13,851 research outputs found

    Template-Driven Documentation for Enterprise Recruitment Best Practices

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    Recruitment Best Practices (RBPs) are useful when building complex Enterprise Recruitment Architectures (ERAs). However, they have some limitations that reduce their reusability. A key limitation is the lack of capturing and documenting recruitment problems and their solutions from an enterprise perspective. To address this gap, a template for Enterprise Recruitment Best Practice (ERBP) documentation is defined. This template provides a model-driven environment and incorporates all elements that must be considered for a better documentation, sharing and reuse of ERBPs. For this purpose, we develop a precise metamodel and five UML diagrams to describe the template of the ERBPs. This template will facilitate the identification and selection of ERBPs and provide enterprise recruitment stakeholders with the guidelines of how to share and reuse them. The template is produced using design science method and a detailed analysis of three case studies. The evaluation results demonstrated that the template can contribute to a better documentation of ERBPs

    The Application of Design Thinking on Evaluating a User Self-Service Data Analytics/Science Platform

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    This thesis is aimed at utilising design thinking and the first half of the double diamond framework to i) set-up a research and select the appropriate participants, ii) gather requirements and define user personas from those eligible participants, and then iii) define the framework for evaluating a user self-service data analytics/science platform. Derived from the author’s own experiences, both as a Business Analyst (BA) and Citizen Data Scientist, with no-, low-, and code-based data analytics and science platforms are being implemented for enabling user self-service analytics – for users who are completely new to the space of data analysis and science as well as those who are experienced analysts and data scientists across a variety of industries and global regions – and there has been a need to outline an enablement process for this space. Through this research, the current state of the marketplace is researched, analysed, and evaluated alongside user research carried out on the feasibility and applicability of a UI- and UX-centric framework for ensuring human-centred design. A literature review showcases the benefits of human-centred design for humans when it comes to usability and techniques for such an application in various other fields. The key aspects of this research are to understand the users’ capabilities, needs, and wants, then categorise those users into personas, analyse and segment the requirements, create functional and non-functional requirements for platform capabilities, and then, ultimately, provide an evaluation framework for any organisation and/or individual looking for a user self-service data analytics/science platform by carrying out a pilot research study on ten (10) participants

    Enterprise e-recruitment: a problem-oriented conceptual model and ontology for contextualising recruitment problem space.

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    Internet-led labour market has become so competitive forcing many organisations from different sectors to embrace e-recruitment. However, it is challenging to realise the value of e-recruitment from a Requirements Engineering (RE) analysis perspective, which is the overall problem addressed in this thesis. The research was originated from the failure of realising the e- recruitment value in a real e-recruitment project conducted in the Secureland Army (SA). After reviewing the various challenges faced in that project through a number of related research domains, the thesis focuses on two major problems that are root causes of the overall problem of the thesis: (1) the difficulty of scoping, representing, and systematically transforming recruitment problem knowledge towards e-recruitment solution specification; and (2) the difficulty of documenting e-recruitment best practices for reuse purposes in an enterprise recruitment environment. These problems are related to some knowledge gaps in the research literature. To address the foregoing problems, the thesis developed four artefacts leading to contributions to knowledge centred on enterprise e-recruitment: (1) a Problem-Oriented Conceptual Model (POCM) to contextualise and represent the various recruitment problem viewpoints from an enterprise perspective; (2) a complementary Ontology for Recruitment Problem Definition (Onto-RPD) to elaborate those problem viewpoints towards a comprehensive recruitment problem definition; (3) a POCM-informed Requirements Analysis Approach (POCM-RAA) to utilise POCM and systematically derive and analyse requirements through different levels of abstraction towards the e-solution space; and (4) an Enterprise Recruitment Metamodel (ERM) to enable a better documentation and reuse of Enterprise Recruitment Best Practices (ERBPs) by combining the elements of the three artefacts previously developed with the elements of a template defined for that purpose. The overall research methodology adopted is design science, a scientific study for creating artefacts with the goal of solving practical problems. The POCM and Onto-RPD artefacts were developed incrementally using action-research conducted on three real case studies, and evaluated using a focus group. Based on the POCM and Onto-RPD, the POCM-RAA was developed using a literature study as well as well-established RE approaches. The ERM was developed by consolidating and integrating the previous artefacts with a defined template for documentation. The evaluation indicates that the POCM and Onto-RPD provide a strong foundation for representing and defining recruitment problem from different enterprise perspectives. Moreover, the POCM-RAA can support a systematic guidance and transformation of recruitment problem domain knowledge towards e-recruitment solution. The ERM supported by an example of application showed its feasibility towards a better structuring and documenting of ERBPs. Finally, the four artefacts developed can collectively contribute to the resolution of research problem and enable realisation of e-recruitment value. However, some limitations with the artefacts were addressed for future work

    The Case for Developing and Deploying an Open Source Electronic Logistics Management Information System

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    Summarizes efforts to strengthen health information systems in low- and lower-middle-income countries, including development of common requirements. Outlines models for collaboration among stakeholders, national leaders, and health information users

    WP3 Policy Mapping, Review and Analysis

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    This report presents the mapping, review and analysis of the most relevant LLL policies for young adults in Glasgow City Region and Aberdeen/ Aberdeenshire. The report first reviews the national Scottish LLL policies which influence the implementation of LLL for young adults in the two regions under study. This report provides findings and analysis to comply with the H2020 YOUNG_ADULLLT Research Project, Work Package 3 (WP3). We have used the requirements and guidance in the WP3 proposal to select two appropriate Functional Regions (FRs): The Glasgow City Region and Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire. These FRs provide a focus for the WP3 mapping but also frame the other data gathering for the YOUNG_ADULLLT project. The mapping has provided material to facilitate an understanding of the policy landscape, including the different policy sectors of the two FRs set in the national context. The mapping required the selection of three detailed examples of LLL/Skills policies with their associated material actions in each of the two FRs. Currently, we have mapped four in each FR. Our mapping reflects the distinctiveness of Scottish public policy in that national policies provide the main framework for regional and locally devolved enactment and associated actions

    Attracting and retaining employees as a small enterprise: case study about ManWinWin company

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    The durability and success of businesses depend on the quality of their workforce and rely on the challenge to attract and recruit talent in a business change and technology-driven era. New joiners (millennials especially) give more relevance to work-life balance, career opportunities, learning through training, workshops, coaching, and a competitive salary (PWC, 2011). The scope of the case study is to see how ManWinWin, a small Portuguese enterprise that only can pay below average, is attracting and retaining its employees. This case study was based on Yin (2003) methodology. Therefore, we used four sources of information: interviews, documents, questionnaires, and direct observation converging in a triangulation way. They converged in four main topics: employer branding, culture, motivation and benefits. Our sample was the entire company employed at the time (thirteen employees and four managers). The researcher interviewed the employees, then a quantitative questionnaire was asked to be filled, which adds quantitative information. Qualitative outcomes were analysed according to the template analysis of King (2012) through categories and subcategories, and quantitative results were analysed by descriptive statistics using SPSS. The main findings are that managers feel that ManWinWin employees are much more motivated than they revealed in the answers. However, the study concluded that their intention to leave was very low, proposing that the benefits used for motivating employees may be effective. Nonetheless, there is room for improvement. The last section of this study focuses on what can ManWinWin do to enhance the positive aspects of our findings and tackle the negative ones.A durabilidade e o sucesso das empresas dependem da qualidade da sua força de trabalho e dependem do desafio de atrair e recrutar talentos numa era de mudança empresarial e de tecnologia. Os novos colaboradores (especialmente os millenials) dĂŁo maior relevĂąncia a temas como o equilĂ­brio entre a vida profissional e familiar, oportunidades de carreira, formação, workshops e coaching, e ter um salĂĄrio competitivo (PWC, 2011). O Ăąmbito deste estudo de caso Ă© ver como a ManWinWin, uma pequena empresa estĂĄ a atrair e a reter os seus empregados mesmo sĂł podendo pagar abaixo da mĂ©dia. Este estudo de caso foi baseado na metodologia Yin (2003), pelo que utilizĂĄmos quatro fontes de informação: entrevistas, documentos, questionĂĄrio e observação direta convergindo de forma triangular, relativamente a quatro tĂłpicos principais: Employer branding, cultura, motivação e benefĂ­cios. A amostra foi toda a empresa empregada na altura (treze empregados e quatro gestores). Os empregados foram entrevistados e depois foi preenchido um questionĂĄrio. Os resultados qualitativos foram analisados de acordo com a anĂĄlise do modelo de King (2012) atravĂ©s de categorias e subcategorias e os resultados quantitativos foram analisados atravĂ©s de estatĂ­sticas descritivas utilizando o SPSS. As principais conclusĂ”es sĂŁo que os gestores sentem que os funcionĂĄrios da ManWinWin estĂŁo mais motivados do que os prĂłprios revelaram. No entanto, o estudo concluiu que a sua intenção de sair da empresa Ă© muito baixa. O que pode sugerir que os benefĂ­cios utilizados para motivar os trabalhadores possam estar a ser eficazes. No entanto, hĂĄ margem para melhorias, e a Ășltima secção deste estudo centra-se no que a ManWinWin pode fazer para melhorar os aspetos positivos das nossas conclusĂ”es e enfrentar os negativos

    Partnerships for skills : investing in training for the 21st century

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    The Organisational Impact of Implementing Integrated IS in HE institutions: a case study from a UK University

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    This paper explores the implementation process of integrated Information Systems (IS) in Higher Education (HE) institutions. This is achieved through the analysis of a HE institution’s strategy during the implementation process of the integrated IS and the impact that the new system had on the working practices of the HE institution. Through the use of interviews, the research indicates that there has been a growth of alternative power bases within the university, new roles and responsibilities for administrative staff and a different working environment for academics

    Implementation plan of health and safety processes

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    An auditor was asked to review an organisation’s Health and Safety procedures to assess compliance with the new legislation imposed by The Health and Safety Act 2015. Then the organisation approached an internal source to conduct a strategic plan in order to target issues of health and safety risk. An implementation plan will be designed to achieve the auditors recommendations and improve the organisation’s Health and Safety practices. Research and audit of the current policies and procedures used at the organisation must be conducted in order to gain a better understanding of the current issues and from there develop action plans and a strategy on how to reach those action plans. Current documentation of policies and an interview with management will be analysed to detail the potential action plans.Once the research has been conducted, results will be used to determine conclusions

    The implications of tax on a small business in New Zealand

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    Small businesses have little resources but must pay tax, so this investigation reports on the implications of tax on a small business. Literature is to be searched to identify the implications for small businesses
