38,897 research outputs found

    Vision 21: The NASA strategic plan

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    The NASA Strategic Plan, Vision 21, is a living roadmap to the future to guide the men and women of the NASA team as they ensure U.S. leadership in space exploration and aeronautics research. This multiyear plan consists of a set of programs and activities that will retain our leadership in space science and the exploration of the solar system; help rebuild our nation's technology base and strengthen our leadership in aviation and other key industries; encourage commercial applications of space technology; use the unique perspective of space to better understand our home planet; provide the U.S. and its partners with a permanent space based research facility; expand on the legacy of Apollo and initiate precursor activities to establish a lunar base; and allow us a journey into tomorrow, journey to another planet (Mars), and beyond

    Who Let the Humanists into the Lab?

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    Successful organizational learning in the management of agricultural research and innovation: The Mexican produce foundations

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    "Since the 1980s, developing countries' agriculture has become more complex and diversified. In general, the public research and extension institutions in these countries were criticized for not participating in the emergence of the most dynamic agricultural markets. In recent years, many of these institutions have struggled to adapt to the new environment but they could not overcome the hurdles posed by organizational rigidities, strict public regulations, deteriorating human capital, shrinking budgets and a model of science that hampered their integration into dynamic innovation processes. In general, developing countries applied similar agricultural research policies: separation of financing and implementation of research, reductions in direct budgetary allocations to research and extension institutions, elimination or major reduction of public extension, and introduction of competitive grants programs to induce a transformation of research organizations. Strong anecdotal information suggests that these policies had limited impact on the quality and pertinence of research, and on the performance of the public research institutions. Using a different set of instruments, the Mexican Produce Foundations (PF) had major and diverse impacts on the agricultural innovation and research systems. These impacts resulted mostly from activities the PF introduced as they learned to manage funds for research and extension, and to a lesser extent from the activities they were created for, i.e., manage a competitive fund for agricultural research and extension. The PF were able to introduce these activities because they developed strong abilities to learn, including identifying knowledge gaps and defining strategies to fill them. The questions this report seeks to answer are how an organization that manages public funds for research and extension could sustain organizational innovations over extended periods, and how it could learn and adapt to maximize its impact on the agricultural innovation system. Previous studies found that human resources, organizational cultures and governance structures are three of the most important factors influencing institutional change and innovative capabilities. Despite their importance, these factors have been largely neglected in the literature on agricultural research and extension policies. This document analyzes what role these factors played in the Mexican experience." from textAgricultural research, Agricultural innovation, Developing countries,

    Low cost propulsion systems for the developing world

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    Space has often been referred to as the final frontier. It is the curiosity of what lies beyond our planet that drives us to turn to the skies. This quest for knowledge and the chance of travelling to the heavens has compelled people to devote their lives to space science, innovation and analysis of our ever-expanding universe. Today the most significant impact of rocketry comes in the form of manned spaceflight. Vehicles like the Space Shuttle and Soyuz began the trend of greater commercialization of manned rocketry, enabling widespread access to space. Whilst the curiosity of what lies beyond may have propelled the development of the space tourism industry, its current operational cost is estimated as 2020-28 million per passenger per flight. Although the vision of providing low cost space travel still exists, its application is hindered by the costs associated with current space vehicles and mission operations. Furthermore, if we are to better understand our universe and are keen on commercializing space, we would require the space tourism industry to operate in a similar fashion to the aviation industry. As most current launch vehicles rely on chemical propulsion, the level of uncertainty in the market drives their fuel costs. In order to reduce the cost per flight, we must effectively increase the load factor per flight and operate multiple flights, enabling a greater number of paying passengers. In order to provide widespread access to space there needs to be a greater emphasis on the research and development of low cost Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLV) which predominantly rely on alternative fuel technologies, thereby reducing the overall cost per flight. Although progress would be slow, we would still be able to witness a boom in space tourism. This paper proposes the use of magnetic levitation and propulsion (Maglev) within a vacuum chamber as a viable low-cost propulsion technology. It aims to prove that such a system is capable of providing adequate thrust to future space vehicles. As Maglev systems allow for horizontal take-off and landing, such a launch system could be used in conjunction with current airports worldwide. Although the inception and creation of such a system may seem expensive, the long-term fiscal costs are relatively lower than current day systems. This is primarily because such a system relies on electrical power, whose supply and generation costs are much lower than that of chemical propellants. Also, the maintenance costs associated with the Maglev track are minimal, as during take-off there is no physical contact between the track and the launch vehicle. Similar to the aviation industry, the success of future space exploration programs and space tourism relies on international cooperation and alliances. This not only ensures that no one country dominates access to space, but also nurtures healthy competition by providing a level playing field. By implementing the afore mentioned system in politically stable developing nations, we ensure employment, innovation and motivation, all achieved through an international alliance. This system would not only ensure a faster urban development within these countries, but would also bring the vision of space science and exploration to a larger global audience. This paper discusses the overall cost analysis for a vacuum operated Maglev system, the various options available for the generation of power required by such a system and how the system’s long term costs can be aligned with the aviation industry

    Pioneering space exploration: The JSC strategy

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    The framework that JCS's senior management will use to guide effective decision making to achieve our long-rang goals while soliciting inputs from all levels of JSC is presented. This plan was developed to allow us to meet head-on the responsibilities and challenges we have today while assuring that we are well prepared to meet the opportunities and challenges of tomorrow. The JSC strategy is closely aligned with the overall strategic direction currently being defined by NASA. One of our major goals was to keep our plan and process tightly focused but flexible enough so that as our national interests in space exploration evolve, so can JSC

    Project Prometheus: Program Overview

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    Assessment of the United States National Security Space Management and Organization

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    This research analyzes the results of the Report of the Commission to Assess the United States National Security Space Management and Organization, dated January 11, 2001 in order to determine which recommendations were beneficial, which recommendations are still in effect and what additional measures should be undertaken to continue, and even advance, our standing as a premier space power. It analyzes the potential managerial and organizational shortcomings of National Security Space within the United States Government, specifically the Department of Defense. Additionally, this paper reviews the various management and organizational force restructuring which occurred as a result of the commission’s report and other recommendations / directives from the time period. Many dynamics have changed with regard to national security space in the thirteen years since the commission’s report was released. This paper will identify the significant effects of these decisions and which mitigating actions should now be undertaken to offset any unintended consequences and shortfalls. The study will show the importance of the national security space managerial and organizational structure in order to validate the essentiality, viability and efficacy of this program. A literature review of a number of peer-reviewed documents, government / military archives, interviews and related texts have been researched in an effort to fully vet this process. This paper provides a sound analysis to ascertain any managerial and organizational shortcomings to National Security Space and to recommend possible restructuring in order to streamline our processes

    Space resources. Volume 4: Social concerns

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    Space resources must be used to support life on the Moon and exploration of Mars. This volume, Social Concerns, covers some of the most important issues which must be addressed in any major program for the human exploration of space. The volume begins with a consideration of the economics and management of large scale space activities. Then the legal aspects of these activities are discussed, particularly the interpretation of treaty law with respect to the Moon and asteroids. The social and cultural issues of moving people into space are considered in detail, and the eventual emergence of a space culture different from the existing culture is envisioned. The environmental issues raised by the development of space settlements are faced. Some innovative approaches are proposed to space communities and habitats and self-sufficiency is considered along with human safety at a lunar base or outpost