8,972 research outputs found

    Alter ego, state of the art on user profiling: an overview of the most relevant organisational and behavioural aspects regarding User Profiling.

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    This report gives an overview of the most relevant organisational and\ud behavioural aspects regarding user profiling. It discusses not only the\ud most important aims of user profiling from both an organisation’s as\ud well as a user’s perspective, it will also discuss organisational motives\ud and barriers for user profiling and the most important conditions for\ud the success of user profiling. Finally recommendations are made and\ud suggestions for further research are given

    Patterns of Engagement with Youth Savings Groups in Four African Countries

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    This report details findings of research undertaken under the Banking on Change Academic Partnership, which was established in 2014 between the Banking on Change (BoC) programme (a partnership of Plan UK, CARE International UK and Barclays Bank) and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). The research sought to identify and explore different patterns of engagement with the programme’s youth savings groups, and how those patterns relate to members’ socio-economic characteristics, income-generating activities, and the training they had received. BoC, whose last phase focused on youth savings groups and ran from 2013 to 2015, operated in seven countries: Egypt, Ghana, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Field work took place between April and August 2015 in Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Ghana. The research team engaged with two savings groups in each country. Information was gathered through group discussions, 57 detailed interviews with individual savings group members, and analysis of individuals’ savings and borrowing activities as recorded in ledger books and passbooks. The strategy used for identifying savings groups and group members for interview was not meant to yield a representative sample of BoC participants, but rather to capture the range of savings and borrowing patterns

    Network Abstractions for Simplifying Mobile Application Development

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    Context-aware computing is characterized by the ability of a software system to continuously adapt its behavior to a changing environment over which it has little or no control. This style of interaction is imperative in ad hoc mobile networks that consist of numerous mobile hosts coordinating with each other opportunistically via transient wireless interconnections. In this paper, we provide a formal abstract characterization of a host’s context that extends to encompass a neighborhood within the ad hoc network. We provide an application in an ad hoc network a speciïŹcation mechanism for deïŹning such contexts that allows individual applications to tailor their operating contexts to their personalized needs. We describe a context maintenance protocol that provides this context abstraction in ad hoc networks through continuous evaluation of the context. This relieves the application developer of the obligation of explicitly managing mobility and its implications on behavior. The software engineering gains resulting from the use of this abstraction are measured through its expressiveness and simplicity of use. We also characterize the performance of this protocol in real ad hoc networks through simulation experiments. Finally, we describe an initial implementation of the abstraction and provide real world application examples demonstrating its use

    A Protocol for Supporting Context Provision in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    The increasing ubiquity of mobile computing devices has made ad hoc networks everyday occurrences. In these highly dynamic environments, the multitude of devices provides a varied and rapidly changing environment in which applications must learn to operate. Successful end-user applications will not only learn to function in this environment but will take advantage of the variety of information available. Protocols for gathering an application’s contextual information must be built into the network to function in a timely and adaptive fashion. This paper presents a protocol for providing context information to such applications. We present an implementation and show how it provides context information to mobile applications in an on-demand manner. We also provide a simulation analysis of the tradeoïŹ€s between consistency and range of context deïŹnitions in highly dynamic ad hoc networks

    Problems of Microcredit among Microenterprises in Nigeria

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    This study was designed to assess the problems of microcredit among microenterprises in Nigeria and make recommendations for remedial strategies. Microcredit refers to small loans made available to small producers otherwise known as the active poor to enable them start new productive activities, grow or sustain existing ones. The study was delimited to Aba which has the highest concentration of microenterprises in the South East Zone of Nigeria. The survey research design was used, and the questionnaire and face-to-face interview methods were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using tables, frequencies, percentages and Z-test statistics. It was found that problems of microcredit have significant effects on the performance of microenterprises in Nigeria. Ten recommendations were made based on the findings of this study. Keywords: Microcredit, Microenterprises, Micro-entrepreneurs, UNDP, MfB, CBN, Peru, Soft loans, FEAP, MSMEs, Vulcanizers, Venture Capitalist

    Fogg and Cialdini's persuasive principles present in different types of e-services' web pages

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    This work is built on the research done on persuasion by Fogg and Cialdini. It investigates the type and number of persuasive tools applied to the web design of different categories of e-services, them being: e-commerce, e-banking, and e-government. The aim is to provide an insight into a possible link between the type of service provided and the persuasive techniques applied to the web design. The results of this study indicate that e-commerce applies almost all the persuasive tools described both by Fogg and Cialdini, while e-government is the subcategory that applies the least amount of persuasive techniques in their design. This study concludes by discussing the results and highlighting limitations and possible future directions.This work is built on the research done on persuasion by Fogg and Cialdini. It investigates the type and number of persuasive tools applied to the web design of different categories of e-services, them being: e-commerce, e-banking, and e-government. The aim is to provide an insight into a possible link between the type of service provided and the persuasive techniques applied to the web design. The results of this study indicate that e-commerce applies almost all the persuasive tools described both by Fogg and Cialdini, while e-government is the subcategory that applies the least amount of persuasive techniques in their design. This study concludes by discussing the results and highlighting limitations and possible future directions

    Firm Strategies in Open Internet of Things Business Ecosystems: Framework and Case Study

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    We present a typology of strategies employed by firms using the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is a distributed network of connected physical objects. As these devices exchange data with each other instead of through an intermediary, the IoT increases complexity of business ecosystems, and opens up new business opportunities. When the platform owner does not own the data and technology is mostly open source, other actors can use and build on them. In addition to platform owner’s strategy, we propose a framework with three additional strategies, based on whether the firms’ offering integrates into the specific industrial value chain or contributes to the IoT ecosystem, and whether the firm offering is by nature stand-alone or systemic. With a multiple case study design, we explore this framework in the setting of 23 firms in a large research project context. The descriptions of the identified IoT strategies support our framework
