16 research outputs found

    Wikis in elearning and student projects

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    The paper presents a study which was based on the hypothesis that wikis that are initiated bottom up by students might be used more deliberately than wikis which are introduced top down by teachers. Therefore it examines the specific effects observed in nine different wiki projects at the university of Frankfurt ranging from student wiki projects up to wikis used in seminars and as information tool for institutions

    Employing wikis for online collaboration in the e-learning environment: case study

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    This paper examines the various ways in which students reflect on their very recent experiences in collaborating in an online e-learning environment. Wikis, fully editable Websites, are easily accessible, require no software and allow its contributors, in these case students, to feel a sense of responsibility and ownership. Wikis are everywhere, but, unfortunately, the online literature has not yet begun to focus enough on wikis (Mattison 2003). Whereas students are used to the WebCT based university Elearning environment, Deakin Studies Online (DSO), this case study, completed in Nov 2004, was conducted to test the wiki platform as a means of online collaboration in the tertiary education environment. A full analysis of the results is presented, as are recommendations for improving the platform in an effort to employ wikis and utilize them to their full and absolute potential. <br /

    Security in the online e-learning environment

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    This paper addresses the role of security in the collaborative e-learning environment, and in particular, the social aspects of security and the importance of identity. It represents a case study, completed in Nov 2004, which was conducted to test the sense of security that students experienced whilst using the wiki platform as a means of online collaboration in the tertiary education environment. Wikis, fully editable Web sites, are easily accessible, require no software and allow its contributors (in this case students) to feel a sense of responsibility and ownership. A comparison between two wiki studies will be made whereby one group employed user login and the other maintained anonymity throughout the course of the study. The results consider the democratic participation and evolution of the work requirements over time, which in fact ascertains the nonvalidity of administrative identification. <br /

    Choosing A Wiki Platform For Student Projects Lessons Learned

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    Wikis offer many benefits, such as two-way flows of information, early and consistent feedback, and greater student group collaboration, in an educational setting.  Some researchers have already reported on the use of Wikis in their classes.  However, instructors must choose an appropriate Wiki platform in order to receive all of the benefits of their use.  Failure to do so can lead to significant frustration on the part of both students and the instructor.  Using a framework put forth by Schwartz et. al. (2004), this paper reports on the use of various Wiki platforms in an introductory information systems class.  Lessons learned from this experience are discussed

    Zyklo-Pädisch. Einen Kreis des Wissens bilden

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    Das WWW wächst und verändert sich in Echtzeit. Es kann keine „runde Sache“ werden, denn dazu müßte seine Dynamik eingefangen und einer Homogenisierung unterworfen werden. Konzeptionell sind Wikis eine Verstärkung der Tendenz zum unmoderierten, spontanen Wachstum. Die Vorbedingungen zur augenblicklichen Teilnahme am kooperativen, global verteilten Schreiben werden auf ein Minimumm reduziert. Bemerkenswert ist daher die Entwicklung der Wikipedia, die als on-line Enzyklopädie den Kreis als Programm proklamiert. Das Ideal der abgerundeten Wissensbilanz eines Zeitalters verbindet sich mit den Herausforderungen der Tagesaktualität. Die Wikipedia hat der Konkurrenz das Wagnis dieses Konventionsbruches voraus.\ud \ud <br /> <br />\ud \ud Orientiert an einer solchen Doppelbewegung kann man sich fragen, ob die impulsive Teilnahme an der Schriftlichkeit des Webs zugleich mit der Herstellung wohlorganisierter Argumentationszusammenhänge auch im kleineren Maßstab gelingen. Die Wikipedia rekurriert auf das traditionsgestützte Modell der komprehensiven Welterfassung. So anspruchsvoll können gewöhnliche Versuche nicht sein. Aber das Grundkonzept ist auch für sie anwendbar: die wechselseitige Herausforderung von Komplexität und Komplettierung. Die Praxis des universitären Einsatzes eines Mediawikis beleuchtet Bildungsvorgänge im Verlauf von Textexpansion

    Student Perceptions of Wikipedia as a Learning Tool for Educational Leaders

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    This non-experimental qualitative study examined archival survey data collected to evaluate the e‑cacy of a research assignment utilizing Wikipedia. Respondents were 14 doctoral students enrolled in Educational Leadership coursework during Fall 2011. There is limited research available on this topic, as Wikipedia has been minimally utilized as a legitimate learning tool in the education setting. Parker and Chao (2007) noted that Wikis are one of many Web 2.0 components that could be used to enhance the learning process. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate doctoral student\u27s perceptions of Wikipedia as an instructional tool in Educational Leadership coursework. The researchers also examined if completing this assignment changed students\u27 understanding and anticipated future use of Wikipedia. Students responded that they felt Wikipedia was as effective or more effective than traditional research assignments for meeting learning objectives. In addition, their perceptions and expected use changed as a result of this assignment. Data suggested that students anticipated use expanded from primarily personal use to applications in academic and professional settings

    Wikis for Teaching and Learning

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    An academic course presents an opportunity for all participants to collaborate for improving their knowledge. This collective improvement of knowledge is typically documented via material provided by the instructor and notes and assignments prepared by students. Over the course of a semester, these materials provide not only the collective knowledge in that course, but also provide a chronological history of how the knowledge base evolved. The focus of this study is wiki collaboration in teaching & learning contexts. A wiki is a medium in which a group of individuals can work together asynchronously on an idea and easily capture the essence in a reusable format. Technically, a wiki is a collection of hyperlinked Web pages that are assembled with wiki software. With wikis, the line between reader and contributor is intentionally blurred. Further, wiki use reflects the view of an instructor as one who facilitates information sharing among learners rather than simply transmitting knowledge from themselves to their students. Our initial motivation to explore the usefulness of wikis for teaching and learning was driven by the fact that wikis provide a medium in which several individuals could asynchronously work together on an idea and easily capture the essence in a reusable format. We found that: (1) Wikis can be can be used for a variety of tasks ranging from signup sheet for students to self organize, to undertaking business analyses, to analyzing policy positions; (2) Instructor support and facilitation is key; and (3) Ease-of-use issues are present but do not preclude success

    Wikis in elearning and student projects

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    Abstract: The paper presents a study which was based on the hypothesis that wikis that are initiated bottom up by students might be used more deliberately than wikis which are introduced top down by teachers. Therefore it examines the specific effects observed in nine different wiki projects at the university of Frankfurt ranging from student wiki projects up to wikis used in seminars and as information tool for institutions

    Wiki: a pedagogical experiment

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    New technologies related to the internet developement have opened possibilities to artistic and enterprise productions in general. In the present work we analyze the possibility of using the wiki tool in the classroom as an openning to text production. Wiki allows us to discuss the limits of text production when facing its ramified structure. Still, it allows us to investigate the matter of authorship, as we consider collective autorship one of the program’s main characteristics and a principle that defines its function. Thus, through inovation in the text edition structure, we propose a research about wiki’s effects in the classroom, focusing specifically in journalism graduation disciplines.As novas tecnologias associadas à internet trouxeram uma abertura de possibilidades para as produções artísticas e do mundo empresarial em geral. Neste trabalho, analisamos a adoção da ferramenta wiki em sala de aula tendo em vista tal abertura em relação à produção textual. O wiki nos permite questionar os parâmetros da linearidade do texto ao apresentar uma estrutura ramificada e, ainda, investigar a problemática da autoria, se supomos que uma de suas principais características é a autoria coletiva, princípio que define sua função. Assim, através da inovação apresentada na estrutura de edição textual, propomos uma investigação sobre seus efeitos em sala de aula, concentrando-nos especificamente em disciplinas da graduação em jornalismo

    Wikis as collaborative learning tools for knowledge sharing: Shifting the education landscape

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    Wikis support collaborative learning in a classroom environment. Nevertheless, the argument of wikis as an unstructured medium for learning and issues concerning security and privacy matters are overshadowed by the full potential benefit it brings to education fields. Educational wikis are very different from the wiki that we know in the biggest online encyclopedia; wikipedia.org. The implementation of wikis in education relies on its pedagogy approach, hence known as wiki pedagogy. The study conducted in Malaysia schools provides the case study for educational wikis to be deployed in school. The approach taken in the study using design experiments managed to formulate a pedagogy for effective use of wikis in education. Findings of the study may provide a new perspective in understanding the current practice of teaching and learning in school. The essence of socialization of learning facilitate by using wikis lead to collaborative knowledge building among students that they are not learning the knowledge but they are involved in the learning process which makes them a distinguish learners