215,337 research outputs found

    The Use of Gowin\u27s Vee to Improve Post-Graduate Critical Analysis of Research Papers

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    Teaching critical reviewing of\u27 research papers to budding post-graduate students is a difficult process.A method that focuses on the match of the theoretical and methodological components of well constructed research is invaluable in assisting students in a structured review of research papers. Gowin\u27s Vee heuristic is such a method. This paper reports on the use of Gowin\u27s Vee to post-graduate students of Information Technology in critiquing research papers and formulating their own research project. Preliminary results show an increased appreciation by students of critical elements of a well formulated pape

    Research Ethics Review Processes: Potential Teaching Tools for Health Professions Students

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    This article highlights how research ethics review processes have the potential to be used as teaching tools. Health professions students at the graduate level often conduct research involving human participants as part of their program requirements. Applying for approval from a reviewing committee may be one of their first experiences implementing a research project. Beyond their ethics application, novice researchers require additional support as they encounter the challenges of incorporating research ethics principles into practice. We argue that such support can, and should, be provided through Research Ethics Board activities such as participating in classroom teaching, providing support to research supervisors and remaining available to applicants throughout their research projects

    Instructional strategies in the EGRET course: an international graduate forum on becoming a researcher

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    In today’s knowledge economy, graduate students in the field of Computer Science are increasingly required to develop sophisticated, multi-faceted knowledge of conducting research across multiple contexts and countries. This paper reports the experience of teaching a course to prepare Computer Science graduate students for conducting research in the international community. The course emphasized development of skills critical for a successful research career in computer science, and included construction of knowledge as well as hands-on application of instructional content. The intended learning outcomes included (a) gaining familiarity with research design and methodologies in computer science, (b) preparing and delivering research presentations, (c) reviewing the literature, (d) reading and writing research papers, (e) writing and evaluating research proposals, and (f) networking in the international research community. In this paper, we describe an innovative instructional design that emphasized international collaboration with graduate students from another university on a different continent, namely the Open University in the UK. Our instructional strategies included (a) remote participation of graduate students across universities and countries in real-time, using technologies for synchronous computer mediated communication, (b) incorporation of collaborative activities using online tools scaffolding students’ construction of sophisticated knowledge of key research activities, and (c) providing students with opportunities for hands-on practical application of concepts in collaborative research activities

    Multicultural Aspects in The Curriculum of Catholic Religious Education in First Middle School

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    This research was motivated by the declaration of the year of religious tolerance in 2022. Of course, this tolerant attitude must be supported by the multicultural education that students receive. For this reason, it is necessary to examine whether there is a multicultural education content in Catholic Religion subjects taught in Junior High Schools. By reviewing the 2013 National Curriculum and conducting in-depth interviews with related parties according to qualitative methods. Finally, a surprising finding was found. It turns out that as long as students study Catholicism in Junior High School, they have learned 14 chapters of multicultural education from 29 chapters of learning and as many as 49 basic competencies out of 116 basic competencies that must be mastered by students. This means that Catholic students, when they graduate from junior high school, already have adequate provisions to living tolerantly with a multicultural society. It was also found that this multicultural content was in line with the core teaching of the Catholic religion. The conclusion of this study is that the declaration of the year of tolerance by the government in terms of teaching the Catholic religion has a fairly adequate basi

    Making as Pedagogy: Engaging Technology in Design Teaching

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    With the wide spread adaptation of digital technology in the design discipline, there is a need to understand the role of technology in design teaching. In this chapter, we will examine the role of technology as probes, prototype, and toolkits and ask how this facilitates a more holistic learning process. “Design problem” is by its nature multi-facetted and open ended. The difficulty faced by most educators in the design discipline is that of encouraging students to develop critical thinking and approach the open-ended nature of their subject. We will explore making as a critical investigation of the design problem with two projects taught in an architectural design studio environment, at both undergraduate and graduate levels as case studies. By reviewing experiential learning through making, we can develop a more integrated means of teaching technology within a broader trans-disciplinary design context

    Institutional audit : University of Durham

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    Enhancement-led institutional review : University of St Andrews

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    Integrated quality and enhancement review : summative review : Walsall College

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    University of Sheffield : Institutional Review by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, December 2012

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