197 research outputs found

    Optimal Planning Modulo Theories

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    Planning for real-world applications requires algorithms and tools with the ability to handle the complexity such scenarios entail. However, meeting the needs of such applications poses substantial challenges, both representational and algorithmic. On the one hand, expressive languages are needed to build faithful models. On the other hand, efficient solving techniques that can support these languages need to be devised. A response to this challenge is underway, and the past few years witnessed a community effort towards more expressive languages, including decidable fragments of first-order theories. In this work we focus on planning with arithmetic theories and propose Optimal Planning Modulo Theories, a framework that attempts to provide efficient means of dealing with such problems. Leveraging generic Optimization Modulo Theories (OMT) solvers, we first present domain-specific encodings for optimal planning in complex logistic domains. We then present a more general, domain- independent formulation that allows to extend OMT planning to a broader class of well-studied numeric problems in planning. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time OMT procedures are employed in domain-independent planning

    CASP Solutions for Planning in Hybrid Domains

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    CASP is an extension of ASP that allows for numerical constraints to be added in the rules. PDDL+ is an extension of the PDDL standard language of automated planning for modeling mixed discrete-continuous dynamics. In this paper, we present CASP solutions for dealing with PDDL+ problems, i.e., encoding from PDDL+ to CASP, and extensions to the algorithm of the EZCSP CASP solver in order to solve CASP programs arising from PDDL+ domains. An experimental analysis, performed on well-known linear and non-linear variants of PDDL+ domains, involving various configurations of the EZCSP solver, other CASP solvers, and PDDL+ planners, shows the viability of our solution.Comment: Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Incrementally Computing Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores of QBFs via a Clause Group Solver API

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    We consider the incremental computation of minimal unsatisfiable cores (MUCs) of QBFs. To this end, we equipped our incremental QBF solver DepQBF with a novel API to allow for incremental solving based on clause groups. A clause group is a set of clauses which is incrementally added to or removed from a previously solved QBF. Our implementation of the novel API is related to incremental SAT solving based on selector variables and assumptions. However, the API entirely hides selector variables and assumptions from the user, which facilitates the integration of DepQBF in other tools. We present implementation details and, for the first time, report on experiments related to the computation of MUCs of QBFs using DepQBF's novel clause group API.Comment: (fixed typo), camera-ready version, 6-page tool paper, to appear in proceedings of SAT 2015, LNCS, Springe

    Conformant Planning as a Case Study of Incremental QBF Solving

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    We consider planning with uncertainty in the initial state as a case study of incremental quantified Boolean formula (QBF) solving. We report on experiments with a workflow to incrementally encode a planning instance into a sequence of QBFs. To solve this sequence of incrementally constructed QBFs, we use our general-purpose incremental QBF solver DepQBF. Since the generated QBFs have many clauses and variables in common, our approach avoids redundancy both in the encoding phase and in the solving phase. Experimental results show that incremental QBF solving outperforms non-incremental QBF solving. Our results are the first empirical study of incremental QBF solving in the context of planning and motivate its use in other application domains.Comment: added reference to extended journal article; revision (camera-ready, to appear in the proceedings of AISC 2014, volume 8884 of LNAI, Springer

    Incremental bounded model checking for embedded software

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    Program analysis is on the brink of mainstream usage in embedded systems development. Formal verification of behavioural requirements, finding runtime errors and test case generation are some of the most common applications of automated verification tools based on bounded model checking (BMC). Existing industrial tools for embedded software use an off-the-shelf bounded model checker and apply it iteratively to verify the program with an increasing number of unwindings. This approach unnecessarily wastes time repeating work that has already been done and fails to exploit the power of incremental SAT solving. This article reports on the extension of the software model checker CBMC to support incremental BMC and its successful integration with the industrial embedded software verification tool BTC EMBEDDED TESTER. We present an extensive evaluation over large industrial embedded programs, mainly from the automotive industry. We show that incremental BMC cuts runtimes by one order of magnitude in comparison to the standard non-incremental approach, enabling the application of formal verification to large and complex embedded software. We furthermore report promising results on analysing programs with arbitrary loop structure using incremental BMC, demonstrating its applicability and potential to verify general software beyond the embedded domain

    Efficient symbolic model checking of concurrent systems

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    Design errors in software systems consisting of concurrent components are potentially disastrous, yet notoriously difficult to find by testing. Therefore, more rigorous analysis methods are gaining popularity. Symbolic model checking techniques are based on modeling the behavior of the system as a formula and reducing the analysis problem to symbolic manipulation of formulas by computational tools. In this work, the aim is to make symbolic model checking, in particular bounded model checking, more efficient for verifying and falsifying safety properties of highly concurrent system models with high-level data features. The contributions of this thesis are divided to four topics. The first topic is symbolic model checking of UML state machine models. UML is a language widely used in the industry for modeling software-intensive systems. The contribution is an accurate semantics for a subset of the UML state machine language and an automatic translation to formulas, enabling symbolic UML model checking. The second topic is bounded model checking of systems with queues. Queues are frequently used to model, for example, message buffers in distributed systems. The contribution is a variety of ways to encode the behavior of queues in formulas that exploit the features of modern SMT solver tools. The third topic is symbolic partial order methods for accelerated model checking. By exploiting the inherent independence of the components of a concurrent system, the executions of the system are compressed by allowing several actions in different components to occur at the same time. Making the executions shorter increases the performance of bounded model checking. The contribution includes three alternative partial order semantics for compressing the executions, with analytic and experimental evaluation. The work also presents a new variant of bounded model checking that is based on a concurrent instead of sequential view of the events that constitute an execution. The fourth topic is efficient computation of predicate abstraction. Predicate abstraction is a key technique for scalable model checking, based on replacing the system model by a simpler abstract model that omits irrelevant details. In practice, constructing the abstract model can be computationally expensive. The contribution is a combination of techniques that exploit the structure of the underlying system to partition the problem into a sequence of cheaper abstraction problems, thus reducing the total complexity

    Temporal and Resource Controllability of Workflows Under Uncertainty

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    Workflow technology has long been employed for the modeling, validation and execution of business processes. A workflow is a formal description of a business process in which single atomic work units (tasks), organized in a partial order, are assigned to processing entities (agents) in order to achieve some business goal(s). Workflows can also employ workflow paths (projections with respect to a total truth value assignment to the Boolean variables associated to the conditional split connectors) in order (not) to execute a subset of tasks. A workflow management system coordinates the execution of tasks that are part of workflow instances such that all relevant constraints are eventually satisfied. Temporal workflows specify business processes subject to temporal constraints such as controllable or uncontrollable durations, delays and deadlines. The choice of a workflow path may be controllable or not, considered either in isolation or in combination with uncontrollable durations. Access controlled workflows specify workflows in which users are authorized for task executions and authorization constraints say which users remain authorized to execute which tasks depending on who did what. Access controlled workflows may consider workflow paths too other than the uncertain availability of resources (users, throughout this thesis). When either a task duration or the choice of the workflow path to take or the availability of a user is out of control, we need to verify that the workflow can be executed by verifying all constraints for any possible combination of behaviors arising from the uncontrollable parts. Indeed, users might be absent before starting the execution (static resiliency), they can also become so during execution (decremental resiliency) or they can come and go throughout the execution (dynamic resiliency). Temporal access controlled workflows merge the two previous formalisms by considering several kinds of uncontrollable parts simultaneously. Authorization constraints may be extended to support conditional and temporal features. A few years ago some proposals addressed the temporal controllability of workflows by encoding them into temporal networks to exploit "off-the-shelf" controllability checking algorithms available for them. However, those proposals fail to address temporal controllability where the controllable and uncontrollable choices of workflow paths may mutually influence one another. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge, controllability of access controlled workflows subject to uncontrollable workflow paths and algorithms to validate and execute dynamically resilient workflows remain unexplored. To overcome these limitations, this thesis goes for exact algorithms by addressing temporal and resource controllability of workflows under uncertainty. I provide several new classes of (temporal) constraint networks and corresponding algorithms to check their controllability. After that, I encode workflows into these new formalisms. I also provide an encoding into instantaneous timed games to model static, decremental and dynamic resiliency and synthesize memoryless execution strategies. I developed a few tools with which I carried out some initial experimental evaluations