6,808 research outputs found

    Error Analysis in Croatian Morphosyntactic Tagging

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    In this paper, we provide detailed insight on properties of errors generated by a stochastic morphosyntactic tagger assigning Multext-East morphosyntactic descriptions to Croatian texts. Tagging the Croatia Weekly newspaper corpus by the CroTag tagger in stochastic mode revealed that approximately 85 percent of all tagging errors occur on nouns, adjectives, pronouns and verbs. Moreover, approximately 50 percent of these are shown to be incorrect assignments of case values. We provide various other distributional properties of errors in assigning morphosyntactic descriptions for these and other parts of speech. On the basis of these properties, we propose rule-based and stochastic strategies which could be integrated in the tagging module, creating a hybrid procedure in order to raise overall tagging accuracy for Croatian

    Diacritic Restoration and the Development of a Part-of-Speech Tagset for the Māori Language

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    This thesis investigates two fundamental problems in natural language processing: diacritic restoration and part-of-speech tagging. Over the past three decades, statistical approaches to diacritic restoration and part-of-speech tagging have grown in interest as a consequence of the increasing availability of manually annotated training data in major languages such as English and French. However, these approaches are not practical for most minority languages, where appropriate training data is either non-existent or not publically available. Furthermore, before developing a part-of-speech tagging system, a suitable tagset is required for that language. In this thesis, we make the following contributions to bridge this gap: Firstly, we propose a method for diacritic restoration based on naive Bayes classifiers that act at word-level. Classifications are based on a rich set of features, extracted automatically from training data in the form of diacritically marked text. This method requires no additional resources, which makes it language independent. The algorithm was evaluated on one language, namely Māori, and an accuracy exceeding 99% was observed. Secondly, we present our work on creating one of the necessary resources for the development of a part-of-speech tagging system in Māori, that of a suitable tagset. The tagset described was developed in accordance with the EAGLES guidelines for morphosyntactic annotation of corpora, and was the result of in-depth analysis of the Māori grammar

    Towards Universal Semantic Tagging

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    The paper proposes the task of universal semantic tagging---tagging word tokens with language-neutral, semantically informative tags. We argue that the task, with its independent nature, contributes to better semantic analysis for wide-coverage multilingual text. We present the initial version of the semantic tagset and show that (a) the tags provide semantically fine-grained information, and (b) they are suitable for cross-lingual semantic parsing. An application of the semantic tagging in the Parallel Meaning Bank supports both of these points as the tags contribute to formal lexical semantics and their cross-lingual projection. As a part of the application, we annotate a small corpus with the semantic tags and present new baseline result for universal semantic tagging.Comment: 9 pages, International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS

    Preparing, restructuring, and augmenting a French treebank: lexicalised parsers or coherent treebanks?

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    We present the Modified French Treebank (MFT), a completely revamped French Treebank, derived from the Paris 7 Treebank (P7T), which is cleaner, more coherent, has several transformed structures, and introduces new linguistic analyses. To determine the effect of these changes, we investigate how theMFT fares in statistical parsing. Probabilistic parsers trained on the MFT training set (currently 3800 trees) already perform better than their counterparts trained on five times the P7T data (18,548 trees), providing an extreme example of the importance of data quality over quantity in statistical parsing. Moreover, regression analysis on the learning curve of parsers trained on the MFT lead to the prediction that parsers trained on the full projected 18,548 tree MFT training set will far outscore their counterparts trained on the full P7T. These analyses also show how problematic data can lead to problematic conclusions–in particular, we find that lexicalisation in the probabilistic parsing of French is probably not as crucial as was once thought (Arun and Keller (2005))

    Learning from Analysis of Japanese EFL Texts

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    Japan has a long tradition of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL). A common feature of EFL courses is reliance on specific textbooks as a basis for graded teaching, and periods in Japanese EFL history are marked by the introduction of different textbook series. These sets of textbooks share the common goal of taking students from beginners through to able English language users, so one would expect to find common characteristics across such series. As part of an on-going research programme in which Japanese EFL textbooks from different historical periods are compared and contrasted, we have recently focussed our efforts on using textual analysis tools to highlight distinctive characteristics of such textbooks. The present paper introduces one such analysis tool and describes some of the results from its application to three textbook series from distinct periods in Japanese EFL history. In so doing, we aim to encourage the use of textual analysis and seek to expose salient features of EFL texts which would likely remain hidden without such analytical techniques

    VP-fronting in Czech and Polish : a case study in corpus-oriented grammar research

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    Fronting of an infinite VP across a finite main verb - akin to German "VP-topicalization" - can be found also in Czech and Polish. The paper discusses evidence from large corpora for this process and some of its properties, both syntactic and information-structural. Based on this case, criteria for more user-friedly searching and retrieval of corpus data in syntactic research are being developed

    POS tagging for German : how important is the right context?

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    Part-of-Speech tagging is generally performed by Markov models, based on bigram or trigram models. While Markov models have a strong concentration on the left context of a word, many languages require the inclusion of right context for correct disambiguation. We show for German that the best results are reached by a combination of left and right context. If only left context is available, then changing the direction of analysis and going from right to left improves the results. In a version of MBT (Daelemans et al., 1996) with default parameter settings, the inclusion of the right context improved POS tagging accuracy from 94.00% to 96.08%, thus corroborating our hypothesis. The version with optimized parameters reaches 96.73%
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