9 research outputs found

    Equivalence-based Security for Querying Encrypted Databases: Theory and Application to Privacy Policy Audits

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    Motivated by the problem of simultaneously preserving confidentiality and usability of data outsourced to third-party clouds, we present two different database encryption schemes that largely hide data but reveal enough information to support a wide-range of relational queries. We provide a security definition for database encryption that captures confidentiality based on a notion of equivalence of databases from the adversary's perspective. As a specific application, we adapt an existing algorithm for finding violations of privacy policies to run on logs encrypted under our schemes and observe low to moderate overheads.Comment: CCS 2015 paper technical report, in progres

    Temporal Mode-Checking for Runtime Monitoring of Privacy Policies

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    Securing Medical Devices and Protecting Patient Privacy in the Technological Age of Healthcare

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    The healthcare industry has been adopting technology at an astonishing rate. This technology has served to increase the efficiency and decrease the cost of healthcare around the country. While technological adoption has undoubtedly improved the quality of healthcare, it also has brought new security and privacy challenges to the industry that healthcare IT manufacturers are not necessarily fully prepared to address. This dissertation explores some of these challenges in detail and proposes solutions that will make medical devices more secure and medical data more private. Compared to other industries the medical space has some unique challenges that add significant constraints on possible solutions to problems. For example, medical devices must operate reliably even in the face of attack. Similarly, due to the need to access patient records in an emergency, strict enforcement of access controls cannot be used to prevent unauthorized access to patient data. Throughout this work we will explore particular problems in depth and introduce novel technologies to address them. Each chapter in this dissertation explores some aspect of security or privacy in the medical space. We present tools to automatically audit accesses in electronic medical record systems in order to proactively detect privacy violations; to automatically fingerprint network-facing protocols in order to non-invasively determine if particular devices are vulnerable to known attacks; and to authenticate healthcare providers to medical devices without a need for a password in a way that protects against all known attacks present in radio-based authentication technologies. We also present an extension to the widely-used beacon protocol in order to add security in the face of active attackers; and we demonstrate an overhead-free solution to protect embedded medical devices against previously unpreventable attacks that evade existing control- flow integrity enforcement techniques by leveraging insecure built-in features in order to maliciously exploit configuration vulnerabilities in devices

    Design and Analysis of Mobile Operating System Security Architecture using Formal Methods

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    The Android operating system (OS) is now used in the majority of mobile devices. Hence, Android security is an important issue to handle. In this work, we tackle the problem using two separate approaches: directly modifying Android OS and developed a framework to provide a guarantee of non-interference. Firstly, we present a design and an implementation of a security policy specifi- cation language based on metric linear-time temporal logic (MTL) to specify timing- dependent security policies. The design of the language is driven by the problem of runtime monitoring of applications in mobile devices. A main case of the study is the privilege escalation attack in the Android OS, where an unprivileged app gains ac- cess to privileged resource or functionalities through indirect flow. To capture these attacks, we extend MTL with recursive definitions to express call chains between apps. We then show how our language design can be used to specify policies to detect privilege escalation under various fine-grained constraints. We present a new algorithm for monitoring safety policies written in our specification language. The monitor does not need to store the entire history of events generated by the apps. We modified the Android OS kernel to allow us to insert our generated monitors mod- ularly. We have tested the modified OS (LogicDroid) on an actual device, and show that it is effective in detecting policy violations. Furthermore, LogicDroid is able to prevent a previously unknown exploit to breach Android security which allows an unprivileged application to access certain critical and privileged functionalities of an Android phone, such as making phone calls, terminating phone calls, and sending SMS, without having to ask any permissions to do so. Subsequently, we provided a framework to ensure non-interference properties of DEX bytecode. Each application in Android runs in an instance of the Dalvik virtual machine, which is a register-based virtual machine (VM). Most applications for Android are developed using Java, compiled to Java bytecode and further into DEX bytecode. Following a methodology that has been developed for Java byte- code certification by Barthe et al., we developed a type-based method for certifying non-interference property of a DEX program. To this end, we develop a formal oper- ational semantics of the Dalvik VM, a type system for DEX bytecode, and prove the soundness of the type system with respect to a notion of non-interference. We have also formalized the proof of a subset of DEX in Coq for an additional guarantee that our proof is correct. We then study the translation process from Java bytecode to DEX bytecode, as implemented in the dx tool in the Android SDK. We show that an abstracted version of the translation from Java bytecode to DEX bytecode preserves the non-interference property. More precisely, we show that if the Java bytecode is typable in Barthe et al.’s type system, then its translation is typable in our type system. This result opens up the possibility to leverage existing bytecode verifiers for Java to certify non-interference properties of Android bytecode

    Temporal Mode-Checking for Runtime Monitoring of Privacy Policies (CMU-CyLab-14-005)

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    <p>Fragments of first-order temporal logic are useful for representing many practical privacy and security policies. Past work has proposed two strategies for checking event trace (audit log) compliance with policies: online monitoring and offline audit. Although online monitoring is space- and time-efficient, existing techniques insist that satisfying instances of all subformulas of the policy be amenable to caching, which limits expressiveness when some subformulas have infinite support. In contrast, offline audit is brute force and can handle more policies but is not as efficient. This paper proposes a new online monitoring algorithm that caches satisfying instances when it can, and falls back to the brute force search when it cannot. Our key technical insight is a new flow- and time-sensitive static check of variable groundedness, called the temporal mode check, which determines subformulas for which such caching is feasible and those for which it is not and, hence, guides our algorithm. We prove the correctness of our algorithm and evaluate its performance over synthetic traces and realistic policies.</p