17 research outputs found


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    AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan model pembelajaran project based learning dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksperimen semu yang didesain menggunakan teknik Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. Sampel penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas VIII MTs Negeri Model Makassar. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) kelas eksperimen sebelum menerapkan model pembelajaran project based learning memperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah sebesar 79,28. Setelah menerapkan model pembelajaran project based learning diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah sebesar 91,24 sehingga terjadi peningkatan rata-rata sebesar 15,086%; 2) secara signifikan, terjadi peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah untuk kelas yang menggunakan model pembelajaran project based learning di MTs Negeri Model Makassar.  AbstractThis research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the application of the project based learning model in improving students' mathematical problem solving abilities. This research approach is a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental type of research designed using the Non-Equivalent Control Group Design technique. The research sample was class VIII MTs Negeri Model Makassar.. The data analysis technique used descriptive and inferential analysis, namely t test. The results showed that 1) the experimental class before applying the project-based learning model obtained an average value of the problem-solving ability test results of 79.28. After applying the project based learning learning model, the average value of the problem solving ability test results was 91.24, resulting in an average increase of 15.086%; 2) there is a significant increase in problem-solving abilities for classes that use the project-based learning model at MTs Negeri Model Makassar

    Project-Based Blended Learning to Improve Reading Interest and Writing Skills Research Proposal

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    The purpose of this research was to increase reading interest and research proposal writing skills. The type of research used is classroom action with two cycles. The participants in this study were all seventh-semester physical education students who attended the proposal seminar lecture, totaling 80 students. Data collection techniques used observation guides, questionnaires, and product assessments in the form of research proposals. Data analysis techniques using categories and percentages. Based on the results of data analysis, it was known that in cycle 1 students' interest in reading was in the medium category, and cycle 2 is in the high category. Meanwhile, students' research proposal writing skills in cycle 1 was in the medium category, and in cycle 2 was in the high category. Classical completeness in cycle 1 was 18.75% for reading interest, and 17.5% for research proposal writing skills. Meanwhile, classical completeness in cycle 2 in this study was 81.25% for reading interest, and 82.5% for research proposal writing skills. So it can be concluded that the application of project-based blended learning increased reading interest and research proposal writing skills

    Project Based Blended Learning To Improve Students Creativity In Sepak Takraw

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    Creativity is a demand in 21st-century learning but is often ignored by lectures  in the learning process of Sepak Takraw. So that we need a way to improve creativity in students through appropriate learning models. The purpose of this research is to improve the creativity of physical education students in developing Sepak Takraw learning materials. The research method used was classroom action with two cycles. The subjects in this study were students in the seventh-semester physical education, totaling 33 students. Data collection techniques and instruments used observation sheets to assess the product of the resulting project, namely the Sepak Takraw learning video. The results showed that in cycle 1 the classical completeness of the students was 70%, and in cycle 2 the classical completeness of the students was 90%. The conclusion in this study is that the application of project-based blended learning can increase creativity for students making Sepak Takraw learning videos


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    Blended learning as a new paradigm in modern education offers an alternative model of learning where technology is incorporated into the educators’ courses along with classroom face-to-face activities. This learning trend has gained momentum, in Morocco, during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. BL does not only aim to cope with the global quantum leap in the field of education, but also to insure the learners’ effective involvement in the learning process. This paper aims to assess the learners’ willingness to switch to BL, to identify its most appropriate models for the learners, to value their efficiency in preparing future university graduates, and to inspect the constraints that hinder the prevalence of this type of teaching on a larger scale. This study uses a quantitative method to analyse data. Hence, we resorted to a survey of 200 university students from different tertiary institutions in the region of Fez-Meknes, most of whom testified to the efficiency of BL and expressed their joy to adopt this new trend. Because of logistical deficiency, a few learners expressed their worries. Consequently, our recommendations relate to allocating significant financial help to assist students in difficulty and provide them with technical assistance, in order to engage them in BL and attain equity among learners.  Article visualizations


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    ABSTRAK Desain pembelajaran blended dapat membantu tutor untuk mengelola program pembelajaran. Kemampuan menyusun desain pembelajaran merupakan bagian dari kompetensi pedagogik. Namun berdasarkan temuan, kemampuan tutor menyusun desain pembelajaran blended masih rendah. Hal tersebut karena kurang meratanya intervensi melalui pelatihan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan program pelatihan menyusun desain blended learning berbantuan seesaw dan media sosial, memperoleh hasil uji kelayakan dan uji efektivitas program pelatihan. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini menggunakan pendekatan sistem yang mengacu model ADDIE dan PEDATI. Metode pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner, wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi dan tes. Uji kelayakan dilakukan secara bertahap terdiri dari expert review, one-to-one trial, dan small group trial. Berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan tahap expert review, program pelatihan ini perlu adanya perbaikan pada aspek desain pembelajaran seperti model dan metode pembelajaran yang digunakan, bahan diskusi, bahan tugas, dan kompetensi prasyarat. Perbaikan pada aspek materi seperti lengkapi noncontoh dan materi disusun mulai dari yang paling mudah ke yang paling sulit. Perbaikan pada aspek media pembelajaran adalah perhatikan penggunaan warna pada latar belakang slide. Hasil uji kelayakan tahap one-to-one menyatakan masih perlu adanya perbaikan mengenai waktu untuk mencapai prasyarat kompetensi, perlu menambahkan sumber referensi dalam bentuk tautan atau qr code, dan sebaiknya menyediakan tutorial non video penggunaan aplikasi seesaw. Hasil uji kelayakan small group masih perlu adanya perbaikan yaitu menambahkan format slide presentasi menjadi format pdf. Hasil dari uji efektivitas menunjukan bahwa ada peningkatan hasil belajar ranah kognitif antara pretest dan post test sehingga peserta pelatihan mampu menyusun desain blended learning. Adapun N-Gain score peningkatan tersebut adalah 0,62 (61,70%) dengan kategori cukup efektif Kata Kunci: Blended Leaning, Seesaw, PKBM ************** ABSTRACT Blended learning design can help tutors to manage learning programs.The ability to develop learning designs in part of pedagogic competence. However, based on the findings, the ability of tutors to develop blended learning designs is still low. This is due to the uneven distribution of interventions through training. This study aims to develop a blended learning program using seesaw and social media for designing blended learning, obtain the result of the feasibility test and the effectiveness test of the program. This is research and development with ADDIE and PEDATI models system approach. The instruments of data collection used in this study were questionnaires, interview guidelines, observation guidelines, documentation study, and tests.The feasibility test consists of expert review, one to one trial and small group trial.Based on the results of the feasibility test in expert review phase, this training program needs improvements in learning design aspects such as the learning models and methods used, discussion materials, task materials, and prerequisite competencies. Improvements to material aspects such as complete non examples and materials are arranged from the easiest to the most difficult. Improvements in the aspects of learning media is using color in slide background. The results of the one to one phase of feasibility test is improvement regarding time to achieve competency prerequisites, it is necessary to add reference sources in the form of links or qr codes, and it’s better to provide non video tutorials when on using the seesaw application. The results of the small group feasibility test still need improvement,using pdf format in presentation slide. The results of the effective test showed that there was an increase in cognitive domain learning outcomes between the pretest and posttest so that the trainees were able to develop blended learning designs. The N-Gain score of the increase is 0.62 (61.70%) with a fairly effective category. Keywords: Blended Learning, Seesaw, The Community Learning Activity Cente

    Методика експериментальної роботи щодо формування громадянської компетентності студентів технічних коледжів

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    Стаття присвячена опису методики експериментальної роботи щодо формування громадянської компетентності студентів технічних коледжів. Методика визначається автором як системний комплекс заходів, спрямованих на вирішення єдиної проблеми, що вимагає об’єднання зусиль виконавців. Основне її призначення – цілеспрямованість, упорядкування методів, форм, засобів і дій всіх суб’єктів формування громадянської компетентності студентів з орієнтацією їх на кінцевий результат, не позбавляючи при цьому ініціативи, творчості і самостійності виконавців. Запропоновані автором заходи були спрямовані на формування когнітивного особистісного та діяльнісного компонентів громадянської компетентності. Основою у формуванні когнітивної складової громадянської компетентності автор вважає здатність оперувати поняттями в площині «громадянськості». Особистісний критерій трактується як визначальний у процесі формування громадянської компетентності студентів, оскільки одним з головних завдань формування громадянської компетентності є перетворення отриманих громадянських знань до особистих переконань як міцної усталеної думки. Формування професійної компетентності за діяльнісним критерієм відбувається в умовах реалізації громадянської позиції на практиці. Для цього широко використовуються імітаційні методи під час тренінгу. яття; складання асоціативних ланцюжків, порівняльний аналіз; створення асоціативно-графічного малюнка поняття; контекстне використання поняття в сюжетно-ілюстративному матеріалі (тематична міні-розповідь, презентація тощо); складання тематичних структурно-логічних схем тощо. Методика формування громадянської компетентності студентів має за мету вдосконалення цього процесу. Її реалізація здійснюється за такими напрямами: узгодження цілеспрямованої діяльності студентів, які навчаються за різними освітніми програмами, з метою формування громадянської компетентності; удосконалення теоретичних і методичних основ формування громадянської компетентності студенті; інформаційне забезпечення процесу формування громадянської компетентності студентів


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    Abstrak: Model pembelajaran merupakan cara yang efektif dilakukan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar. Penelitian ini menerapkan model Project Based Learning (PjBL) berbasis blended yang bertujuan mengetahui peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar dikelas eksperimen, perbedaan motivasi akhir kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol dan perbedaan postes hasil belajar antara kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperiment dengan desain nonequivalent control group design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII TKR dan XII TBSM. Instrument pengumpulan data berupa angket dan soal tes. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) Terjadi peningkatan motivasi dikelas eksperimen sebesar 10,92 dengan N-Gain 0,19 kategori rendah dengan tafsiran N-Gain 19% berada pada kategori tidak efektif, 2) Terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar sebesar 33,33 dengan N-Gain 0,60 kategori sedang dengan tafsiran N-Gain 60% berada pada kategori cukup efektif, 3) Terdapat perbedaan rata-rata motivasi akhir kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol sebesar 17,56, dengan nilai t hitung 2,746 > t tabel 2,0106, dan N-Gain tidak terdapat perbedaan dengan kategori rendah serta kategori tafsiran tidak efektif. 4) Terdapat perbedaan rata-rata postes hasil belajar antara kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol sebesar 12,13, dengan nilai t hitung 5,674 > t tabel 2,0106, dan N-Gain juga berbeda dengan kategori tafsiran cukup efektif untuk kelas eksperimen dan kategori tafsiran tidak efektif untuk kelas kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning berbasis Blended di kelas XII Teknik Otomotif cukup efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Abstract: The learning model is an effective way to improve motivation and learning outcomes. This study applies a blended-based Project Based Learning (PjBL) model that aims to determine the increase in motivation and learning outcomes in the experimental class, the difference in the final motivation of the experimental class with the control class and the difference in learning outcomes between the experimental class and the control class. This type of research is quasi-experimental with a nonequivalent control group design. The subjects of this study were students of class XII TKR and XII TBSM. Data collection instruments in the form of questionnaires and test questions. The data were analyzed using normality test, homogeneity test and t test. The results showed 1) There was an increase in motivation in the experimental class of 10,92 with an N-Gain of 0,19 in the low category with an interpretation of N-Gain of 19% being in the ineffective category, 2) There was an increase in learning outcomes of 33,33 with an N-Gain of 0,60 medium category with an interpretation of N-Gain of 60% being in the fairly effective category, 3) There was a difference in the average motivation of the end of the experimental class with the control class of 17,56, with a calculated t value of 2,746 > t of the table 2,0106, and N-Gain there is no difference with the low category and the ineffective interpretation category. 4) There was a difference in the average postes of learning outcomes between the experimental class and the control class of 12,13, with a calculated t value of 5,674 > t of the table 2,0106, and the N-Gain also differed from the category of interpretation quite effective for the experimental class and the category of ineffective interpretation for the control class. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the application of a Blended-based Project Based Learning learning model in class XII of Automotive Engineering is quite effective in improving student learning outcomes in Vocational High Schools

    Una revisión sistemática sobre aula invertida y aprendizaje colaborativo apoyados en inteligencia artificial para el aprendizaje de programación

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    Context: The learning computer programming, the implementation of pedagogical strategies such as the Flipped Classroom (FC), and Collaborative Learning (CL) support the student to improve personal relationships, programming skills and strengthen the development of self-learning outside the classroom. In this sense, it is relevant to know the different tools and implementations available to support the student's training process. Methodology: This paper presents a systematic review of a corpus of references with information from different data sources since 2013. The study includes research questions, source selection, and a method for analyzing the information. Results: On the one hand, the timeline and current state of FC and CL were identified, emphasizing how these strategies support programming learning through technologies, educational methods, and software tools. On the other hand, the support of Artificial Intelligence in learning programming was identified through different applications and computational techniques that integrate FC and CL. Conclusions: Since the appearance of virtual tools, the implementation of Artificial Intelligence has become a basic need for virtual education, enhancing the way of understanding and learning, adapting to the specific needs of the student. Thus, knowing and identifying new tools and strategies based on artificial intelligence will allow teachers to do complete management and make timely decisions that benefit the student's training process.Contexto: En el aprendizaje de la programación de computadores, la implementación de estrategias pedagógicas como el Aula Invertida (AI) y el Aprendizaje Colaborativo (AC) apoyan al estudiante a mejorar relaciones personales, habilidades en programación y fortalece el desarrollo del autoaprendizaje fuera del aula de clases. En este sentido, se hace relevante conocer las diferentes herramientas e implementaciones disponibles para apoyar el proceso formativo del estudiante.  Metodología: Este artículo presenta una revisión sistemática de un corpus que contiene información de diferentes fuentes de datos desde el año 2013 hasta el 2020. Incluye las preguntas de investigación, selección de fuentes y el método para analizar la información. Resultados: Por un lado, se identificó la línea del tiempo y el estado actual del AI y el AC, enfatizando en cómo estas estrategias apoyan el aprendizaje de la programación a través de tecnologías, métodos educativos y herramientas de software. Por otro lado, se identificó cuál es el apoyo de la Inteligencia Artificial en el aprendizaje de la programación a través de diferentes aplicaciones y técnicas computacionales que integran el AI y el AC. Conclusiones: Desde la aparición de las herramientas virtuales, la implementación de Inteligencia Artificial se ha convertido en una necesidad básica para la educación virtual, potenciando la forma de entender y aprender, adaptándose a las necesidades específicas del estudiante. Así, conocer e identificar las nuevas herramientas y estrategias basadas en inteligencia artificial permitirán a los docentes hacer una completa gestión y tomar decisiones oportunas que beneficien el proceso formativo del estudiante.&nbsp

    The educational escape room as a strategy for solving problems

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    [EN] The aim of this research is to know the strategies that 128 university students use to solve problems in teamwork while participating in an educational escape room. In this immersive game, the participants had to solve problems in a specific time and in a themed room. The research problem is if this didactic learning strategy based on game promotes/ facilitates the development of an essential competence: problem solving. This study uses an ad hoc questionnaire with a Likert scale to collect the information. The results shows that the students used group discussion as the main problem-solving strategy, ahead of searching for information on the Internet and the help of the teacher. These discussions allowed them to clarify and review content of the subjects. Women showed a greater commitment to activity, while men showed more stress caused by the time limit to solve problems. In conclusion, the educational escape room promoted problem solving in active environments where teams conducted discussions. We recommend this didactic strategy to improve the transfer of learning, promote self-assessment and increase student engagement. In future studies, this strategy should be analyzed from a mixed approach, paying attention to the configuration of the equipment and the resources used as variables that can influence the experience and learning of students.[ES] El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer las estrategias que 128 estudiantes universitarios utilizan para resolver problemas en equipo durante la participación en una habitación de escape (escape room) educativa. En este juego inmersivo, los participantes tuvieron que resolver problemas por equipos en un tiempo concreto y en una sala tematizada. El problema de investigación es si esta estrategia didáctica de aprendizaje basada en el juego promueve/facilita el desarrollo de una competencia esencial: la resolución de problemas. En este estudio se utiliza un cuestionario ad hoc con una escala Likert para recolectar la información. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes utilizaron el debate en grupo como principal estrategia de resolución de problemas, por delante de la búsqueda de información en Internet y la ayuda del docente. Estos debates les permitieron clarificar y repasar contenidos de las asignaturas. Las mujeres mostraron un mayor compromiso con la actividad, mientras que los varones acusaron más el estrés provocado por el tiempo límite para resolver los problemas. En conclusión, la habitación de escape educativa promovió la resolución de problemas en entornos activos en los que se debatió en equipo. Recomendamos esta estrategia didáctica para mejorar la transferencia de los aprendizajes, promover la autoevaluación y aumentar el compromiso de los estudiantes. En futuros estudios se debería analizar esta estrategia desde un enfoque mixto, prestando atención a la configuración de los equipos y los recursos utilizados como variables que pueden influir en la experiencia y aprendizaje de los alumnos.García-Tudela, PA.; González-Calatayud, V.; Serrano-Sánchez, JL. (2020). La habitación de escape como estrategia en la resolución de problemas. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 18(2):97-114. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2020.13573OJS97114182Bezard, L., Debacq, M., Rosso, A. (2020). The carnivorous yoghursts: a "serious" escape game for stirring labs. Education for Chemical Engineers, 33, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ece.2020.06.001Blunt, R. (2009). Does games-based learning work? Results from three recent studies. eLearn, 12. https://doi.org/10.1145/1661377.1661378Boyle, S. 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Journal of Chemical Education, 97(1), 125-131. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00612Connelly, L., Burbach, B.E., Kennedy, C. Walters, L. (2018). Escape room Recruitment Event: Description and Lessons Learned. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(3), 184-187. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20180221-12De la Flor, D., Calles, J.A., Espada, J.J, Rodríguez, R. (2020). Application of escape labroom to heat transfer evaluation for chemical engineers. Education for chemical engineers, 33, 9-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ece.2020.06.002Edwards, T., Boothby, J, Succheralli, L. (2019). Escape room: using an innovative teaching strategy for nursing students enrolled in a maternity clinical course. Teaching and learning in nursing, 14(4), 251-253. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.teln.2019.05.001Eric Nybo, S., Sahr. M., Young, M., Axford, K., Sohn, M., Lyons, M, Klepser, M. (2020). Design of a larg-scale escape room for first-year pharmacy student orientation. 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