2 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Game Edukasi Digital Sebagai Sarana Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini

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    Abstrak: Perkembangan dan dukungan teknologi digital telah memberikan peluang baru untuk memberikan pembelajaran dalam bentuk game edukasi digital pada anak usia dini. Karena anak-anak sangat terkait dengan permainan, maka game edukasi digital menjadi langkah strategis untuk memberikan pengalaman baru pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan literature review untuk menganalisis secara komprehensif dari artikel yang dipublikasikan sejak tahun 2013 hingga 2018. Temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan sebagaian besar artikel fokus dalam mengembangakan game edukasi digital sebagai alat pembelajaran anak usia dini. Metode experiment dan survei ditemukan menjadi metode utama dari sebagian besar artikel untuk evaluasi.Abstract: The development and support of digital technology have provided new opportunities to provide learning in the form of digital educational games for early childhood. Because children are strongly associated with games, digital education games are a strategic step to provide new learning experiences. This study uses the literature review approach to analyze comprehensively from articles published from 2013 to 2018. The findings of this study reveal that most articles focus on developing digital education games as early childhood learning tools. The experiment and survey methods were found to be the main method of most articles for evaluation

    A Novel UML-Based Methodology for Modeling Adventure-Based Educational Games

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    In the last years, the growth of serious games has been continuous. This kind of games have been successfully exploited in different areas, so they have been designed with extremely varied features according to the particular necessities of their ‘serious’ purpose. One of the most prolific application areas is the education (educational serious games). Besides, one of the genres that probably better suits to this type of games is the adventure, given the relevance of the narrative in this genre. However, in spite of the powerful tool that this kind of video games has proved to be in the classroom, a few methodological efforts have been conducted in order to involve pedagogues or educators in the design loop of these games or, one step further, include students in the co-design process to promote learning through design as a context. With this main objective, this paper presents a set of metamodels that could facilitate the conceptual design of this type of games. To this end, a complete graphical notation based on the UML standard (with adaptations) is defined for representing the components of this type of games; having in mind to improve the collaboration between the team of pedagogues/students and the technical team during the design process. Finally, the design diagrams defined during the production of a specific serious game, titled Uranus, are illustrated, in order to show the feasibility of the proposal. In addition, a validation experience was conducted with pedagogues and computer engineering students in order to test the value of the proposed graphic notation to design educational games