14 research outputs found

    The Role of Big Data and Digitization in Just-In-Time (JIT) Information Feeding and Marketing

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    Marketing management is racing to keep up with the technological advances that are disrupting how consumers connect and interact with business’ brands. Marketing today needs to design and run an explosion of continuous marketing touchpoints that evolve rapidly. Speed, adaptability, and capability in marketing to balance innovation are crucial to business. Scalability in highly dynamic digital environment is also a key factor in businesses’ competitiveness. Now, modern marketing uses many contemporary software developments. In this paper on the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Research Priority Two, delivering integrated, real-time, relevant experiences in context, Just-In-Time (JIT) information feeding via agile and lean digital marketing are discussed. How companies continuously innovate using big data and big testing are discussed as future implications for marketing practitioners and researchers. Keywords: agile marketing, big data, innovation, Just-In-Time (JIT), lean marketin

    The Impact of Dynamic Capability on Innovation (An Applied Study on Jordanian Pharmaceutical Organizations)

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    The aim of this research study is to identify the impact of dynamic capability on product innovation, supply chain innovation and organizational innovation. Data were collected using questionnaires from 188 middle and top managers in the Jordanian pharmaceutical organizations. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and structural equation model (SEM) to test the study hypotheses using AMOS 18.0. The results of the study showed that there is a significant impact for dynamic capability (technical capability, Research &development (R&D) capability and human resource capability) on innovation (product innovation, supply chain innovation and organizational innovation). These results are very likely due to the increased importance of dynamic capabilities in today's organizations. The most important recommendation is adapting new technologies and extensive employee involvement in the entire process of innovation. Keywords: Dynamic Capability, Innovation, Technical Capability, R&D Capability, Human Resource Capability, Product Innovation, Supply Chain Innovation, Organizational Innovation

    Reinforcing Business Resilience Through Entrepreneurial Competencies During Pandemic COVID-19: A Case of Indonesian MSMEs

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    Although research on entrepreneurial competencies has been widely carried out in the last decades, this topic is still preliminary. Indonesian MSMEs have been severely impacted by COVID-19, with losses of up to millions. Entrepreneurial competencies are believed to be the main driver in handling this issue. Underlined by the disaster and crisis management theory, entrepreneurial competencies are expected to give a company both long-term adaptability and innovation abilities that may result in significant improvements in their business as well as the short-term coping capacity to recover from violent shocks. Thus, this study builds a novel conceptual framework that determines the influence of entrepreneurial competencies on business resilience in the Indonesian MSMEs context. Several mediator variables were also included in the conceptual model: dynamic capability and innovation ambidexterity. Through purposive sampling, a sample of 220 Indonesian MSME actors get involved in this study. PLS-SEM procedure through a two-stage approach was used to test the proposed model. The results show that entrepreneurial competencies significantly impact business resilience in Indonesian MSMEs. It was also found that dynamic capabilities and innovation ambidexterity partially mediated those relationships. From these results, this study suggests that business practitioners should become more aware of their competencies to survive in this uncertain world. In addition, the government must re-educate and ensure that all middle and lower entrepreneurs have appropriate competencies to continue to compete. Keywords:   Entrepreneurial Competencies; Business Resilience; Dynamic Capability; Innovation Ambidexterity; Indonesian MSME

    Organizational ambidexterity: a critical review and development of a project focused definition

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    The objective of this paper is to explore a project-focused understanding of contemporary organizational ambidexterity literature. As part of this process, a taxonomical analysis of the elements and components of the concept of organizational ambidexterity is undertaken. Findings suggest that a project-focused notion of organizational ambidexterity involves different levels, dimensions, and mechanisms. The predominant contribution of this study resides within the taxonomy study, which provides a platform for a more holistic understanding of organizational ambidexterity as a multifaceted concept applicable to the project management discipline

    Impact of consumer innovativeness on really new product adoption

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    Purpose – This study explores consumer innovativeness as a personality trait and addresses the hedonic, social, cognitive, and functional motivational elements that lie behind consumer innovativeness. It explores the weak relationship between consumer innovativeness and really new product (novel innovation) adoption and challenges the classic relationship between consumer learning, attitude and intention. Design/methodology/approach – This study adopts a quantitative approach, gathering survey data via an institutional online platform. 300 participants were recruited. Participants were directed to a website presenting the information of the product with the inclusion of 2D and 3D images and an avatar. For data analysis, CFA and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) were used. Findings – Results indicate a positive impact of attitude on comprehension and intention. In addition, hedonic innovativeness positively impacts customer’s attitude, whereas there is a negative relationship between social innovativeness and attitude. Motivational elements of innovation, with the exception of hedonic motivation, positively influence purchase intention. Research limitations/implications – The main limitation of the study lies in the measurement of purchase intention, as actual purchases cannot be assessed as the products are not yet available. The findings encourage marketers to target innovators first, ideally innovators motivated by hedonic needs. Originality/value – This study challenges the classic theories identifying the link between comprehension, attitude and purchase intention within the field of innovation. The findings indicate that while interacting with Really New Products, comprehension does not necessarily lead to attitude and intention, but attitude does positively influence both intention and comprehension

    Dynamic capabilities : axiomatic formation of firms’ competitive competencies

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    The capabilities concept is critical in understanding the competitive competencies of firms. Capabilities allow firms to sense, seize and reconfigure their resources in response to opportunities and threats within their environments. This systematic review reviewed a total of 37 Scopus database-selected peer-reviewed articles on capabilities, technology, innovation, and capability frameworks. The purpose was to identify and discuss firms’ capabilities and formation processes and effects on competitive advantages to generate an encompassing framework that overcomes the limited and fragmented nature of current capability frameworks. The study employed thematic content analysis and author-anchored keywords analysis which enabled the identification of several themes regarding capabilities and formation processes. The findings of the study were discussed under the following themes: technological capabilities; supply chain capabilities; networking, collaboration, interactive, coordinating, and alignment capabilities; organisational capabilities; and lastly systems capabilities. The study contributes to enlightening a body of firms’ capabilities theories and generated an encompassing interactive capabilities framework to guide researchers in understanding firms’ capabilities formation processes. The value of the study to the research community lies in emphasising the multi-level approach (macro; mezzo; firm level) and the virtues of combining tenets from different frameworks for a nuanced understanding of firms’ capabilities development. The study will be critical in guiding firms in building their capabilities, particularly the importance of open innovation networks and collaboration in reducing innovation risks and costs. The paper is important to policy makers regarding the institutions facilitating the interaction of international, national and firms level dynamics in propping and propelling firms’ capabilities development.The Department of Research and Innovation (University of Pretoria) and York Timbers - South Africa.https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/social-sciences-and-humanities-openam2024Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM)SDG-09: Industry, innovation and infrastructur

    The impact of project portfolio management practices on the relationship between organizational ambidexterity and project performance success

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    Some studies suggest that organizational ambidexterity is best orchestrated through individual projects. However, stand-alone individual projects are relatively limited in scope, while suffering from susceptibilities to horizontal and vertical segmentation. This may render them poorly suited to serve as conduits for organizational ambidexterity. By contrast, organizations which deliver projects in portfolios, often in order to maximize resource utilization, may discern that these also provide better conduits for organizational ambidexterity. This study examines not only the extent to which project portfolio management (PPM) practices impact orchestrations of organizational ambidexterity, but also whether these orchestrated PPM practices impact further lead to superior project performance. Data were collected from one hundred and sixty PPM stakeholders spread across eight countries in the Middle East November 2016 to January 2017. The study finds portfolios performance to be strongly and highly correlated with organizational ambidexterity. Furthermore, the more organizations exhibited efficient project-portfolio-management practice, the more they were found to develop ambidextrous capabilities

    Big Data analytics e performance organizacional : o papel mediador da inovação ambidestra e o efeito moderador do ambiente

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    Mestrado Bolonha em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoAs tecnologias de Big Data têm vindo a ganhar cada vez mais importância, na medida em que possibilitam às organizações melhores tomadas de decisão, que potencialmente contribuem para uma melhoria da performance organizacional e na criação de vantagens competitivas. Com base na teoria das capacidades dinâmicas, no conceito de ambidestria organizacional, e em literatura de Big Data Analytics (BDA), este estudo teoriza que a Capacidade Big Data Analytics (CBDA) influencia dois tipos de capacidade de inovação: exploitative e explorative, que por sua vez influenciam duas dimensões de performance organizacional: a performance operacional e de mercado. Para testar o modelo de investigação proposto, foram recolhidos dados de 60 organizações portuguesas. Os dados foram analisados com recurso a técnicas de Partial Least Squares – structural equation modeling. Os resultados mostram que a CBDA influencia diretamente a performance operacional e que o efeito desta na performance de mercado é totalmente mediado pela explorative innovation e pela inovação ambidestra (as duas capacidades agregadas). O estudo contribui para reduzir a escassez de trabalhos empíricos sobre as CBDA e por testar e validar um novo mecanismo de mediação através do qual o valor do BDA pode ser realizado.Big Data technologies have been increasing in importance by enabling organizations to make better decisions, which potentially contribute to an improvement in organizational performance and the creation of competitive advantages. Drawing on the dynamic capabilities theory, organizational ambidexterity view, and on Big Data Analytics (BDA) literature, this study theorizes that the Big Data Analytics Capability (BDAC) influences two types of innovation capabilities: exploitative and explorative, which in turn influence two dimensions of organizational performance: operational and market performance. To test the proposed research model, data from 60 Portuguese organizations were collected. Data were analysed using Partial Least Squares – structural equation modelling techniques. The results show that a BDAC directly influences operational performance and its effect on market performance is fully mediated by explorative innovation and innovation ambidexterity (the aggregate of both types of innovation). The study contributes to reducing the scarcity of empirical work on BDAC and by testing and validating a new mediation mechanism through which the value of BDA can be realized.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Um modelo do processo de inovação à luz da Resource-Based View e da teoria do Crescimento da Firma, de Edith Penrose

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    Objective: To analyze the innovation process in the light of the RBV and The Theory of the Growth of the Firm, by Edith Penrose.Methodology: A Systematic Literature Review was carried out using the Methodi Ordinatio. The Social Network Analysis technique was performed to determine which theoretical contexts the studies were based on.  Similarity Analysis was also carried out to identify the relationship between the elements of the focal approaches and the innovation process.Originality/relevance: The Penrose study is considered by many researchers to be the antecedent of what was later called Resource-Based View, however, most of these studies did not fully explain the contribution of Penrose´s theory in the specifics of the theoretical view. Although research on innovation has been based on theoretical approaches in the field of strategy, there have been no analyses that systematized the innovation process by integrating the Penrose theory and RBV.Main results: The studies that analyzed innovation from the RBV and the Theory of the Growth of the Firm emphasized the maintenance of competitive advantage as a result of its dynamic capabilities, as well as access to and use of organizational knowledge.The authors identified heterogeneous innovation resources and imperfectly mobile, such as user-technology interactions, trajectory-dependent capabilities, specialized assets, R&D capabilities, and network ties.Theoretical contributions: The study revealed that through the continuous execution of the innovation process, unique core competencies (e.g., R&D experience) are developed to improve heterogeneous and imperfectly mobile innovation resources.Objetivo: Analizar el proceso de innovación a la luz de la RBV y la Teoría del Crecimiento de la Firma, de Edith Penrose.Metodología: Revisión sistemática de la literatura, utilizando la Methodi Ordinatio; Utilización de la técnica de análisis de redes sociales, con el fin de verificar en qué fundamentos teóricos se basaron los estudios, así como la aplicación del análisis de similitud, para identificar la relación entre los elementos de los enfoques teóricos y el proceso de innovación.Originalidad/relevancia: Muchos investigadores consideran que el estudio de Penrose es el precursor de lo que más tarde se denominó Visión Basada en Recursos. Sin embargo, la mayoría de estos estudios no explicaron la contribución de la teoría de Penrose en sus detalles. Si bien la investigación sobre innovación se ha basado en enfoques teóricos en el campo de la estrategia, no existen registros de análisis que sistematizaran el proceso de innovación integrando la RBV y la Teoría del Crecimiento de la Firma.Principales resultados: Se encontró que los estudios que analizaron la innovación basada en la RBV y la Teoría del Crecimiento de la Firma enfatizaron la ventaja competitiva como resultado de las capacidades dinámicas, acceso y uso del conocimiento organizacional. Se identificaron recursos de innovación heterogéneos e imperfectamente móviles, como interacciones entre usuarios y tecnologías, capacidades dependientes de la trayectoria, activos especializados, capacidades de investigación y desarrollo y vínculos de red.Aportes teóricos: Con base en las teorías mencionadas, parece que la ejecución continua del proceso de innovación desarrolla competencias esenciales, como la experiencia en investigación y desarrollo, así como recursos de innovación heterogéneos e imperfectamente móviles.Objetivo: Analisar o processo de inovação à luz da Resource-Based View (RBV) e da Teoria do Crescimento da Firma, de Edith Penrose.Metodologia: Revisão Sistemática da Literatura, com a utilização da Methodi Ordinatio; Emprego da técnica de análise de redes sociais, a fim de verificar em quais fundamentos teóricos os estudos se embasaram, bem como a aplicação da análise de similitude, para identificar a relação entre os elementos das abordagens teóricas e o processo de inovação.Originalidade/relevância: O estudo de Penrose é considerado, por muitos pesquisadores, o precursor do que foi posteriormente denominada de visão baseada em recursos. Entretanto, a maioria desses estudos não explicou a contribuição da teoria de Penrose em suas especificidades. Ainda que pesquisas sobre inovação tenham se embasado em abordagens teóricas do campo de estratégia, não há registros de análises que sistematizaram o processo de inovação integrando a RBV e a teoria do crescimento da firma.Principais resultados: Verificou-se que os estudos que analisaram a inovação com base na RBV e na teoria do crescimento da firma enfatizaram a vantagem competitiva enquanto resultado de capacidades dinâmicas, acesso e utilização de conhecimentos organizacionais. Foram identificados recursos de inovação heterogêneos e imperfeitamente móveis, como as interações entre usuários e tecnologias, as capacidades dependentes da trajetória, os ativos especializados, as capacidades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) e os laços de rede.Contribuições teóricas: Com base nas teorias mencionadas, depreende-se que a contínua execução do processo de inovação desenvolve competências essenciais, como a experiência em pesquisa e desenvolvimento, bem como recursos de inovação heterogêneos e imperfeitamente móveis