20,649 research outputs found

    Colombian Sign Language And Games Employed In The English Learning Process Of Deaf People: A Challenging Experience

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    El estudio de Acción- Investigación desarrollo la implementación de una propuesta didáctica de enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera para aprendientes sordos. La propuesta se llevó a cabo con un grupo de dieciséis estudiantes de pregrado en semestre “Cero” en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo y los datos se obtuvieron a través de diferentes metodologías tales como: encuestas, observaciones de clase y variedad de trabajo hecho por los estudiantes. Los hallazgos mostraron que la Lengua de Señas Colombiana (LSC) como medio de comunicación y aprendizaje es clave en el proceso de aprendizaje de los aprendientes sordos. Además, los juegos como estrategia de aprendizaje son apropiados en un propuesta didáctica para contribuir en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera de estudiantes sordos. A pesar de las pasados, persistentes y erróneas ideas sobre los individuos sordos, este estudio confirma su potencial y capacidad a través los resultados obtenidos por ellos.The Action Research study developed the implementation of a didactic proposal of the teaching of English as a foreign language for deaf learners through the use of Colombian Sign Language (CSL) and games.. The proposal was executed in a group of sixteen undergraduate students in term “Zero” at Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. A qualitative study was carried out and data was collected through different methodologies such as surveys, class observations and a variety of works done by learners. Findings showed that CSL as means of communication and tool of language learning is key in the learning process of deaf learners. Moreover, games as strategy of learning are useful in a didactic proposal to contribute in the teaching- learning process of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) of deaf people. Despite of old and persistent misconceptions about the deaf individuals, this study confirmed their potential through the positive results exhibited by them

    The use of interactive games as tool in the teaching learning process with students of sixth year at “eugenio espejo-diez de agosto” primary school during the academic cycle april - august 2015

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    This research was developed due to the deficiency in the communication in the English language in students of sixth year of basic education "Eugenio Espejo-Diez De Agosto" school, in Guaytacama parish, That is the reason why it has been established the importance of using interactive games to enhance the English teaching-learning process, at the same time to turn the environment into the funniest classes, reaching an interaction between teacher and students in an easy way. It will permit to exchange knowledge and will avoid boredom into the classroom. Therefore, the most important point of this research was to contribute with a didactic guide based on interactive games in order that students can apply their knowledge acquired with the objective to improve communicative skills of English language and catch the student´s attention. The students also have the opportunity to engage in a collaborative and interactive class setting. This research was conducted through descriptive method which was used to obtain important information to develop the proposal which will be a reference for students and teachers in the English field to develop the English learning and integrate the knowledge.Este trabajo de investigación se desarrolló debido a la deficiencia en la comunicación del idioma Inglés por parte de los estudiantes del sexto año de educación básica de la escuela “Eugenio Espejo Diez De Agosto”, de la parroquia Guaytacama, Es por esa razón la importancia de la utilización de juegos interactivos para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Al mismo tiempo se logrará hacer el ambiente de clases más divertido logrando una interacción entre docente y estudiante, llegando de manera fácil al intercambio de conocimientos y evitar el aburrimiento en el aula. Por lo tanto, el punto más importante de este trabajo de investigación es contribuir con una guía didáctica basada en juegos interactivos en donde los estudiantes puedan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos con el objetivo de mejorar las habilidades comunicativas del idioma Inglés y retener la atención del estudiante. También los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de involucrarse en una clase colaborativa e interactiva. Esta investigación fue conducida a través del método descriptivo el cual fue usado para obtener información importante para el desarrollo de la propuesta. La cual será una referencia tanto para profesores y estudiantes en el área del idioma Inglés logrando desarrollar la enseñanza del mismo e integrar los conocimientos aprendidos

    Development of basic mathematical concepts - sense of counting

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    We live in a time of transition when many things in life change very quickly. Therefore, we adults and especially young children are exposed to various changes that sometimes affect our and the child's psycho-physical and social development positively or negatively, regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Very rapid changes also lead to a change in the entire economic system. They are even more pronounced in the educational system. Sudden changes are taking place and are still being felt in the kindergarten, which nowadays represents not only care, but also a new beginning of learning for children, because children in the kindergarten get to know and get to know different learning contents in different areas. They learn to live and develop both psychologically and socially. The whole development, however, continues and is upgraded in primary school, when children get to know a new environment, people, friends, new ways, and changes that lead to the building of their personality. Based on this, we can say that in this time we are currently living and living in the time of Covid 19, when we have a state of emergency due to a pandemic, people are even trying to build a new system of life, the development of our new personality and the development of a new education system. From this context, I decided to write a paper, with a purpose showing upgrading and easier ways to gain new knowledge in mathematics. In this article, I present some theoretical starting points as well as practical activities that need to be carried out in kindergarten and in the 1st triad of primary school for children to start with mathematics from an early age and fall in love with it

    Didactic Sequence for the Use of a Video game streaming-based Methodology to Teach Vocabulary to Eleventh Grade Students of a Public Institution in Dosquebradas

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    This paper presents a didactic sequence which is aimed at developing a video game streaming-based methodology that intends to create a new way of learning English based on the likes of this new generation. The expected results will be that professors and students will find this methodology helpful to improve language learning, as well as an entertaining way to get involved in the English language. We also expect to contribute to language education by using a methodology that takes advantage of technologies that constantly evolve and that are very useful in education.Este artículo presenta una secuencia didáctica que tiene como objetivo desarrollar una metodología basada en streaming de videojuegos la cual busca crear una nueva forma de aprender inglés basadas en los gustos de esta nueva generación. Los resultados esperados serán que profesores y estudiantes encuentren esta metodología útil para mejorar el aprendizaje del idioma, así como una forma entretenida de involucrarse en el idioma inglés. También esperamos contribuir a la educación de idiomas utilizando una metodología que aprovecha las tecnologías que evolucionan constantemente y que son de gran utilidad en la educación.PregradoLicenciado(a) en Bilingüismo con Énfasis en InglésContent Justification............................................................................................................... 11 Objectives............................................................................................................. 14 Learning objectives............................................................................................... 14 Conceptual Framework............................................................................................. 16 Didactic Sequence ................................................................................................ 16 Preparation phase.............................................................................................. 17 Execution phase................................................................................................ 17 Evaluation phase............................................................................................... 17 Video Game Streaming ........................................................................................ 18 Streaming.............................................................................................................. 18 Types of Streaming........................................................................................... 19 Video Games ........................................................................................................ 20 Types of Games................................................................................................ 21 Social Groups Behind Video Games................................................................ 21 Communities of Speech................................................................................ 23 Video Games for Education ............................................................................. 24 Vocabulary............................................................................................................ 26 10 Productive vocabulary ...................................................................................... 26 Receptive vocabulary ....................................................................................... 27 Teaching vocabulary......................................................................................... 28 Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 29 Methodology............................................................................................................. 34 Type of project...................................................................................................... 34 Context and Participants....................................................................................... 34 Practitioners’ role: ............................................................................................ 35 Instructional Design.............................................................................................. 35 Ethical considerations............................................................................................... 53 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 55 References ................................................................................................................ 57 Appendix 1: Lesson plan .......................................................................................... 6

    Native teacher and non-native teachers’ influence in the english teaching-learning process. a comparative study at the “Ramón Barba Naranjo” educative unit during the academic period september 2015- february 2016

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    This present research was focused on improving the Teaching- Learning Process in order that non-native English teachers develop new methodologies. The main problem was that the students did not pay attention and they did not work in English class and it makes the classes boring. Thus, they do not like the English language. Although that the non-native teachers have focused on teaching English language. There is a little inconvenience at the moment to teach to the students because the non-native teacher do not catch the attention of them due to the methodologies used by the non-native teachers do not give good results. That is the reason why, it has been considered a training course where it is important to find some activities to develop them….La presente investigación se centró en la mejora el Proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje con el fin de que los profesores no nativos de inglés desarrollen nuevas metodologías. El problema principal fue que los estudiantes no prestan atención en la clase de inglés y como resultado los estudiantes no trabajan por lo que esto hace que las clases se tornen aburridas. Por lo tanto, no les gusta el idioma Inglés. A pesar de que los profesores no nativos se han centrado en la enseñanza del idioma Inglés, existe un pequeño inconveniente en el momento de enseñar a los estudiantes porque el profesor no nativo no llama la atención de ellos debido a que las metodologías utilizadas por los profesores no nativos no dan buenos resultados…

    Nonverbal Language Strategies to Improve Listening the Level of Comprehension in 3rd -Grade Students at 28 De Septiembre School, Academic Period 2022-2023

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    Establish nonverbal language strategies to improve listening comprehension in 3rd grade students at 28 de Septiembre ” School during academic period 2022 2023.La presente investigación aborda estrategias del lenguaje no verbal para mejorar la comprensión auditiva en estudiantes de tercer grado de la Escuela 28 de Septiembre de la ciudad de Ibarra, Ecuador, durante el período académico 2022-2023. Este estudio fue diseñado para establecer estrategias de lenguaje no verbal para mejorar la comprensión auditiva de los estudiantes de tercer grado y contribuir con el desarrollo progresivo de sus habilidades comunicativas. Este proyecto de investigación ha sido sustentado y respaldado por un marco teórico. En cuanto a la metodología, la información recopilada en este proyecto de investigación se basó en una investigación mixta ya que se utilizaron técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas. La investigadora realizó una entrevista a autoridades y docentes; y, se aplicó una encuesta a los estudiantes para recolectar datos que, después de ser analizados, demostraron que los estudiantes aprenden rápidamente los contenidos al usar gestos, movimientos corporales, expresiones faciales y otras estrategias, además de despertar su interés y curiosidad por aprender. Hubo una aceptación significativa de esta implementación en las clases de inglés. Considerando lo anterior, fue necesario desarrollar una guía didáctica con actividades interesantes basadas en estrategias de lenguaje no verbal relacionadas con el contexto, el ritmo de aprendizaje y el interés de los estudiantes. Esta guía didáctica permite a los niños construir nuevos conocimientos significativos.Licenciatur

    Jezična igra u ranoj školskoj dobi kao preduvjet razvoja dobrih komunikacijskih vještina

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    Game is an inborn (immanent) activity to children; it includes a large number of activities and helps children to develop their own abilities. Since it is filled with harmony, pleasure and rhythm, it makes it easier to accept larger amount of information without fatigue. Research (Velički & Peti Stantić, 2009; Aladrović Slovaček, 2011; Pavličević-Franić, Aladrović Slovaček & Ivanković, 2011) suggests that, learning through games, children master larger amount of information and present better attitudes to Croatian language as a school subject. In fact, language is an abstract system of signs and mastering it very often presents a problem to children until the start of the period of language automation (at 12 years old). However, in early language learning, emphasis is placed on the development of language-communicative competence, which means language use in everyday situations. To make language teaching at that age purposeful, it is necessary to use games as one of the teaching methods.Therefore, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate the effects of frequent implementation of language games on the development of communicative skills among primary school children. The research has been conducted in the fourth and fifth grades of primary school (N=128) in three different schools of Central Croatia. The subjects had five Croatian language lessons in which language activities of listening, speaking, reading and writing were encouraged through games. After each lesson a short questionnaire was administered, as well as a test of acquired knowledge. During the fifth lesson, an activity was done in which the efficiency of mastering communicative skills on the levels of listening, speaking, reading and writing was evaluated. Respondents showed an improved knowledge and attitude in relation to these studies (Miljević-Riđički at al. 2004; Pavličevivić-Franić & Aladrović Slovaček, 2009; Aladrović Slovaček, 2011) and have mastered communication skills in speaking and writing more successfully, which confirms that the use of games in teaching Croatian language encourages the development of communication skills.Igra je djeci urođena (imanentna) aktivnost, uključuje velik broj aktivnosti i kroz nju djeca razvijaju svoje sposobnosti. Budući da je ispunjena skladom, osjećajem ugode i ritmom, olakšava ovladavanje većim brojem informacija bez zamora. Istraživanja (Velički i Peti Stantić, 2009; Aladrović Slovaček, 2011; Pavličević-Franić, Aladrović Slovaček i Ivanković, 2011) pokazuju da djeca učeći kroz igru ovladaju većim brojem informacija te pokazuju bolje stavove prema hrvatskome jeziku kao nastavnome predmetu. Naime, jezik je apstraktan sustav znakova i ovladavanje njime vrlo često djeci do razdoblja jezične automatizacije (12. godina) predstavlja problem. Međutim, u ranome učenju jezika naglasak je na razvoju jezično-komunikacijske kompetencije koja podrazumijeva uporabu jezika u svakodnevnim situacijama. Da bi poučavanje jezika u toj dobi bilo svrhovito, potrebno je koristiti igru kao jednu od metoda poučavanja.Upravo stoga cilj je ovoga rada pokazati učinke česte provedbe jezičnih igara na razvoj komunikacijskih vještina učenika osnovnoškolske dobi. Istraživanje je provedeno u četvrtome i petom razredu osnovne škole (N = 128) u tri različite škole središnje Hrvatske. Ispitanici su imali pet sati hrvatskoga jezika u kojima su se kroz igru poticale jezične djelatnosti slušanja, govorenja, čitanja i pisanja. Nakon svakoga sata proveden je kratak upitnik i provjera stečenoga znanja. Peti sat nastave provedena je vježba u kojoj se procjenjivala uspješnost ovladavanja komunikacijskim vještinama na razini slušanja, govorenja, čitanja i pisanja. Ispitanici su pokazali bolje znanje i stavove u odnosu na spomenuta istraživanja (2004, 2009, 2011) i uspješnije su ovladali komunikacijskim vještinama u govoru i pismu, što potvrđuje da korištenje igre u nastavi hrvatskoga jezika potiče razvoj komunikacijskih vještina

    Content and language integrated learning in Physical Education

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    Este Proyecto Fin de Grado está dirigido a profesores de educación física que tienen la competencia lingüística para dar las clases en inglés, pero pueden necesitar algo de apoyo en cuanto a metodología bilingüe. Para ayudar a los futuros maestros de educación física bilingüe, a lo largo de este trabajo, presentaremos los fundamentos teóricos del bilingüismo; Primero se enumerará el marco legal, reuniendo las diferentes leyes que deben tenerse en cuenta. Después, nos centraremos en Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenido y Lengua Extranjera (AICLE) y otras metodologías apropiadas para proyectos bilingües, centrándonos en el área de educación física. Finalmente, pasaremos de la teoría a la práctica, ofreciendo un proyecto de inglés interdisciplinar, para trabajar con todas las diferentes áreas del currículo a través del mismo tema, los Juegos Olímpicos.The Degree Final Project is aimed at PE teachers who have the Linguistic Competence to teach the lessons in English, but may need some support when dealing with bilingual methodology, so we do not fall into the trap of just translating the Didactic Units into English. In order to help future Bilingual PE teachers, throughout this essay, we will introduce the theoretical foundations of Bilingualism; first the legal framework will be listed, to gather all the different laws that must be taken into account. After that, we will focus on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and other appropriate methodologies for bilingual projects, focusing on PE lessons. Finally we will move from theory to practice, offering an interdisciplinary English project, to work with all the different areas of the curriculum through the same topic, the Olympic Games.Grado en Educación Primari