3 research outputs found

    Teachers' perception of the students' foreign language learning and the potential role of ICT

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    This article focuses on the learning problems that arise in the teaching of second languages. Nowadays, the introduction of new technologies in this field has had a relevant effect by offering new possibilities that did not exist in the analogue era. However, many of the learning problems persist, and one of the causes identified is the change in learning styles. The use of new technologies has fostered an experimental learning style among students. This style is incompatible with traditional classes of theory and practice, in which an intellectual effort is required to understand the theory and then put into practice what has been learned. The present work starts from this reality and tries to provide possible improvements. For this, an analysis of the main problems encountered by the learners in the various linguistic acquisition components (lexicon, grammar and processes of comprehension and production, both oral and written) has been carried out. The method used was a questionnaire answered by 113 active language teachers. After the analysis of the answers received, a series of specific problems of the teaching-learning process was enumerated and different IT applications and ICT resources were searched that could solve or at least minimize them

    Las TIC y competencia del área de inglés en estudiantes del VII ciclo de una institución educativa pública, San Ignacio

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    La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad de identificar la relación entre las TIC y competencia del área de inglés en estudiantes del VII ciclo de una institución educativa pública, San Ignacio, el estudio tuvo enfoque cuantitativo y se utilizó una metodología deductiva de diseño no experimental y correlacional. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 14 estudiantes de nivel secundaria, habiéndose aplicado dos cuestionarios con preguntas relacionadas a las variables de estudios, uno para cada variable los mismos fueron sometidos a juicios de expertos y probada su confiabilidad vía Alfa Cronbach (valores de 0.76 y 0.74) mediante una prueba piloto. Los resultados indicaron que un 50% de los participantes se encontraron en nivela bajo en el Uso de las Tic, a su vez, en la variable de la competencia del área de inglés, demostraron un nivel bajo con un total de 57%. Lográndose determinar con 95% de confianza la existencia, pudiéndose afirmar que la misma era directa y media con el valor del coeficiente de Spearman el valor de Ro=0,544