1,500,819 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Analysing the Temporal Structure of Discourse

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    We describe a method for analysing the temporal structure of a discourse which takes into account the effects of tense, aspect, temporal adverbials and rhetorical structure and which minimises unnecessary ambiguity in the temporal structure. It is part of a discourse grammar implemented in Carpenter's ALE formalism. The method for building up the temporal structure of the discourse combines constraints and preferences: we use constraints to reduce the number of possible structures, exploiting the HPSG type hierarchy and unification for this purpose; and we apply preferences to choose between the remaining options using a temporal centering mechanism. We end by recommending that an underspecified representation of the structure using these techniques be used to avoid generating the temporal/rhetorical structure until higher-level information can be used to disambiguate.Comment: EACL '95, 8 pages, 1 eps picture, tar-ed, compressed, uuencoded, uses eaclap.sty, a4wide.sty, epsf.te

    Pauses and the temporal structure of speech

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    Natural-sounding speech synthesis requires close control over the temporal structure of the speech flow. This includes a full predictive scheme for the durational structure and in particuliar the prolongation of final syllables of lexemes as well as for the pausal structure in the utterance. In this chapter, a description of the temporal structure and the summary of the numerous factors that modify it are presented. In the second part, predictive schemes for the temporal structure of speech ("performance structures") are introduced, and their potential for characterising the overall prosodic structure of speech is demonstrated

    The temporal structure of urban soundscapes

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    Exploring Temporal Networks with Greedy Walks

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    Temporal networks come with a wide variety of heterogeneities, from burstiness of event sequences to correlations between timings of node and link activations. In this paper, we set to explore the latter by using greedy walks as probes of temporal network structure. Given a temporal network (a sequence of contacts), greedy walks proceed from node to node by always following the first available contact. Because of this, their structure is particularly sensitive to temporal-topological patterns involving repeated contacts between sets of nodes. This becomes evident in their small coverage per step as compared to a temporal reference model -- in empirical temporal networks, greedy walks often get stuck within small sets of nodes because of correlated contact patterns. While this may also happen in static networks that have pronounced community structure, the use of the temporal reference model takes the underlying static network structure out of the equation and indicates that there is a purely temporal reason for the observations. Further analysis of the structure of greedy walks indicates that burst trains, sequences of repeated contacts between node pairs, are the dominant factor. However, there are larger patterns too, as shown with non-backtracking greedy walks. We proceed further to study the entropy rates of greedy walks, and show that the sequences of visited nodes are more structured and predictable in original data as compared to temporally uncorrelated references. Taken together, these results indicate a richness of correlated temporal-topological patterns in temporal networks

    Mathematical structure of the temporal gauge

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    The mathematical structure of the temporal gauge of QED is critically examined in both the alternative formulations characterized by either positivity or regularity of the Weyl algebra. The conflict between time translation invariance and Gauss law constraint is shown to lead to peculiar features. In the positive case only the correlations of exponentials of fields exist (non regularity), the space translations are not strongly continuous, so that their generators do not exist, a theta vacuum degeneracy occurs, associated to a spontaneous symmetry breaking. In the indefinite case the spectral condition only holds in terms of positivity of the energy, gauge invariant theta-vacua exist on the observables, with no extension to time translation invariant states on the field algebra, the vacuum is faithful on the longitudinal algebra and a KMS structure emerges. Functional integral representations are derived in both cases, with the alternative between ergodic measures on real random fields or complex Gaussian random fields.Comment: Late

    Describing Videos by Exploiting Temporal Structure

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    Recent progress in using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for image description has motivated the exploration of their application for video description. However, while images are static, working with videos requires modeling their dynamic temporal structure and then properly integrating that information into a natural language description. In this context, we propose an approach that successfully takes into account both the local and global temporal structure of videos to produce descriptions. First, our approach incorporates a spatial temporal 3-D convolutional neural network (3-D CNN) representation of the short temporal dynamics. The 3-D CNN representation is trained on video action recognition tasks, so as to produce a representation that is tuned to human motion and behavior. Second we propose a temporal attention mechanism that allows to go beyond local temporal modeling and learns to automatically select the most relevant temporal segments given the text-generating RNN. Our approach exceeds the current state-of-art for both BLEU and METEOR metrics on the Youtube2Text dataset. We also present results on a new, larger and more challenging dataset of paired video and natural language descriptions.Comment: Accepted to ICCV15. This version comes with code release and supplementary materia

    Detecting the community structure and activity patterns of temporal networks: a non-negative tensor factorization approach

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    The increasing availability of temporal network data is calling for more research on extracting and characterizing mesoscopic structures in temporal networks and on relating such structure to specific functions or properties of the system. An outstanding challenge is the extension of the results achieved for static networks to time-varying networks, where the topological structure of the system and the temporal activity patterns of its components are intertwined. Here we investigate the use of a latent factor decomposition technique, non-negative tensor factorization, to extract the community-activity structure of temporal networks. The method is intrinsically temporal and allows to simultaneously identify communities and to track their activity over time. We represent the time-varying adjacency matrix of a temporal network as a three-way tensor and approximate this tensor as a sum of terms that can be interpreted as communities of nodes with an associated activity time series. We summarize known computational techniques for tensor decomposition and discuss some quality metrics that can be used to tune the complexity of the factorized representation. We subsequently apply tensor factorization to a temporal network for which a ground truth is available for both the community structure and the temporal activity patterns. The data we use describe the social interactions of students in a school, the associations between students and school classes, and the spatio-temporal trajectories of students over time. We show that non-negative tensor factorization is capable of recovering the class structure with high accuracy. In particular, the extracted tensor components can be validated either as known school classes, or in terms of correlated activity patterns, i.e., of spatial and temporal coincidences that are determined by the known school activity schedule

    VideoGraph: Recognizing Minutes-Long Human Activities in Videos

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    Many human activities take minutes to unfold. To represent them, related works opt for statistical pooling, which neglects the temporal structure. Others opt for convolutional methods, as CNN and Non-Local. While successful in learning temporal concepts, they are short of modeling minutes-long temporal dependencies. We propose VideoGraph, a method to achieve the best of two worlds: represent minutes-long human activities and learn their underlying temporal structure. VideoGraph learns a graph-based representation for human activities. The graph, its nodes and edges are learned entirely from video datasets, making VideoGraph applicable to problems without node-level annotation. The result is improvements over related works on benchmarks: Epic-Kitchen and Breakfast. Besides, we demonstrate that VideoGraph is able to learn the temporal structure of human activities in minutes-long videos

    Time as a guide to cause

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    How do people learn causal structure? In two studies we investigated the interplay between temporal order, intervention and covariational cues. In Study 1 temporal order overrode covariation information, leading to spurious causal inferences when the temporal cues were misleading. In Study 2 both temporal order and intervention contributed to accurate causal inference, well beyond that achievable through covariational data alone. Together the studies show that people use both temporal order and interventional cues to infer causal structure, and that these cues dominate the available statistical information. We endorse a hypothesis-driven account of learning, whereby people use cues such as temporal order to generate initial models, and then test these models against the incoming covariational data
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