27 research outputs found

    GOLEMA XIV prognoza rozwoju ludzkiej cywilizacji a typologia osobliwości technologicznych

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    The GOLEM XIV’s forecast for the development of the human civilisation and a typology of technological singularities: In the paper, a conceptual analysis of technological singularity is conducted and results in the concept differentiated into convergent singularity, existential singularity, and forecasting singularity, based on selected works of Ray Kurzweil, Nick Bostrom, and Vernor Vinge respectively. A comparison is made between the variants and the forecast of GOLEM XIV (a quasi-alter ego and character by Stanisław Lem) for the possible development of Homo sapiens civilisation. According to the prediction, the scientific and technological progress is to bring humanity to transfer its civilisational primacy to a nonhuman superhuman intelligence xor a posthuman one. Both scenarios are best described by forecasting singularity, yet all variants are applicable only conditionally. As GOLEM did not undertake, the trajectories may also intersect or combine

    Guardrails for the future:how digital humanism guides responsible technological convergence

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    Through the lens of Digital Humanism and technological singularity, the study critically examines the role of dynamic capabilities (DCs) of Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) and their influence on triggering digitalisation and accelerating technological convergence through clients and employees. This is evaluated by employing a single case study approach of a multi-award-winning technology solution company, namely Kubenet, based in Scotland. Their partners are Cisco and Microsoft to guarantee global access to clients’ applications. They own the ‘next generation network’ which allows flexibility, safety, and resilience supported by ISO, ITiL and Cyber Essentials accreditations. The analysis of the Kubenet has allowed us to notice that CDOs assume a relevant role in disseminating the principle of digital humanism which even if the technologies are completely in the organizational settings, human skills still have a central role in the whole organizational life. Creativity and innovation cannot be replaced by technologies which denote an integration of digital humanism accompanied by technology singularity

    Karakterizacija željeznih lijevova ultrazvučnim ispitivanjem

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    This paper presents an overview of possibility of the cast iron characterization using ultrasonic testing that could eliminate most of the disadvantages of the metallographic method, but its usage is limited by the fact that velocity and attenuation of ultrasonic wave depend on technological singularities of cast iron production. Characterization of microstructural features and mechanical properties of cast iron is based on the ultrasonic testing parameters, primarily on ultrasonic wave velocity, which depends on the elastic modulus and density of the cast iron.Ovaj rad prikazuje pregled mogućnosti karakterizacije željeznih lijevova ultrazvučnim ispitivanjem koje bi moglo otkloniti većinu nedostataka metalografske metode, no njegovo korištenje ograničava činjenica da brzina i prigušenje ultrazvučnih valova ovise o tehnološkim posebnostima proizvodnje željeznih lijevova. Karakterizacija mikrostrukture i mehaničkih svojstava željeznih lijevova temelji se na parametrima ultrazvučnog ispitivanja, prije svega na brzini ultrazvučnih valova, koja ovisi o modulu elastičnosti te o gustoći željeznog lijeva

    Future - Over the Horizon

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    Future - Over the Horizon

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    21st Century Engineering

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    Serra da Estrela cheeses free amino acids profiles by UPLC-DAD-MS/MS and their application for cheese origin assessment

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    Serra da Estrela cheese is a high-value Portuguese Protected Designation of Origin cheese, produced with raw ewe milk. Thus, information regarding its composition is of utmost relevance for both consumers and certified producers. In this work, the chromatographic profiles of free amino acids in cheeses (45 days of maturation, 6 producers located in 5 municipalities and produced from November 2017 to March 2018) were established by UPLC-DAD-MS/MS. The proposed method allowed detecting 19 free amino acids and cystine with overall limits of detection and quantification lower than 44 mol/L (1.4 mg/100 g cheese, wet matter) and then 134 mol/L (4.2 mg/100 g cheese, wet matter), respectively. In all cheeses, 17 free amino acids were quantified including 8 essential amino acids (histidine, leucine-isoleucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine) and 9 non-essential amino acids (arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, proline, serine and tyrosine). The amounts of the free amino acids, essential free amino acids, branched chain free amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine) plus the free amino acids ratios (mg/g protein) were further used to identify the producer of Serra da Estrela cheeses. Linear discriminant analysis coupled with the simulated annealing variable selection algorithm was used allowing the correct classification of 96% and 90±8% of the samples, for leave-one-out and repeated K-fold cross-validation procedures, respectively. The satisfactory predictive performance pointed out the possibility of using cheeses amino acids profiles as origin biomarkers for authenticity control, warranting the correctness identification of the cheese producer/brand, which is quite relevant for ensuring the consumer confidence and satisfaction when purchasing this high-value dairy food.This work was financially supported by Associate Laboratory LSRELCM – UID/EQU/50020/2019, strategic funding UID/BIO/04469/2019-CEB and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER000004), and strategic project PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2014–CIMO funded by – funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC). The authors would also like to acknowledge the funding provided by the approved Project, with reference 02/SAICT/ 2016/23290, entitled Characterization and Valorization of QSE PDO and its ability for health promotion (QCLASSE), financed by FCT. S. I. Falcão thanks National funding by FCT- Foundation for Science and Technology, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment program-contract.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cutting the Face: Kinship, State and Social Media Conflict in Networked Jordan

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Berghahn via the DOI in this recordThe local uptake of new media in the Middle East is shaped by deep histories of imperialism, state building, resistance and accommodation. In contemporary Jordan, social media is simultaneously encouraging identification with tribes and undermining their gerontocratic power structures. Senior men stress their own importance as guarantors (‘faces’), who restore order following conflicts, promising to pay their rivals a large surety if their kin break the truce. Yet, ‘cutting the face’ (breaking truces) remains an alternative, one often facilitated by new technologies that allow people to challenge pre-existing structures of communication and authority. However, the experiences of journalists and other social media mavens suggest that the liberatory promise of the new technology may not be enough to prevent its reintegration into older patterns of social control