programming com Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming, na qual a modularidade e o tempo são características ortogonais. Ambas as linguagens são formalmente discutidas e exemplificadas. As principais contribuições do trabalho descrito nesta tese incluem: • Optimização de Contextua) Logic Programming (CxLP) através de interpretação abstracta. • Sintaxe e semântica operacional para uma linguagem que combina de um modo independente as linguagens Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming (TACLP) e CxLP. É apresentado um compilador para esta linguagem. • Linguagem (sintaxe e semântica) que integra de um modo inovador modularidade (CxLP) com raciocínio temporal (TACLP). Nesta linguagem a utilização de um dado módulo está dependente do tempo do contexto. É descrito um interpretador e um compilador para esta linguagem. • Ambiente de trabalho para construir e fazer a manutenção de SIO Temporais. Assenta sobre uma especificação revista da linguagem ISCO, adicionando classes e manipulação de dados temporais. É fornecido um compilador em que a linguagem resultante é a descrita no item anterior. ABSTRACT- Current Organisational Information Systems (OIS) deal with more and more Infor-mation that, is time dependent. In this work we provide a framework to construct and maintain Temporal OIS. This framework builds upon a logical language called Temporal Contextual. Logic Programming that deeply integrates modularity with tem-poral reasoning making the usage of a module time dependent. This language is an evolution of another one, also introduced in this thesis, that combines Contextual Logic Programming with Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming where modularity and time are orthogonal features. Both languages are formally discussed and illustrated. The main contributions of the work described in this thesis include: • Optimisation of Contextual Logic Programming (CxLP) through abstract interpretation. • Syntax and operational semantics for an independent combination of the temporal framework Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming (TACLP) and CxLP. A compiler for this language is also provided. • Language (syntax and semantics) that integrates in a innovative way modularity (CxLP) with temporal reasoning (TACLP). In this language the usage of a given module depends of the time of the context. An interpreter and a compiler for this language are described. • Framework to construct and maintain Temporal Organisational Information Systems. It builds upon a revised specification of the language ISCO, adding temporal classes and temporal data manipulation. A compiler targeting the language presented in the previous item is also given

    Proceedings TLAD 2012:10th International Workshop on the Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Databases

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    This is the tenth in the series of highly successful international workshops on the Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Databases (TLAD 2012). TLAD 2012 is held on the 9th July at the University of Hertfordshire and hopes to be just as successful as its predecessors. The teaching of databases is central to all Computing Science, Software Engineering, Information Systems and Information Technology courses, and this year, the workshop aims to continue the tradition of bringing together both database teachers and researchers, in order to share good learning, teaching and assessment practice and experience, and further the growing community amongst database academics. As well as attracting academics and teachers from the UK community, the workshop has also been successful in attracting academics from the wider international community, through serving on the programme committee, and attending and presenting papers. Due to the healthy number of high quality submissions this year, the workshop will present eight peer reviewed papers. Of these, six will be presented as full papers and two as short papers. These papers cover a number of themes, including: the teaching of data mining and data warehousing, SQL and NoSQL, databases at school, and database curricula themselves. The final paper will give a timely ten-year review of TLAD workshops, and it is expected that these papers will lead to a stimulating closing discussion, which will continue beyond the workshop. We also look forward to a keynote presentation by Karen Fraser, who has contributed to many TLAD workshops as the HEA organizer. Titled “An Effective Higher Education Academy”, the keynote will discuss the Academy’s plans for the future and outline how participants can get involved

    Proceedings TLAD 2012:10th International Workshop on the Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Databases

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    This is the tenth in the series of highly successful international workshops on the Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Databases (TLAD 2012). TLAD 2012 is held on the 9th July at the University of Hertfordshire and hopes to be just as successful as its predecessors. The teaching of databases is central to all Computing Science, Software Engineering, Information Systems and Information Technology courses, and this year, the workshop aims to continue the tradition of bringing together both database teachers and researchers, in order to share good learning, teaching and assessment practice and experience, and further the growing community amongst database academics. As well as attracting academics and teachers from the UK community, the workshop has also been successful in attracting academics from the wider international community, through serving on the programme committee, and attending and presenting papers. Due to the healthy number of high quality submissions this year, the workshop will present eight peer reviewed papers. Of these, six will be presented as full papers and two as short papers. These papers cover a number of themes, including: the teaching of data mining and data warehousing, SQL and NoSQL, databases at school, and database curricula themselves. The final paper will give a timely ten-year review of TLAD workshops, and it is expected that these papers will lead to a stimulating closing discussion, which will continue beyond the workshop. We also look forward to a keynote presentation by Karen Fraser, who has contributed to many TLAD workshops as the HEA organizer. Titled “An Effective Higher Education Academy”, the keynote will discuss the Academy’s plans for the future and outline how participants can get involved

    XATA 2006: XML: aplicações e tecnologias associadas

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    Esta é a quarta conferência sobre XML e Tecnologias Associadas. Este evento tem-se tornado um ponto de encontro para quem se interessa pela temática e tem sido engraçado observar que os participantes gostam e tentam voltar nos anos posteriores. O grupo base de trabalho, a comissão científica, também tem vindo a ser alargada e todos os que têm colaborado com vontade e com uma qualidade crescente ano após ano. Pela quarta vez estou a redigir este prefácio e não consigo evitar a redacção de uma descrição da evolução da XATA ao longo destes quatro anos: 2003 Nesta "reunião", houve uma vintena de trabalhos submetidos, maioritariamente da autoria ou da supervisão dos membros que integravam a comissão organizadora o que não envalidou uma grande participação e acesas discussões. 2004 Houve uma participação mais forte da comunidade portuguesa mas ainda com números pouco expressivos. Nesta altura, apostou-se também numa forte participação da indústria, o que se traduziu num conjunto apreciável de apresentações de casos reais. Foi introduzido o processo de revisão formal dos trabalhos submetidos. 2005 Houve uma forte adesão nacional e internacional (Espanha e Brasil, o que para um evento onde se pretende privilegiar a língua portuguesa é ainda mais significativo). A distribuição geográfica em Portugal também aumentou, havendo mais instituições participantes. Automatizaram-se várias tarefas como o processo de submissão e de revisão de artigos. 2006 Nesta edição actual, e contrariamente ao que acontece no plano nacional, houve um crescimento significativo. Em todas as edições, tem sido objectivo da comissão organizadora, previlegiar a produção científica e dar voz ao máximo número de participantes. Nesse sentido, este ano, não haverá oradores convidados, sendo o programa integralmente preenchido com as apresentações dos trabalhos seleccionados. Apesar disso ainda houve uma taxa significativa de rejeições, principalmente devido ao elevado número de submissões. Foi introduzido também, nesta edição, um dia de tutoriais com o objectivo de fornecer competências mínimas a quem quer começar a trabalhar na área e também poder assistir de uma forma mais informada à conferência. Se analisarmos as temáticas, abordadas nas quatro conferências, percebemos que também aqui há uma evolução no sentido de uma maior maturidade. Enquanto que no primeiro encontro, os trabalhos abordavam problemas emergentes na utilização da tecnologia, no segundo encontro a grande incidência foi nos Web Services, uma nova tecnologia baseada em XML, no terceiro, a maior incidência foi na construção de repositórios, motores de pesquisa e linguagens de interrogação, nesta quarta edição há uma distribuição quase homogénea por todas as áreas temáticas tendo mesmo aparecido trabalhos que abordam aspectos científicos e tecnológicos da base da tecnologia XML. Desta forma, podemos concluir que a tecnologia sob o ponto de vista de utilização e aplicação está dominada e que a comunidade portuguesa começa a fazer contributos para a ciência de base.Microsoft