757 research outputs found

    Partial Order Reduction for Security Protocols

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    Security protocols are concurrent processes that communicate using cryptography with the aim of achieving various security properties. Recent work on their formal verification has brought procedures and tools for deciding trace equivalence properties (e.g., anonymity, unlinkability, vote secrecy) for a bounded number of sessions. However, these procedures are based on a naive symbolic exploration of all traces of the considered processes which, unsurprisingly, greatly limits the scalability and practical impact of the verification tools. In this paper, we overcome this difficulty by developing partial order reduction techniques for the verification of security protocols. We provide reduced transition systems that optimally eliminate redundant traces, and which are adequate for model-checking trace equivalence properties of protocols by means of symbolic execution. We have implemented our reductions in the tool Apte, and demonstrated that it achieves the expected speedup on various protocols

    Time For Stubborn Game Reductions

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    Analysing Coloured Petri Nets by the Occurrence Graph Method

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    This paper provides an overview og the work done for the author's PhD thesis. The research area of Coloured Petri Nets is introduced, and the available analysis methods are presented. The occurrence graph method, which is the main subject of this thesis, is described in more detail. Summaries of the six papers which, together with this overview, comprise the thesis are given, and the contributions are discussed.A large portion of this overview is dedicated to a description of related work. The aim is twofold: First, to survey pertinent results within the research areas of -- in increasing generality -- Coloured Petri Nets, High-level Petri Nets, and formalisms for modelling and analysis of parallel and distributed systems. Second, to put the results obtained in this thesis in a wider perspective by comparing them with important related work

    State space c-reductions for concurrent systems in rewriting logic

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    We present c-reductions, a state space reduction technique. The rough idea is to exploit some equivalence relation on states (possibly capturing system regularities) that preserves behavioral properties, and explore the induced quotient system. This is done by means of a canonizer function, which maps each state into a (non necessarily unique) canonical representative of its equivalence class. The approach exploits the expressiveness of rewriting logic and its realization in Maude to enjoy several advantages over similar approaches: exibility and simplicity in the definition of the reductions (supporting not only traditional symmetry reductions, but also name reuse and name abstraction); reasoning support for checking and proving correctness of the reductions; and automatization of the reduction infrastructure via Maude's meta-programming features. The approach has been validated over a set of representative case studies, exhibiting comparable results with respect to other tools

    Symmetry reduction and heuristic search for error detection in model checking

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    The state explosion problem is the main limitation of model checking. Symmetries in the system being verified can be exploited in order to avoid this problem by defining an equivalence (symmetry) relation on the states of the system, which induces a semantically equivalent quotient system of smaller size. On the other hand, heuristic search algorithms can be applied to improve the bug finding capabilities of model checking. Such algorithms use heuristic functions to guide the exploration. Bestfirst is used for accelerating the search, while A* guarantees optimal error trails if combined with admissible estimates. We analyze some aspects of combining both approaches, concentrating on the problem of finding the optimal path to the equivalence class of a given error state. Experimental results evaluate our approach