721,131 research outputs found

    Communication Practices in Technology Companies.

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    It is contended that the skills or competencies that are required of business graduates by technology companies, range from the ability to communicate complex information about global issues in ways that are accessible to and connect with the general public, to problem-solving and project-based interaction. This represents a shift in the type of communication practice that now characterises the technology company, with its main focus on “agile” frameworks of teamwork. This report examines the context for this development, and explores the role of assessment and pedagogy in preparing the student for these communication competencies, from the perspective of the technology company

    ICT industry and resources based analysis of maintenance SME in the Central Europe

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    Highly competitive situation in Information and Communication technology (ICT) maintenance industry requires a precise analysis of all important factors and carefully defined company strategy which addresses each of these aspects. This paper presents a resource based analysis of family run SME, operating in IT parts and consumables market. In order to understand this complex view, it first describes the company background. It briefly presents the industry key success factors and company strategy of the SME. The value chain analysis helps to name the main organization’s capabilities and evaluates them in terms of costs and customer willingness to pay. Resource audit provides an analysis of key company tangible, intangible and human resources. The outcome of this audit shows that most of SME resources are of an intangible nature. Contrary to the higher mobility of today’s resources, intangible resources of SME such as company reputation, culture and strategic business relations, are mostly immobile and inimitable. Based on the audit all key resources and capabilities are appraised by their strength and importance relative to closest rivals. Results are presented in graph which recognizes the key strengths (family run business related) and weaknesses (IT and finance). The results of the resourced based analysis lead to recommendations for changes in order to create and retain competitive advantage.ICT, resource based analysis, resources, capabilities, strategy, SME, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, GA, IN,

    Experiential Learning in a Management Information Systems Course: Simulating IT Consulting and CRM System Procurement

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    Educating management students in technology-based disciplines can be enhanced through experiential team projects simulating the activities employees perform in actual technology jobs. This paper describes an experiential team project the authors use in the Management Information Systems course at Boston College. The project was developed jointly by Boston College faculty and consultants from the Boston office of a major consulting firm. The project involves student teams playing the roles of IT consultants who must compete against one another to win a consulting engagement at an imaginary company. The company\u27s business situation is communicated to students through a case study written in the format of a Request For Proposal (RFP) informing information technology (IT) vendors that the company is interested in procuring a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Each student team develops a consulting proposal responding to the RFP and presents the proposal to company managers. The activities involved in identifying the company\u27s business needs, developing a proposal, and determining which team wins the contract are simulated through phone calls and live meetings with company managers, who are role-played by consulting firm employees. These real-life business interactions expose students to the ever changing nature of IT, motivate them to improve their technical understanding, and challenge them to improve their communication skills through written deliverables and live business presentations. Student buy-in and response to the project is strong and immediate since they find themselves challenged by complex, relevant business issues

    Peran Media Sosial Instagram dalam Mendukung Program Komunikasi Pemasaran Samakta Guest House

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    The development of internet-based communication technology has had a major impact on communication functions, one of which is in the marketing communication function. Social media becomes a very reliable technology feature for business entities such as companies in carrying out marketing communications and achieving marketing objectives, namely sales and profits. Samakta Guest House as one of the lodging accommodation business practitioners began to adopt social media in order to support its marketing communication program. Through this research, the researcher intends to observe the understanding and basic technical skills of the Samakta Guest House’s marcomm officer regarding the concept of social media-based marketing communication. This study will use the qualitative indepth interview and observation method to understand the Samakta Gueset House marketing communication management phenomena, and then using literature study based on the concept of integrated marketing communication, new media in particularly social media Instagram (IG). The findings of this research are expected to contribute to the understanding of Samakta Guest House Management regarding the skills of utilizing social media, specifically Instagram. Thus, from their understanding of the concept of marketing communication, in the future the management will be increasingly capable to manage various social media contents to support the achievement of sales profits for the company

    Leisure Economy: Digitalisasi Event Desa Wisata Mangrove Mayangan

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    The development of tourist destinations in the village, as well as the promotion and marketing of culture, arts, and tourism are one of the flagship programs in Jember Regency, however, intense competition in the tourism world due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, has forced villages to change the way they plan their tourism business. In order to survive, villages need to change from a resource-based business to a knowledge-based business/company (business based on knowledge), with the main characteristics of Technology, Information, Communication (ICT). When the main achievement of the village is sustainable competitive advantage or the achievement of sustainable business competitiveness, assistance is needed, assistance is aimed at encouraging village management in the process of achieving and developing knowledge as a village competitive strategy, then human resources need to be directed and fostered to utilize digital technology as a marketing medium at the same time. conduct direct interaction for tourism managers to interact with their customers

    The Financial Information System in Contemporary Organisation: a Comparative Analysis

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    Financial Information System (FIS) is a system that enables one to run evaluations on financial data. Thus, makes FIS to be a very vital tool for the financial decision of business organization and a ‘sacred’ system to be protected. Most business establishments use their web site to promote their products and services and avoid mentioning the financial information system being used. Daddo maritime services limited is an indigenous maritime services company that is a part of Daddo Group. Their Financial Information system is mainly the use of Excel and other communication networks being used are: telephone, Internet and Radio communication. The personnel in charge are Accountants and communication Officer respectively. This study is a comparative study that examined allied maritime company like Gac (Gulf Agency company); an international shipping company with branches in over 40 countries including Nigeria but every information on line about its FIS system is not mentioned, likewise a multinational oil company Chevron oil company which only stated its information link ie the new Global Information link (GIL) not their financial information system. This study is descriptive and discovered that the financial information system that is technology based which happens to be .the heart of a business organization. The recommendation includes that Financial Information System (FIS) should be given adequate attention by all organizations Key words: Financial Information System, Daddo, Maritime services


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    In this paper, we synthesize an effective communication prototype that deals with some challenges in the container-trucking sector in Egypt, mainly multiple stakeholders’ communication problems associated with waiting time. Container-trucking is one of the most important activities in logistics management. However, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based methods are very limited to identify the latent communication issues in this sector in Egypt. To address these issues, we conducted a design thinking methodology in order to understand multiple stakeholders’ requirements, using qualitative research techniques. As the results, we found that the main problems faced by customers are trucking company selection, miscommunication, and the lack in the information flow, while the main problem faced by trucking companies is the fluctuations in resource utilization. Based on this, we developed a web-based prototype to represent the core features and functions to improve communication in both Business-to- Business (B2B) and Business-to-Customer (B2C). Consequently, this paper has two main contributions. First, it applies design thinking approach to a logistics problem and presents an IT-based solution for it that will reduce processing time. Second it increases customer satisfaction and improves resource utilization in the trucking companies

    Kepemimpinan Digital dalam meningkatkan kinerja organisasi peran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi

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    This study aims to examine the role of Information Communication of Technology (ICT) innovation on the relationship between leadership factors and organization performance. Although studies related to Information Communication of Technology have been carried out, there has been no research related to Information Communication of Technology with company performance. Given the rapid development of technology, it demands a change in business strategy to respond to the needs of organizations to be more innovative through technology. This research contributes to SMEs to be more adaptive in responding to developments in technology through innovation by applying ICT to improve organizational performance.Digitalization is needed as an effort to change the direction of the organization's perspective and market response. As technology develops rapidly, it demands changes in business strategy to respond to organizational needs through technology. This research is a quantitative study, using primary data obtained through questionnaires, using purposive sampling method. This research was conducted on SMEs in the city of Palembang. Then the data were analyzed using SEM-PLS to test the mediation effect using WarpPLS.7.0. based on the results of the analysis leadership has an influence on organizational performance and Innovation Information Communication of Technology (ICT) mediates the relationship of leadership to organizational performance. This research contributes to SMEs to be more adaptable in responding to developments in technology through innovation by applying Information Communication of Technology (ICT) to improve organizational performance

    Ekonomi Kreatif dan Inovatif Berbasis TIK Ala Gojek dan Grabbike

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    Advances in Information and Communication Technology had a positive impact in various fields. One positive impact is the area of the creative economy. Those who are creative will always see a business opportunity behind the progress of Information and Communication Technology. Gojek and Grabbike are 2 pieces of creative ICT-based businesses. Both companies see tremendous business opportunities of advancement of Information and Communication Technology, although they are not a transport company but with a system of partnership both companies in a short time was able to partner with thousands of motorcycle owners who need work. The system of partnership offered by these two companies is a system for mutually beneficial results. Both companies are only taking a small percentage of the earnings of the motor driver, even the two companies still provide some additional facilities such as bonuses and insurance services to its partners. Gojek presence and Grabbike very helping thousands of people in major cities of Indonesia are having trouble finding a job or having trouble finding additional income. Through this business is not just motorists who benefited, the passengers also benefit from this business, because passengers no longer need to fear being cheated by the high rates, because the cost to be paid in accordance with the calculations provided by the application and Grabbike Gojek. Utilization of Information and Communication Technology creative and benefit all parties as this is expected to continue growing and innovating so that help and bring a positive influence to the society

    Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Internasional Pada Produk Revoluzio (Studi Pada PT Beon Intermedia)

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    PT Beon Intermedia is company engaged in the field of ICT (information and communication technology. Based on preliminary observations conducted by researchers in the field, Revoluzio is an innovative e-business to implement automation in digital marketing. This product is an innovative e-business the most and become the only one, both Indonesia and abroad, so the company should also establish appropriate strategy for the International market. The aim of this study was to describe the changes in the factor analysis business so it appears the product revoluzio and explain the implementation strategy of STP on PT Beon Intermedia. The method used in this research is qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The results showed factor of the change in the business so that the product appears revoluzio among others 1)customers who expect extra value, experience, expert information, electronic solution, and empowerment;2)company;3)competition;4)collaboration;5)change. While the implementation of the strategy STP, segmentation product Revoluzio is the owner of the business at the age of 25 years or more who are ready to do business online in the era of digital marketing on the territory of Indonesia and the United States, targeting products Revoluzio is a business and product positioning Revoluzio is an all-in-one digital business