208,631 research outputs found


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    Thesis (M.F.A.)--Boston Universit

    Two plays by Ghelderode: The Blind Men and The Women at the Tomb

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    Thesis (M.F.A.)--Boston Universit

    In search of a third place: a telecollaborative model for languaculture learning

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    This thesis presents a five-year, global classroom project, in which French and American students study the same texts (literature, film remakes, works of sociology and anthropology), while corresponding using ICTs. Their reflections provide the basis for the development of conceptual and perceptual toolkits, containing consciousness-raising activities on individual and culturally-biased semantic and perceptual differences and similarities. Students compare home culture images and the corresponding images from the other culture(s), in an attempt to arrive at a "third place" (Kramsch 1993), as an intercultural speaker (Byraml995; 1997). Feedback and transcripts from participants are used to assess the effectiveness of this pedagogy of languaculture in broadening discourse options and educational opportunities, and of the role of telecollaboration in student motivation and engagement. The analytical framework draws on insights of Bakhtin, Vygotsky and Flarre and Gillet, focussing on the learner as agent, and language as fundamentally dialogic in nature. Telecollaboration provides access to multiple discursive perspectives and negotiation of meaning, whereby students, especially the more motivated, ask real questions and receive real answers. The global classroom leads to a change in the locus of control, increasing motivation and encouraging students to appropriate their own learning. Significant individual, group and cross-cultural differences emerge in the interpretation and degree of appropriation of the materials and opportunities for intercultural communication. This thesis provides research-informed, pedagogical guidelines for developing similar intercultural telecollaborative courses and makes a creative contribution, both to the dialogic teaching of language as culture and to the integration of new technologies into the curriculum

    Volume 50, Issue 1: Full Issue

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    A Word Fitly Spoken

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    (Excerpt) Let the people say Amen! Amen. I can\u27t hear you. AMEN! Thank you, Jesus. Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed. Alleluia, alleluia! I like to say, when I gather with folk who care about what we do after we say I believe, when it comes down to ultimate things, I\u27m just a nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody who can save anybody. Let me run that by again, so everybody can give a rousing Amen I\u27m just a nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody who can save anybody. Amen. And the task I have today is a somewhat substantial one, to speak as an African American Lutheran (people from Jump Street-as we would say in Brooklyn-would call that term an oxymoron from the start). Yet there are surprising and delightful areas of congruence when we look at the sacramental tradition and the African-American church tradition

    Bob\u27s Beef Jerky

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    He who gets slapped

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit


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    Strategi kesopanan erat kaitannya dengan budaya. Setiap budaya memiliki bentuk strategi yang berbeda-beda. Strategi kesantunan dapatdiamati di setiap percakapan antar manusia termasuk juga dalam film.Film Rush Hour merupakan film seri terkenal yang karakter utamanya adalah Jackie Chan dan Chris Tucker yang keduanya memiliki latar belakang budaya berbeda.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan jenis-jenis strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh kedua karakter utama dan menjelaskan persamaan dan perbedaan dari strategi kesopanan yang digunakan oleh kedua karakter utama tersebut. Pengumpulan data menggunakan non-participant observation dengan teknik note taking. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah metode padan.Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kedua karakter menggunakan keempat strategi kesopanan, yaitu strategi bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, dan off record.Detective James menggunakan 224 jenis strategi kesantunan dan Detective Lee menggunakan65 jenis strategi kesantunan. Ada beberapa perbedaan dan persamaan dalam strategi kesantunan yang digunakan kedua karakter utama.Persamaannya adalah kedua karakter utama menggunakan keempat strategi kesantuna yang paling sering digunakan oleh keduanya adalah bald on record, dan keduanya juga menggunakan beberapa multiple strategies.Beberapa perbedaannya adalah (1) Detective James lebih leluasa menggunakan strategi bald on record kepada semua orang dalam berbagai situasi sedangkan Detective Lee menggunakannya untuk orang yang lebih rendah dari atau sama dengan statusnya dan pada keadaan yang mendesak, (2) dalam menggunakan positive politeness strategy, Detective James cenderung menggunakan use in-group identity markers sedangkan Detective Lee cenderung menggunakan include both S and H in the activity, (3) dalam menggunakan negative strategy, Detective James cenderung menggunakan question, hedge dalam bentuk interrogative sedangan Detective Lee dalam bentuk inperative, dan (4) Detective James lebih banyak menggunakan multiple strategies daripada Detective Lee