3 research outputs found

    Accessibility and tangible interaction in distributed workspaces based on multi-touch surfaces

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    [EN] Traditional interaction mechanisms in distributed digital spaces often fail to consider the intrinsic properties of action, perception, and communication among workgroups, which may affect access to the common resources used to mutually organize information. By developing suitable spatial geometries and natural interaction mechanisms, distributed spaces can become blended where the physical and virtual boundaries of local and remote spaces merge together to provide the illusion of a single unified space. In this paper, we discuss the importance of blended interaction in distributed spaces and the particular challenges faced when designing accessible technology. We illustrate this discussion through a new tangible interaction mechanism for collaborative spaces based on tabletop system technology implemented with optical frames. Our tangible elements facilitate the exchange of digital information in distributed collaborative settings by providing a physical manifestation of common digital operations. The tangibles are designed as passive elements that do not require the use of any additional hardware or external power while maintaining a high degree of accuracy.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund, through the ANNOTA Project (Ref. TIN2013-46036-C3-1-R).Salvador-Herranz, G.; Camba, J.; Contero, M.; Naya Sanchis, F. (2018). Accessibility and tangible interaction in distributed workspaces based on multi-touch surfaces. Universal Access in the Information Society. 17(2):247-256. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-017-0563-7S247256172Arkin, E.M., Chew, L.P., Huttenlocher, D.P., Kedem, K., Mitchell, J.S.B.: An efficiently computable metric for comparing polygonal shapes. IEEE Trans. Acoust. 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    Exploring tangible interaction: Alternative interfaces for assisting elderly users

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    This thesis investigates how tangible user interfaces (TUI) can make things easier compared to the elderly people s current living situation. Domain-knowledge of common age impairments and details of TUIs have been collected through literature review, to propose a framework for designing TUIs for elderly people, based on previous frameworks on TUIs and common age impairments discovered. Further domain-knowledge has been collected through focus groups, interviews, workshops and observations. Four prototypes featuring TUIs and designed to compensate for some challenges of aging have been developed. This includes T-Radio; a radio controlled by tangible blocks, Payless; an alternative way to pay for food and beverages in a canteen using only a RFID key card, Natural Charge; seven different wireless chargers to investigate the best configuration, and LightUp; a light bulb that changes the color intensity depending on environmental temperature. The prototypes were taken through a formative usability test with experts from the HCI community, revealing some problems of the prototypes before a few modifications were done. Then summative usability tests with elderly participants were conducted at two different research sites; a local care home and a senior center. The results were analyzed using the proposed framework and led to three problem areas that were investigated, before the implications for design were presented. The results show that there are great potential in TUIs to compensate for age impairments and make things easier than today

    Tangible Interaction on Tabletops for Elderly People

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    The urge to improve the life of older adults grows as this segment of society expands. Computers have an enormous potential to benefit the lives of older adults, however, the unawareness or disregard of their characteristics, renders technology, many times, impossible to use. Peripherals are a common obstacle when learning to operate computers, because the most common ones do not directly map the input in the user interface. It has been argued that touchand gesture-based user interfaces, due to their direct mapping of input, can reduce the obstacles that older adults face, when using the computer. To assess this, this paper presents a project that uses a multi-touch tabletop system as a gaming platform for older adults. Specifically, it reports on the low-fidelity prototype that was built to test whether tangible objects can be used. Conclusions regarding the viability of tangible objects for that purpose are also drawn