21 research outputs found

    The Ecological Posthuman in Lee\u27s Tarboy and Tan and Ruhemann\u27s The Lost Thing

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    In her article The Ecological Posthuman in Lee\u27s [BA1] Tarboy and Tan and Ruhemann\u27s The Lost Thing Başak Ağın analyzes the posthumanist and ecological elements in two animated short films, James Lee\u27s Tarboy (2009) and Shaun Tan\u27s and Andrew Ruhemann\u27s The Lost Thing (2010). Ağın posits that the two animated short films display a disanthropocentric worldview through the enmeshed relations between humans, techno-sentient beings, and naturalcultural hybrid bodies. The intermingled fusions of these biotic and abiotic forms are inherently characterized by a sense of posthuman ecocriticism. Basing her arguments on the notions of agential realism and new materialisms, Ağın contends that Tarboy and The Lost Thingpresent portrayals of posthuman entanglements

    An Introduction to Avicenna’s thoughts on Educational Methods

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    The goal for this article is to express the views proposed by Avicenna regarding the methods for training and education. The current study has taken advantage of a qualitative approach with a qualitative-analytical method, and has analyzed and inferred the views held by Avicenna regarding education and civilizing methods. The educational methods inferred from his perspectives are as follows: The education method as in collective-cooperative, observation-experiment and examination (the opportunity for practical learning), the rewarding and punishment method for the learners and the rules and notes with that respect, modeling methods, repetition and practice of the learned materials, discussion and debate methods, questioning and answering methods, memorizing and retaining the information, ways to advise and guide the learners, game plays, self-discipline, moral refinement, and finally declaring love for the learners. Key Words: Moslem Scientist, Avicenna, Method, training.

    Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 08-19-1883

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    Motion design: uma estratégia de comunicação

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    Com ascensão dos vídeos como estratégia publicitária nas mídias sociais, a busca por novos formatos a fim de impactar e engajar mais o público acarretou na utilização de novas linguagens. Este trabalho interpreta, compreende e analisa de que maneira o Motion Design se apresenta como um instrumento de comunicação na publicidade, com o objetivo de analisar o estilo de vídeo em motion design como uma estratégia efetiva dentro da publicidade digital. Além de, especificamente, através de uma análise de conteúdo da animação da empresa Headspace identificar e apresentar os principais conceitos básicos do design gráfico além de princípios de criação, características e estratégias do motion design que o tornam um bom instrumento de comunicação no meio digital

    The Cedarville Herald, May 17, 1935

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    Circus as idée fixe and Hunger

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    In her article Circus as idée fixe and Hunger Anna-Sophie Jürgens discusses circus fiction in which characters often display extreme, intense psychological traits. They are for example irascible, pyromaniac, sadistic, or megalomaniac. Particularly striking are protagonists with alternative psychological attitudes in fictional circus texts of the twentieth century such as Franz Kafka\u27s hunger artist, Michael Raleigh\u27s ringmaster Lewis Tully or Richard Schmitt\u27s aerialist Garry, who can be seen as incubators of circus-related idées fixes. These literary circus characters develop fixations on circus that manifest themselves as a physical sensation of desiring circus like food, in other words: in circus fiction, circus-fixation appears and is realized as hunger. Jürgens explores this voracious circus enthusiasm that consumes so many protagonists of twentieth-century novels by drawing on related arguments such as the long tradition of showing (off) the deviant in mental asylums and circuses as sites of the other based on psychological explanations of idées fixes and monomania

    The Man From Snowy River and Other Verses

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    Postcolonial Writing in France before and beyond the 2007 Littérature-monde Manifesto

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    In her article Postcolonial Writing in France before and beyond the 2007 Littérature-monde Manifesto Myriam Louviot discusses the evolution of postcolonial writing in France. She argues that postcolonial writers often face great difficulty in achieving recognition as legitimate French authors. Louviot suggests that restrictive boundaries of categorization have started to become blurred but that it is still too early to rejoice, partly due to the continuing cultural ghettoization of many of these writers and the traditional differentiation of their work from French literature. Louviot discusses in detail the 2007 Pour une littérature-monde en français initiated by Michel Le Bris and Jean Rouaud, which sought to address some of these imbalances. Through the examples of work by writers including Miano, Gauz, N\u27Sondé, and NDiaye, Louviot points out some changes and ambiguities in the reception of postcolonial writing

    A Changing Bridge for Changing Times: The History of the West Boston Bridge, 1793-1907

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    This thesis examines the building of the West Boston Bridge in 1793, which was the first bridge to cross the Charles River between Cambridge and Boston, as well as the building of its successors at the same location in 1854 and 1907. It is a study of how these bridges brought change to both Boston and Cambridge which resulted not only in commercial development and urban settlement, but greatly assisted in opening up avenues to public transit for a growing urban population. It also examines the influences on the bridges of the historical periods when each was built: the first in an age of vested privilege, the second in an age of urban growth and expanding commercialization influenced by Jacksonian-Democratic principles, and the third, in an age of the modern metropolis