7 research outputs found

    NIT COVID-19 at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Deep Learning Model RoBERTa for Identify Informative COVID-19 English Tweets

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    This paper presents the model submitted by the NIT_COVID-19 team for identified informative COVID-19 English tweets at WNUT-2020 Task2. This shared task addresses the problem of automatically identifying whether an English tweet related to informative (novel coronavirus) or not. These informative tweets provide information about recovered, confirmed, suspected, and death cases as well as the location or travel history of the cases. The proposed approach includes pre-processing techniques and pre-trained RoBERTa with suitable hyperparameters for English coronavirus tweet classification. The performance achieved by the proposed model for shared task WNUT 2020 Task2 is 89.14% in the F1-score metric.Comment: 5 pages, one figures, conferenc

    Social media monopolization : main stakeholders’ behavior from neo-weberian state perspective

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    Rapid growth of social media has led towards establishment of a new segment of the global economy, growing continually in importance and value. Such an unprecedented phenomenon raises questions regarding economic and social consequences of activities of such popular social media like Facebook, Google+ or Twitter. The aim of the article is to identify potential threats both for users (individual people and small businesses) and other social media stakeholders originating from monopolistic practices of social media management. The analysis is based on the literature review and opinions expressed by social media active and involved users. In result, besides identified potential threats, a picture of further, in-depth research is sketched and possible ways to enable well-balanced growth of social media based on market principles are indicated. It is showed in the article also that Neo-Weberian State paradigm may be considered as a useful theoretical background for further analysis of the social media market

    An empirical investigation of banks employees’ interactions and workflow influence during social media advent: a case study of two commercial banks

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    The primary aim of this study is to investigate commercial banks employee’s interactions in the advent and eminence of social media, thus, depict the major influence which is made by social media in two commercial banks (ABSA and Standard Bank) workflow. This study has employed a quantitative research approach whereby structured questionnaires were distributed respectively to two commercial banks’ employees. A self-developed and administered questionnaire was distributed to a population size of 194 employees with 102 returned and completed successfully, thereby generating a response rate of 53%. Findings in this study revealed the extent to which social media has changed workflow in commercial banks (54% agree, 23% were undecided, and 24% disagreed). Among other major findings that this study reflected, social media among commercial banks employees’ has totally transformed channels of communication (60% agreed, 25% were undecided, and 24% disagreed). Despite the positive advancements revealed in this study, social media has not allowed openness of emotions among commercial banks employees’ (49% agreed, 28% were undecided, and 24% disagreed). This study is expected to contribute to the body of knowledge, as there is a paucity of published studies on commercial banks employee’s interactions in the advent of social media. This study will also help the bank managers to intensify online team management and supervision. Keywords: collaboration, communications, employees’ emotions, human interaction, supervision, team management. JEL Classification: G21, M30, M5

    Relación entre la utilidad, entretenimiento, socialización, satisfacción del usuario, intención de seguir, intención de interactuar, respaldo hacia la marca e intención de compra en las cuentas de Instagram de las marcas de indumentaria deportiva (Adidas, Nike, Puma y Umbro) en la población de 18 a 34 años en Lima Metropolitana 2021

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    Las restricciones dispuestas por el gobierno peruano, como el aislamiento social, durante la pandemia ocurrida en el 2020, intensificaron el uso de las redes sociales y la migración hacia estas. Aplicaciones como Instagram y otras se convirtieron en uno de los principales medios digitales a través de los cuales las personas podían mantener la comunicación con su entorno más cercano. Así mismo, se incrementó el consumo del contenido compartido en redes sociales, ya que los usuarios se vieron forzados a buscar nuevas alternativas de entretenimiento. Este confinamiento no solo implicó un cambio en los hábitos de las personas, sino también alteró el mecanismo de ventas de las empresas y marcas. Incrementando así la migración de las marcas a redes sociales para poder mantener el vínculo con su comunidad y a su vez ofrecer otras opciones de compra a los usuarios. Sin embargo, es esencial mencionar que, a pesar de la digitalización de las marcas, el proceso de compra a través de redes sociales resulta complejo dado que el usuario toma en cuenta diversos factores antes de realizar una compra. Por ello, la presente la investigación, tiene finalidad identificar la relación entre diversas variables (utilidad, entretenimiento, socialización, satisfacción del usuario, intención de seguir, intención de interactuar, respaldo hacia la marca e intención de compra) que afectan la intención de compra del usuario en Instagram sobre la categoría de moda deportiva en Lima Metropolitana. Para el desarrollo de la presente investigación, se aplicó la técnica de análisis cuantitativo no experimental, con una muestra de 400 participantes. Con respecto a la prueba de hipótesis se utilizó para la hipótesis general la prueba de normalidad y el Rho de Spearman, mientras que para las hipótesis específicas se empleó el Rho de Spearman. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran relación entre las variables mencionadas anteriormente.The restrictions arranged by the Peruvian government, such as social isolation, during the pandemic that occurred in 2020, intensified the use of social networks and the migration towards them. Applications like Instagram and others became one of the main digital media through which people could maintain communication with their closest environment. Likewise, the consumption of content shared on social networks increased, since users were forced to look for new entertainment alternatives. This confinement not only implied a change in people's habits, but also altered the sales mechanism of companies and brands. Thus, increasing the migration of brands to social networks in order to maintain the connection with their community and in turn, offer other purchase options to users. However, it is essential to mention that despite the digitization of brands, the purchase process through social networks is complex since the user considers various factors before making a purchase. Therefore, this research aims to identify the relationship between various variables (user satisfaction, endorsed brand attitude and purchase intention) that affect the user's purchase intention on Instagram in the sports fashion category in Metropolitan Lima. For the development of this research, the non-experimental quantitative analysis technique was applied, with a sample of 400 participants. Regarding the hypothesis test, the normality test and Spearman's Rho were used for the general hypothesis, while Spearman's Rho was used for the specific hypotheses. The results obtained show a relationship between the variables mentioned above.Tesi

    A Heuristic Usability Evaluation Of Electronic Input Devices With Regard To Recording Class Attendance At Universities: Case Of Central University Of Technology

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    Student attendance is an important aspect at universities. Attending classes also increases a student’s interaction with a variety of faculty members. This raises the likelihood of finding mentors and role models who can help guide their academic, career and personal development. The digital strategy of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the Central University of Technology, Free State, encourages the replacement of manual processes by technological processes, to capture class attendance. The manner in which class attendance is generally captured, relevant to the research setting, is a manual process using pen and paper. With the advent of new technologies it is possible to replace the aforementioned manual system with a custom hardware and software solution, by using electronic input devices (EID’s). The question remains, how can a usability study on electronic input devices be used to assess and determine the most suitable device for recording class attendance electronically? The site of this research was restricted to the Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT). A mixed methodology to explore the phenomenon was used. Sixty-three (63) first- year students, currently enrolled for the Diploma in Information Technology, Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP), were identified as a suitable population, with the correct demographics and sample size, to participate in the study. An open-ended questionnaire was developed to determine student perceptions of EID’s as well as the traditional method of recording student class attendance. Three different input devices were identified, namely: Barcode Scanner, Fingerprint Scanner, and Radio Frequency Identification Scanner (RFID). The devices were connected to custom software to gather the quantitative data over a period of four (4) weeks for each device. All the data captured was stored in a database. Data mining was implemented to extract data from the database. The objective of the study was to determine which electronic input device performs the best. A Performance Metric was developed that comprises the student’s opinions, duration for each individual scan as well as the duration of the total scan time for each device. The data in the Performance Metric was analysed using correlation and standard deviation. Each student was identified using their student number, which is linked to the barcode on the student card. For both the RFID and Fingerprint Scanners, student numbers must be linked to the Fingerprint and the RFID code. At the inception of the study, it was envisaged that the Barcode Scanner would be the most efficient and take the least time. It was also expected that students would be in favour of the Barcode Scanner, mainly because they are more familiar with it than with the other two devices

    Techniques and Tools for Designing an Online Social Network Platform

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    XI, 190 p. 72 illus., 67 illus. in color.online r