266,351 research outputs found

    Long-range temporal correlations in scale-free neuromorphic networks

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    © 2020 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Biological neuronal networks are the computing engines of the mammalian brain. These networks exhibit structural characteristics such as hierarchical architectures, small-world attributes, and scale-free topologies, providing the basis for the emergence of rich temporal characteristics such as scale-free dynamics and long-range temporal correlations. Devices that have both the topological and the temporal features of a neuronal network would be a significant step toward constructing a neuromorphic system that can emulate the computational ability and energy efficiency of the human brain. Here we use numerical simulations to show that percolating networks of nanoparticles exhibit structural properties that are reminiscent of biological neuronal networks, and then show experimentally that stimulation of percolating networks by an external voltage stimulus produces temporal dynamics that are self-similar, follow power-law scaling, and exhibit long-range temporal correlations. These results are expected to have important implications for the development of neuromorphic devices, especially for those based on the concept of reservoir computing

    Static Pairwise Annihilation in Complex Networks

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    We study static annihilation on complex networks, in which pairs of connected particles annihilate at a constant rate during time. Through a mean-field formalism, we compute the temporal evolution of the distribution of surviving sites with an arbitrary number of connections. This general formalism, which is exact for disordered networks, is applied to Kronecker, Erd\"os-R\'enyi (i.e. Poisson) and scale-free networks. We compare our theoretical results with extensive numerical simulations obtaining excellent agreement. Although the mean-field approach applies in an exact way neither to ordered lattices nor to small-world networks, it qualitatively describes the annihilation dynamics in such structures. Our results indicate that the higher the connectivity of a given network element, the faster it annihilates. This fact has dramatic consequences in scale-free networks, for which, once the ``hubs'' have been annihilated, the network disintegrates and only isolated sites are left.Comment: 7 Figures, 10 page

    Interplay between functional connectivity and scale-free dynamics in intrinsic fMRI networks

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    International audienceStudies employing functional connectivity-type analyses have established that sponta-neous fluctuations in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals are orga-nized within large-scale brain networks. Meanwhile, fMRI signals have been shown to exhibit 1/f-type power spectra – a hallmark of scale-free dynamics. We studied the interplay between functional connectivity and scale-free dynamics in fMRI signals, utilizing the fractal connectivity framework – a multivariate extension of the univari-ate fractional Gaussian noise model, which relies on a wavelet formulation for robust parameter estimation. We applied this framework to fMRI data acquired from healthy young adults at rest and performing a visual detection task. First, we found that scale-invariance existed beyond univariate dynamics, being present also in bivariate cross-temporal dynamics. Second, we observed that frequencies within the scale-free range do not contribute evenly to inter-regional connectivity, with a systematically stronger contribution of the lowest frequencies, both at rest and during task. Third, in addition to a decrease of the Hurst exponent and inter-regional correlations, task performance modified cross-temporal dynamics, inducing a larger contribution of the highest fre-quencies within the scale-free range to global correlation. Lastly, we found that across individuals, a weaker task modulation of the frequency contribution to inter-regional Rev.#1, Q

    Inter-arrival times of message propagation on directed networks

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    One of the challenges in fighting cybercrime is to understand the dynamics of message propagation on botnets, networks of infected computers used to send viruses, unsolicited commercial emails (SPAM) or denial of service attacks. We map this problem to the propagation of multiple random walkers on directed networks and we evaluate the inter-arrival time distribution between successive walkers arriving at a target. We show that the temporal organization of this process, which models information propagation on unstructured peer to peer networks, has the same features as SPAM arriving to a single user. We study the behavior of the message inter-arrival time distribution on three different network topologies using two different rules for sending messages. In all networks the propagation is not a pure Poisson process. It shows universal features on Poissonian networks and a more complex behavior on scale free networks. Results open the possibility to indirectly learn about the process of sending messages on networks with unknown topologies, by studying inter-arrival times at any node of the network.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Identification of criticality in neuronal avalanches: II. A theoretical and empirical investigation of the Driven case

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    The observation of apparent power laws in neuronal systems has led to the suggestion that the brain is at, or close to, a critical state and may be a self-organised critical system. Within the framework of self-organised criticality a separation of timescales is thought to be crucial for the observation of power-law dynamics and computational models are often constructed with this property. However, this is not necessarily a characteristic of physiological neural networks—external input does not only occur when the network is at rest/a steady state. In this paper we study a simple neuronal network model driven by a continuous external input (i.e. the model does not have an explicit separation of timescales from seeding the system only when in the quiescent state) and analytically tuned to operate in the region of a critical state (it reaches the critical regime exactly in the absence of input—the case studied in the companion paper to this article). The system displays avalanche dynamics in the form of cascades of neuronal firing separated by periods of silence. We observe partial scale-free behaviour in the distribution of avalanche size for low levels of external input. We analytically derive the distributions of waiting times and investigate their temporal behaviour in relation to different levels of external input, showing that the system’s dynamics can exhibit partial long-range temporal correlations. We further show that as the system approaches the critical state by two alternative ‘routes’, different markers of criticality (partial scale-free behaviour and long-range temporal correlations) are displayed. This suggests that signatures of criticality exhibited by a particular system in close proximity to a critical state are dependent on the region in parameter space at which the system (currently) resides

    Transport on complex networks: Flow, jamming and optimization

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    Many transport processes on networks depend crucially on the underlying network geometry, although the exact relationship between the structure of the network and the properties of transport processes remain elusive. In this paper we address this question by using numerical models in which both structure and dynamics are controlled systematically. We consider the traffic of information packets that include driving, searching and queuing. We present the results of extensive simulations on two classes of networks; a correlated cyclic scale-free network and an uncorrelated homogeneous weakly clustered network. By measuring different dynamical variables in the free flow regime we show how the global statistical properties of the transport are related to the temporal fluctuations at individual nodes (the traffic noise) and the links (the traffic flow). We then demonstrate that these two network classes appear as representative topologies for optimal traffic flow in the regimes of low density and high density traffic, respectively. We also determine statistical indicators of the pre-jamming regime on different network geometries and discuss the role of queuing and dynamical betweenness for the traffic congestion. The transition to the jammed traffic regime at a critical posting rate on different network topologies is studied as a phase transition with an appropriate order parameter. We also address several open theoretical problems related to the network dynamics

    NeMO-Net The Neural Multi-Modal Observation & Training Network for Global Coral Reef Assessment

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    We present NeMO-Net, the Srst open-source deep convolutional neural network (CNN) and interactive learning and training software aimed at assessing the present and past dynamics of coral reef ecosystems through habitat mapping into 10 biological and physical classes. Shallow marine systems, particularly coral reefs, are under significant pressures due to climate change, ocean acidification, and other anthropogenic pressures, leading to rapid, often devastating changes, in these fragile and diverse ecosystems. Historically, remote sensing of shallow marine habitats has been limited to meter-scale imagery due to the optical effects of ocean wave distortion, refraction, and optical attenuation. NeMO-Net combines 3D cm-scale distortion-free imagery captured using NASA FluidCam and Fluid lensing remote sensing technology with low resolution airborne and spaceborne datasets of varying spatial resolutions, spectral spaces, calibrations, and temporal cadence in a supercomputer-based machine learning framework. NeMO-Net augments and improves the benthic habitat classification accuracy of low-resolution datasets across large geographic ad temporal scales using high-resolution training data from FluidCam.NeMO-Net uses fully convolutional networks based upon ResNet and ReSneNet to perform semantic segmentation of remote sensing imagery of shallow marine systems captured by drones, aircraft, and satellites, including WorldView and Sentinel. Deep Laplacian Pyramid Super-Resolution Networks (LapSRN) alongside Domain Adversarial Neural Networks (DANNs) are used to reconstruct high resolution information from low resolution imagery, and to recognize domain-invariant features across datasets from multiple platforms to achieve high classification accuracies, overcoming inter-sensor spatial, spectral and temporal variations.Finally, we share our online active learning and citizen science platform, which allows users to provide interactive training data for NeMO-Net in 2D and 3D, integrated within a deep learning framework. We present results from the PaciSc Islands including Fiji, Guam and Peros Banhos 1 1 2 1 3 1 where 24-class classification accuracy exceeds 91%