14 research outputs found

    New media : embedding IMC within broader marketing strategy

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    New media has resulted in communications strategy evolving to a more integral component of marketing strategy, such that the two are converging. This paper discusses the implications of this shift in terms of IMC, drawing on the existing academic and practitioner literature.&nbsp; Effective use of new media means communication activities will direct marketing tactics and strategy, rather than being driven by them.<br /

    Targeted Advertising in Magazine Markets

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    We examine the scope and value of targeted advertising in the magazine industry. We use data on reader characteristics at individual media, in contrast to previous work that has needed to infer this information from aggregate data. Our results show a strong relationship between subscriber characteristics and advertising prices. Advertisers clearly value more homogenous groups of readers, measured according to income, gender and age. Our results explain recent trends of declining advertising expenditures in print media, in favor of increasing online advertising.targeted advertising; reader homogeneity; quantile regression; magazines; advertising rates

    How advertising affects quality perception of public service television? A comparison of two surveys in Spain (2008 and 2012)

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    This paper aims at providing new insights about audiences’ opinions concerning the role of advertising and its relation with the perceived quality of TV channels. It analyses Spanish audience's perception of quality of public service broadcasters TVE1 and La 2 before and after the advertising withdrawal in 2010. The goal is identifying if the advertising removal is perceived as an improvement of the quality of TVE. The first conclusion is that a vast majority of the viewers find the channels more attractive now without any advertising than before having it. In addition, gender and age are not significant variables in order to affect this opinion. But the audience educational level does impact their perception: those less educated have a significantly better opinion about the advertising withdrawal than others who are more educated. Both national public service channels (TVE1 and La 2) have improved significantly their quality perception when comparing 2008 and 2012 surveys. They are the only two channels within the Spanish market to obtain a better quality assessment. In fact, all channels tend to maintain or reduce their quality perception in the 2008–2012 time period


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    THE NEW SAFE LATEX Vystar Corporation announced that Revertex Malaysia has signed a letter of intent to produce Vytex, the new safe latex. Vytex natural rubber latex represents a dramatic breakthrough in the search for a natural rubber latex in which the antigenic proteins that trigger allergic reactions are deactivated without reducing elasticity. Vytex natural rubber latex is produced through a proprietary process that deactivates antigenic proteins in latex, potentially making it safe for use by most people who are allergenic-protein sensitive, the Atlanta-based company said. According to Vystar President William Doyle, the plan is to scale up to production of Vytex natural rubber latex by next year. This would mean that products made of the revolutionary all-natural rubber latex could be reaching the market in 2007. The implication is that healthcare providers and individuals who have avoided natural rubber latex products due to fear of allergenic reactions will now have a safe choice with all of the favorable characteristic of latex, sources were quoted

    Competitive Targeted Advertising with Price Discrimination

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    This paper investigates the effects of price discrimination by means of targeted advertising in a duopolistic market where the distribution of consumers' preferences is discrete and where advertising plays two major roles. It is used by firms as a way to transmit relevant information to otherwise uninformed consumers, and it is used as a price discrimination device. We compare the firms' optimal marketing mix (advertising and pricing) when they adopt mass advertising/non-discrimination strategies and targeted advertising/price discrimination strategies. If firms are able to adopt targeted advertising strategies, we find that the symmetric price equilibrium is in mixed strategies, while the advertising is chosen deterministically. Our results also unveil that as long as we allow for imperfect substitutability between the goods, ?rms do not necessarily target more ads to their own market. In particular, firms' optimal marketing mix leads to higher advertising reach in the rival's market than in the firms' own market, provided that advertising costs are sufficiently low in relation to the consumer's reservation value. The comparison of the optimal marketing-mix under mass advertising strategies and targeted advertising strategies reveals that targeted advertising might constitute a tool to dampen price competition. In particular, if advertising costs are sufficiently low in relation to the value of the goods, we obtain that average prices with non-discrimination (mass advertising) are below those with price discrimination and targeted advertising (regardless of the market segment). Accordingly, when (i) goods are imperfect substitutes, (ii) advertising is not too expensive, and (iii) targeted advertising constitutes an effective price discrimination tool, price discrimination through targeted advertising may be detrimental to social welfare since it boosts industry profits at the expense of consumer surplus.

    The analysis of the effect of tax on profitability indices in listed companies of Tehran Stock Exchange

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    Profitability is considered as the most complicated feature for a company to be understood and evaluated. These ratios included in profitability are applied for evaluating business capabilities and making the wages in comparison with all cost during a specific period of time. In a more accurate way, the ratios indicate the profitability of a company, having calculated the total costs and tax on revenue, operational efficiency, company pricing policies, assets profitability and company’s shareholders. The approach applied in this research is descriptive-analytic. Using the data of 28 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange from 2004 to 2010 and using panel data approach, the tax effects over the paid profitability indices were studied in this paper. The results achieved from all estimation cases point out a negative significant effects on various profitability indices. It should be mentioned that in order to relate the taxes to the profitability indices, the costs and the debts of a corporation can be referred. Results of the study indicated that the debts ratio to asset and the type of the industry showed a negative effect on profitability and capital ratio to asset and the size of the company indicated positive significant effects on profitability index

    The analysis of the effect of tax on profitability indices in listed companies of Tehran Stock Exchange

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    Profitability is considered as the most complicated feature for a company to be understood and evaluated. These ratios included in profitability are applied for evaluating business capabilities and making the wages in comparison with all cost during a specific period of time. In a more accurate way, the ratios indicate the profitability of a company, having calculated the total costs and tax on revenue, operational efficiency, company pricing policies, assets profitability and company’s shareholders. The approach applied in this research is descriptive-analytic. Using the data of 28 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange from 2004 to 2010 and using panel data approach, the tax effects over the paid profitability indices were studied in this paper. The results achieved from all estimation cases point out a negative significant effects on various profitability indices. It should be mentioned that in order to relate the taxes to the profitability indices, the costs and the debts of a corporation can be referred. Results of the study indicated that the debts ratio to asset and the type of the industry showed a negative effect on profitability and capital ratio to asset and the size of the company indicated positive significant effects on profitability index

    Targeted advertising in magazine markets

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    We examine the scope and value of targeted advertising in the magazine industry. We use data on reader characteristics at individual media, in contrast to previous work that has needed to infer this information from aggregate data. Our results show a strong relationship between subscriber characteristics and advertising prices. Advertisers clearly value more homogenous groups of readers, measured according to income, gender and age. Our results explain recent trends of declining advertising expenditures in print media, in favor of increasing online advertising

    De-targeting: advertising an assortment of products to loss-averse consumers

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    We consider product markets in which consumers are interested only in a specific product category and initially do not know which product category matches their tastes. Using sophisticated tracking technologies, an intermediary can make inferences about a consumer’s preferred product category and offer advertising firms the possibility to target their ads to match the consumer’s taste. Such targeting reduces overall advertising costs and, as a direct effect, increases industry profits. However, as we show in this paper, when consumers form reference prices and are loss averse, more precise targeting may intensify competition between firms. As a result, firms may earn higher profits from “de-targeted” advertising; i.e., when the intermediary deliberately informs about some products and their price quotes from outside a consumer’s preferred product category