43 research outputs found

    Technology Readiness in Customers’ Perception and Acceptance of M(obile)-Payment: An Empirical Study in Finland, Germany, the USA and Japan

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    In today`s mobile world there is a high potential for m(obile)-payment services, but the mere existence of such services does not mean that the market is ready for them. M-payment services must add value to attract new users. After years of research regarding technology acceptance (TA) of m-payment, the aim of this paper is to examine how technology readiness (TR) influences customers’ perception and acceptance of m-payment. TA of consumers in combination with TR is investigated for m-payment in Finland, Germany, the USA and Japan. We conduct an online survey to collect data in those four countries. We use that data to carry out a TA analysis using a structural equation model (SEM). The research model arises from the findings of a priori explorative study and a comprehensive literature review. Evaluation results based on an extended TA model (TAM) show that user acceptance of m-payment differs influenced by constructs

    Empirical studies on technology acceptance of mobile services and information security management

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    Technology Adoption Propensity of the Banking Customers in India: An Insight

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    The acceptance of the SSTs by the banking customers has been recognized as one of the crucial aspects in the success of SST implementation. The researchers, at various points of time and in different contexts, have highlighted the need for the identification of the factors affecting the acceptance of the SSTs. In this regard, technology adoption propensity of the customers and its relationship with socio-economic characteristics, technology attributes and facilitating conditions has been unveiled as the most important aspect. Taking this into consideration, the present paper has been framed to analyze technology adoption propensity of the customers in India by focusing on the three aforementioned facets. Accordingly, the results have highlighted significant association of age, income and qualification of the customers with their propensity to adopt technology. Also, significant connection of technology adoption propensity of the customers with facilitating conditions, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use has also been unveiled from the results of the study. Based on the findings, the study has recommended the need for framing strategies focusing on the three aforementioned facets as an effective measure for enhancing acceptance of the SSTs among the customers in India

    Barriers Affecting the Acceptance of Tourism Apps Among Tourists

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    The development of technology applications has brought many benefits to users. However, users face certain risks when adopting new technology applications. This leads to barriers affecting the acceptance of new technology applications. The study was carried out to identify the barriers affecting the acceptance of tourism apps by tourists. Research data were collected by the method of quota sampling, with a sample size of 222 tourists who have visited and experienced tourism services at famous destinations in Vietnam. Qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods are both applied to test the research hypotheses. The structural equation modeling (SEM) has demonstrated that insecurity and discomfort positively affect tourists’ perceived risk of tourism apps. Also, insecurity, discomfort, and perceived risk negatively affect tourists’ acceptance of travel apps

    Dampak COVID19 Pada Kesiapan Teknologi dan Penerimaan Teknologi di Kampus

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    Covid-19 is currently in Indonesia for more than 5 months. To prevent this disease becoming widespread, various strategies have been carried out, among others, by doing Lock Down and large-scale social restrictions. Community activities are affected. By relying on communication technology and IT including the Internet, people can still do activities even with limitations. Likewise, Higher Education got limited activities. For this reason, all teaching and learning activities used an online system known as e-learning. This paper conveys various activities on campus and its constraints during the covid-19. In general, the constraints aside from technological facilities are also obstacles from the academic community in matters relating to technology readiness and technology acceptance, which are delivered descriptively. Keywords: Covid19, e-learning, technology readiness, technology acceptance   Abstrak Covid-19 tengah melanda Indonesia saat Ini sudah 5 bulan lebih. Untuk mencegah wabah ini menjadi luas maka dilakukan berbagai strategi antara lain dengan melakukan Lock Down dan pembatasan social skala besar. Kegiatan masyarakat menjadi terpengaruh. Dengan mengandalkan teknologi komunikasi dan IT diantaranya Internet, masyarakat masih dapat melakukan Kegiatan walaupun dengan keterbatasan. Demikian juga dengan Perguruan tinggi, mengalami keterbatasan kegiatan. Untuk itu segala Kegiatan belajar mengajar menggunakan system daring yang dikenal dengan e-learning. Makalah ini menyampaikan macam-macam kegiatan di kampus dan kendalanya dalam masa covid-19. Secara umum kendalanya selain fasilitas teknologi juga kendala dari civitas akademika dalam hal yang terkait dengan kesiapan teknologi dan penerimaan teknologi, yang disampaikan secara diskriptif.  Kata kunci: Covid19, e-learning, kesiapan teknologi, penerimaan teknolog

    User readiness and intention to adopt Blockchain technology: perspective of accounting practitioners in Malaysia

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    The world is catching up with blockchain technology, however, it has slowly caught the attention of Malaysians. Besides, the opportunities and challenges of blockchain technology for the accounting practitioners are still under-investigated and empirical evidence is yet to be provided. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the constructs of technology readiness index (TRI) and the accounting practitioners’ behavioural intention to adopt blockchain technology. A cross sectional study has been carried out and employed PLS-SEM for data analysis. Findings indicate that, among the technology readiness variables, optimism and innovativeness have a significantly positive effect on the intention to adopt blockchain technology, whereas discomfort and insecurity do not have a significant effect on the intention to adopt blockchain technology. Therefore, the management teams, blockchain developers and the related authorities should put more effort, time and energy in discovering the opportunities and challenges of blockchain technology as well as accelerating the development of blockchain technology to avoid falling behind by other countries in gaining advantages from this perspective

    The determinants of electronic voting adoption: Independent National Electoral Commission of Nigeria employees' perspective

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    The trend in the technological development has made the use of information technology and supporting devices mandatory in virtually all aspects of life. Yet the development of an Information system can be rejected by users due to several factors, that can be costly if left unsolved. This study investigates the determinant factors that can influence the successful adoption of electronic voting technology in the organisational context using the managerial and operational staff of the electoral commission for the data collection thorough a survey study. Based on previous studies on adoption of technology, four key determinants factors or variables i.e. Technological Readiness, Organisational Readiness, Environmental Factors, and Perceived Benefits were identified from theories of Diffusion of Innovations, Technology-Organisation-Environment framework, and Iacovou et al. (1995) model to develop a model of organisational adoption of electronic voting technology. Past studies in the area of technology adoption have equally identified other important factors that can influence adoption of technology such as user participation in system development and ICT training and Skills. The study extend the model with these two factors and tested for mediation and indirect effects in the model relationships using ICT training and Skills being a critical factors in the success of any information technology adoption, especially in the developing countries such as Nigeria as shown from previous studies. The proposed model consists of eleven hypothesized structural relationships-direct and indirect. A total of 500 questionnaires was distributed for this study between the two major categories, i.e. Managerial and operational staff. A Partial Least Structural Equation Modelling method of analysis was use to investigate the causal, mediating and moderating relationships between the latent variables. The results showed that all the determinants factors positively influence the electronic voting technology adoption success. Based on the results obtained, a model of information technology adoption known as E-voting adoption is proposed. The theoretical and practical implications were finally discussed, while necessary suggestions on future research were recommende

    Dampak COVID19 Pada Kesiapan Teknologi dan Penerimaan Teknologi di Kampus

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    Covid-19 is currently in Indonesia for more than 5 months. To prevent this disease becoming widespread, various strategies have been carried out, among others, by doing Lock Down and large-scale social restrictions. Community activities are affected. By relying on communication technology and IT including the Internet, people can still do activities even with limitations. Likewise, Higher Education got limited activities. For this reason, all teaching and learning activities used an online system known as e-learning. This paper conveys various activities on campus and its constraints during the covid-19. In general, the constraints aside from technological facilities are also obstacles from the academic community in matters relating to technology readiness and technology acceptance, which are delivered descriptively

    Moderating effect of religiosity on the relationship between technology readiness, trust and diffusion of e-commerce (B2C) in Sultanate of Oman

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    Electronic commerce has tremendously revolutionized the global economic system. Notwithstanding it has been playing a catalytic role in strengthening economies of the developing states, many countries are lagging behind in practicing electronic commerce due to numerous factors including technology readiness and trust. This study aimed to investigate the nature of relationship that exists between technology readiness, trust and diffusion of electronic while focusing on the public sector higher education institutions of the Sultanate of Oman. Furthermore, the study indented to examine the moderating effect of religiosity on the relationship between technology readiness, trust and diffusion of e-commerce. A structured questionnaire representing dimensions related to technology readiness, trust, religiosity and diffusion of electronic commerce was duly designed. Data was collected using survey method, through the distribution of the structured questionnaires to the public sector higher education institutions of Oman. The Partial Lease Square - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed to test the hypotheses. The results indicated that technology readiness, trust and religiosity have positive effects on the diffusion of e-commerce. Additionally, the findings revealed that religiosity significantly and positively moderates the relationship between technology readiness, trust and the diffusion of electronic commerce. The results imply that all the stakeholders must call their attention to the core areas of e-commerce like technology readiness, trust and religiosity to ensure a brighter future in today’s fast moving and competitive environment. While contributing to the body of knowledge and highlighting the importance of technology readiness and trust in the diffusion process of electronic commerce, the study appropriately provides practical, managerial, educational and theological implications to the prospective consumers, governmental officials, policy- makers and the e-commerce global community. In terms of limitations, this study is confined to the impacts of technology readiness, trust and religiosity on the diffusion of (business to consumer) electronic commerce, and has targeted academicians from the public higher education institutions, as respondents. On the basis of this study, future research can be conducted in the perspective of developing countries other than the Sultanate of Oman. It would also be valuable to employ the framework in conducting comparative studies on the developing and the developed nation