46 research outputs found

    Determining Language Lateralization in the Brain during Passive Speech Listening and Verb Generation Using fNIRS

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    Language lateralization has been investigated in various scenarios using diverse methods such as the Wada test, fMRI, and fNIRS. Among these methods, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) has gained popularity in neuroscience research over the past four decades. In this thesis, fNIRS was employed to examine language lateralization during passive speech listening and verb generation tasks, aiming to explore potential correlations between the two. The findings of this study revealed a strong association of language lateralization between these tasks. However, the observed laterality index and the impact of task and control conditions were inconsis- tent with previous studies. These results shed light on the complexities of language lateralization and emphasize the need for further investigation and refinement of the implementation of fNIRS

    Optimizing spatial specificity and signal quality in fNIRS: an overview of potential challenges and possible options for improving the reliability of real-time applications

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    The optical brain imaging method functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a promising tool for real-time applications such as neurofeedback and brain-computer interfaces. Its combination of spatial specificity and mobility makes it particularly attractive for clinical use, both at the bedside and in patients' homes. Despite these advantages, optimizing fNIRS for real-time use requires careful attention to two key aspects: ensuring good spatial specificity and maintaining high signal quality. While fNIRS detects superficial cortical brain regions, consistently and reliably targeting specific regions of interest can be challenging, particularly in studies that require repeated measurements. Variations in cap placement coupled with limited anatomical information may further reduce this accuracy. Furthermore, it is important to maintain good signal quality in real-time contexts to ensure that they reflect the true underlying brain activity. However, fNIRS signals are susceptible to contamination by cerebral and extracerebral systemic noise as well as motion artifacts. Insufficient real-time preprocessing can therefore cause the system to run on noise instead of brain activity. The aim of this review article is to help advance the progress of fNIRS-based real-time applications. It highlights the potential challenges in improving spatial specificity and signal quality, discusses possible options to overcome these challenges, and addresses further considerations relevant to real-time applications. By addressing these topics, the article aims to help improve the planning and execution of future real-time studies, thereby increasing their reliability and repeatability

    Separating Signal from Noise in High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography

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    High-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT) is a relatively new neuroimaging technique that detects the changes in hemoglobin concentrations following neuronal activity through the measurement of near-infrared light intensities. Thus, it has the potential to be a surrogate for functional MRI (fMRI) as a more naturalistic, portable, and cost-effective neuroimaging system. As in other neuroimaging modalities, head motion is the most common source of noise in HD-DOT data that results in spurious effects in the functional brain images. Unlike other neuroimaging modalities, data quality assessment methods are still underdeveloped for HD-DOT. Therefore, developing robust motion detection and motion removal methods in its data processing pipeline is a crucial step for making HD-DOT a reliable neuroimaging modality. In particular, our lab is interested in using HD-DOT to study the brain function in clinical populations with metal implants that cannot be studied using fMRI due to their contraindications. Two of these populations are patients having movement disorders (Parkinson Disease or essential tremor) with deep brain stimulation (DBS) implants and individuals with cochlear implants (CI). These two groups both receive tremendous benefit from their implants at the statistical level; however, there is significant single-subject variability. Our overarching goal is to use HD-DOT to find the relationships between the neuronal function and the behavioral measures in these populations to optimize the contact location of these implant surgeries. However, one of the challenges in analyzing the data in these subjects, especially in patients with DBS, is their high levels of motion due to tremors when their DBS implant is turned off. This further motivates the importance of the methods presented herein for separating signal from noise in HD-DOT data. To this end, I will first assess the efficacy of state-of-the-art motion correction methods introduced in the fNIRS literature for HD-DOT. Then, I will present a novel global metric inspired by motion detection methods in fMRI called GVTD (global variance of the temporal derivatives). Our results show that GVTD-based motion detection not only outperforms other comparable motion detection methods in fNIRS, but also outperforms motion detection with accelerometers. I will then present my work on collecting and processing HD-DOT data for two clinical populations with metal implants in their brain and the preliminary results for these studies. Our results in PD patients show that HD-DOT can reliably map neuronal activity in this group and replicate previously published results using PET and fMRI. Our results in the CI users provide evidence for the recruitment of the prefrontal cortex in processing speech to compensate for the decreased activity in the temporal cortex. These findings support the theory of cognitive demand increase in effortful listening situations. In summary, the presented methods for separating signal from noise enable direct comparisons of HD-DOT images with those of fMRI in clinical populations with metal implants and equip this modality to be used as a surrogate for fMRI

    Impact of Anatomical Variability on Sensitivity Profile in fNIRS-MRI Integration

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    Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is an important non-invasive technique used to monitor cortical activity. However, a varying sensitivity of surface channels vs. cortical structures may suggest integrating the fNIRS with the subject-specific anatomy (SSA) obtained from routine MRI. Actual processing tools permit the computation of the SSA forward problem (i.e., cortex to channel sensitivity) and next, a regularized solution of the inverse problem to map the fNIRS signals onto the cortex. The focus of this study is on the analysis of the forward problem to quantify the effect of inter-subject variability. Thirteen young adults (six males, seven females, age 29.3 +/- 4.3) underwent both an MRI scan and a motor grasping task with a continuous wave fNIRS system of 102 measurement channels with optodes placed according to a 10/5 system. The fNIRS sensitivity profile was estimated using Monte Carlo simulations on each SSA and on three major atlases (i.e., Colin27, ICBM152 and FSAverage) for comparison. In each SSA, the average sensitivity curves were obtained by aligning the 102 channels and segmenting them by depth quartiles. The first quartile (depth < 11.8 (0.7) mm, median (IQR)) covered 0.391 (0.087)% of the total sensitivity profile, while the second one (depth < 13.6 (0.7) mm) covered 0.292 (0.009)%, hence indicating that about 70% of the signal was from the gyri. The sensitivity bell-shape was broad in the source-detector direction (20.953 (5.379) mm FWHM, first depth quartile) and steeper in the transversal one (6.082 (2.086) mm). The sensitivity of channels vs. different cortical areas based on SSA were analyzed finding high dispersions among subjects and large differences with atlas-based evaluations. Moreover, the inverse cortical mapping for the grasping task showed differences between SSA and atlas based solutions. In conclusion, integration with MRI SSA can significantly improve fNIRS interpretation

    Acute effects of subanesthetic ketamine on cerebrovascular hemodynamics in humans: A TD-fNIRS neuroimaging study

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    Quantifying neural activity in natural conditions (i.e. conditions comparable to the standard clinical patient experience) during the administration of psychedelics may further our scientific understanding of the effects and mechanisms of action. This data may facilitate the discovery of novel biomarkers enabling more personalized treatments and improved patient outcomes. In this single-blind, placebo-controlled study with a non-randomized design, we use time-domain functional near-infrared spectroscopy (TD-fNIRS) to measure acute brain dynamics after intramuscular subanesthetic ketamine (0.75 mg/kg) and placebo (saline) administration in healthy participants (n= 15, 8 females, 7 males, age 32.4 ± 7.5 years) in a clinical setting. We found that the ketamine administration caused an altered state of consciousness and changes in systemic physiology (e.g. increase in pulse rate and electrodermal activity). Furthermore, ketamine led to a brain-wide reduction in the fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (fALFF), and a decrease in the global brain connectivity of the prefrontal region. Lastly, we provide preliminary evidence that a combination of neural and physiological metrics may serve as predictors of subjective mystical experiences and reductions in depressive symptomatology. Overall, our studies demonstrated the successful application of fNIRS neuroimaging to study the physiological effects of the psychoactive substance ketamine and can be regarded as an important step toward larger scale clinical fNIRS studies that can quantify the impact of psychedelics on the brain in standard clinical settings

    Decoding Working-Memory Load During n-Back Task Performance from High Channel NIRS Data

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    Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can measure neural activity through blood oxygenation changes in the brain in a wearable form factor, enabling unique applications for research in and outside the lab. NIRS has proven capable of measuring cognitive states such as mental workload, often using machine learning (ML) based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). To date, NIRS research has largely relied on probes with under ten to several hundred channels, although recently a new class of wearable NIRS devices with thousands of channels has emerged. This poses unique challenges for ML classification, as NIRS is typically limited by few training trials which results in severely under-determined estimation problems. So far, it is not well understood how such high-resolution data is best leveraged in practical BCIs and whether state-of-the-art (SotA) or better performance can be achieved. To address these questions, we propose an ML strategy to classify working-memory load that relies on spatio-temporal regularization and transfer learning from other subjects in a combination that has not been used in previous NIRS BCIs. The approach can be interpreted as an end-to-end generalized linear model and allows for a high degree of interpretability using channel-level or cortical imaging approaches. We show that using the proposed methodology, it is possible to achieve SotA decoding performance with high-resolution NIRS data. We also replicated several SotA approaches on our dataset of 43 participants wearing a 3198 dual-channel NIRS device while performing the n-Back task and show that these existing methods struggle in the high-channel regime and are largely outperformed by the proposed method. Our approach helps establish high-channel NIRS devices as a viable platform for SotA BCI and opens new applications using this class of headset while also enabling high-resolution model imaging and interpretation.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures. Under revie

    Adversity is linked with decreased parent-child behavioral and neural synchrony

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    Parent-child synchrony-parent-child interaction patterns characterized by contingent social responding, mutual responsivity, and co-regulation-has been robustly associated with adaptive child outcomes. Synchrony has been investigated in both behavioral and biological frameworks. While it has been demonstrated that adversity can influence behavioral parent-child synchrony, the neural mechanisms by which this disruption occurs are understudied. The current study examined the association between adversity, parent-child behavioral synchrony, and parent-child neural synchrony across lateral prefrontal cortical regions using functional near-infrared spectroscopy hyperscanning during a parent-child interaction task that included a mild stress induction followed by a recovery period. Participants included 115 children (ages 4-5) and their primary caregivers. Parent-child behavioral synchrony was quantified as the amount time the dyad was synchronous (e.g., reciprocal communication, coordinated behaviors) during the interaction task. Parent-child neural synchrony was examined as the hemodynamic concordance between parent and child lateral PFC activation. Adversity was examined across two, empirically-derived domains: sociodemographic risk (e.g., family income) and familial risk (e.g., household chaos). Adversity, across domains, was associated with decreased parent-child behavioral synchrony across task conditions. Sociodemographic risk was associated with decreased parent-child neural synchrony in the context of experimentally-induced stress. These findings link adversity to decreased parent-child behavioral and neural synchrony

    Explainable Exploration of the Interplay between HRV Features and EEG Local Connectivity Patterns in Dyslexia.

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    Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a measure of the variation in time between successive heartbeats, reflecting the influence of the au- tonomic nervous system on the heart. It can provide insights into the bal- ance between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. The relation- ship between autonomic nervous system function, specifically parasym- pathetic activity, and certain learning disorders, including dyslexia, is currently under study. In this paper, we propose the use of explain- able techniques to explore the relationships between HRV markers and local functional brain activity, estimated by cross-frequency coupling (CFC) from electroencephalography (EEG) signals recorded while audi- tory stimuli were applied to 7-year-old children. We analyze EEG data to examine the phase-to-phase brainwave coupling and use machine learn- ing tools such as XGBoost and Shapley values to reveal brain regions that most contribute to different HRV features, with a focus on parasympa- thetic activity. Our findings suggest that HRV features related to stress can explain differential activations in the auditory cortex (Brodmann areas 39 and 40) during auditory stimulation in dyslexic children