4 research outputs found

    Digital video revisited: Storytelling, conferencing, remixing

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    Modern Educational Technologies of Language Training of Future Service Sector Specialists : methodical book

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    The authors describe the peculiarities of modern educational technologies in the process of language teaching and learning of future specialists of service sector, namely they reveal the essence of “educational technology”, “pedagogical technology”, and “technology of education” notions. Educational concept of language training in Ukraine are presented; the possibilities of using modern educational technology in language training of vocational schools pupils are suggested. The authors pay much attention to information and communication technologies, nameli-foreign language learning with the help of computer (Computer-Assisted Language Learning (Call)), when a foreign language is studied in model language environment using multimedia authentic materials (video, sound, graphics and text ones)

    Гуманитарное образование и потребности рынка труда

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    Монографічне дослідження присвячене аналізу теоретичних основ гуманітарної підготовки учнів у ПТНЗ. Розглядаються роль пізнавальних психічних процесів у педагогічній діяльності вчителя, проблеми педагогічної взаємодії, освітній рівень психолого-педагогічних фахівців у контексті вимог ринку праці, освітньо-виховні принципи філософсько-педагогічної ноології, питання культурологічної підготовки майбутніх фахівців, структурні компоненти комунікативної культури фахівців сфери обслуговування, шляхи вдосконалення мовної підготовки учнів із використанням сучасних освітніх технологій, можливості використання ІКТ в інтерактивному навчанні майбутніх фахівців, зокрема в іншомовній підготовці.Monographic research is devoted to the analyses of theoretical fundamentals of humanitarian training of students at technical and vocational institutions. The role of cognitive mental processes in teacher’s professional activity, the problems of pedagogical cooperation, educational level of psychological and pedagogical specialists in the context of labour market requirements, educational principles of philosophic and pedagogical noology, the question of cultural training of future specialists, structural parts of communicative culture of specialists of service sphere, the ways of students’ speech training improvement with the use of modern educational technologies, possibilities of ICT use in interactive teaching of future specialists, particularly in foreign language training are consideredМонографическое исследование посвящено анализу теоретических основ гуманитарной подготовки учащихся в ПТУЗ. Рассматриваются роль познавательных психических процессов в педагогической деятельности учителя, проблемы педагогического взаимодействия, образовательный уровень психолого-педагогических специалистов в контексте требований рынка труда, образовательно-воспитательные принципы философско-педагогической ноологии, вопрос культурологической подготовки будущих специалистов, структурные компоненты коммуникативной культуры специалистов сферы обслуживания, пути совершенствования языковой подготовки учащихся с использованием современных образовательных технологий, возможности использования ИКТ в интерактивном обучении будущих специалистов, в частности в иноязычной подготовке

    Learning Activities with Semantic. Hypermedia in Higher Education

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    The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in diverse professional and personal contexts calls for new knowledge, and a set of abilities, competences and attitudes, for an active and participative citizenship. In this context it is acknowledged that universities have an important role innovating in the educational use of digital media to promote an inclusive digital literacy. The educational potential of digital technologies and resources has been recognized by both researchers and practitioners. Multiple pedagogical models and research approaches have already contributed to put in evidence the importance of adapting instructional and learning practices and processes to concrete contexts and educational goals. Still, academic and scientific communities believe further investments in ICT research is needed in higher education. This study focuses on educational models that may contribute to support digital technology uses, where these can have cognitive and educational relevance when compared to analogical technologies. A teaching and learning model, centered in the active role of the students in the exploration, production, presentation and discussion of interactive multimedia materials, was developed and applied using the internet and exploring emergent semantic hypermedia formats. The research approach focused on the definition of design principles for developing class activities that were applied in three different iterations in undergraduate courses from two institutions, namely the University of Texas at Austin, USA and the University of Lisbon, Portugal. The analysis of this study made possible to evaluate the potential and efficacy of the model proposed and the authoring tool chosen in the support of metacognitive skills and attitudes related to information structuring and management, storytelling and communication, using computers and the internet