10,987 research outputs found

    Committee-Based Sample Selection for Probabilistic Classifiers

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    In many real-world learning tasks, it is expensive to acquire a sufficient number of labeled examples for training. This paper investigates methods for reducing annotation cost by `sample selection'. In this approach, during training the learning program examines many unlabeled examples and selects for labeling only those that are most informative at each stage. This avoids redundantly labeling examples that contribute little new information. Our work follows on previous research on Query By Committee, extending the committee-based paradigm to the context of probabilistic classification. We describe a family of empirical methods for committee-based sample selection in probabilistic classification models, which evaluate the informativeness of an example by measuring the degree of disagreement between several model variants. These variants (the committee) are drawn randomly from a probability distribution conditioned by the training set labeled so far. The method was applied to the real-world natural language processing task of stochastic part-of-speech tagging. We find that all variants of the method achieve a significant reduction in annotation cost, although their computational efficiency differs. In particular, the simplest variant, a two member committee with no parameters to tune, gives excellent results. We also show that sample selection yields a significant reduction in the size of the model used by the tagger

    An approach to graph-based analysis of textual documents

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    In this paper a new graph-based model is proposed for the representation of textual documents. Graph-structures are obtained from textual documents by making use of the well-known Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging technique. More specifically, a simple rule-based (re) classifier is used to map each tag onto graph vertices and edges. As a result, a decomposition of textual documents is obtained where tokens are automatically parsed and attached to either a vertex or an edge. It is shown how textual documents can be aggregated through their graph-structures and finally, it is shown how vertex-ranking methods can be used to find relevant tokens.(1)

    Apportioning Development Effort in a Probabilistic LR Parsing System through Evaluation

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    We describe an implemented system for robust domain-independent syntactic parsing of English, using a unification-based grammar of part-of-speech and punctuation labels coupled with a probabilistic LR parser. We present evaluations of the system's performance along several different dimensions; these enable us to assess the contribution that each individual part is making to the success of the system as a whole, and thus prioritise the effort to be devoted to its further enhancement. Currently, the system is able to parse around 80% of sentences in a substantial corpus of general text containing a number of distinct genres. On a random sample of 250 such sentences the system has a mean crossing bracket rate of 0.71 and recall and precision of 83% and 84% respectively when evaluated against manually-disambiguated analyses.Comment: 10 pages, 1 Postscript figure. To Appear in Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, University of Pennsylvania, May 199

    Handling unknown words in statistical latent-variable parsing models for Arabic, English and French

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    This paper presents a study of the impact of using simple and complex morphological clues to improve the classification of rare and unknown words for parsing. We compare this approach to a language-independent technique often used in parsers which is based solely on word frequencies. This study is applied to three languages that exhibit different levels of morphological expressiveness: Arabic, French and English. We integrate information about Arabic affixes and morphotactics into a PCFG-LA parser and obtain stateof-the-art accuracy. We also show that these morphological clues can be learnt automatically from an annotated corpus

    External Lexical Information for Multilingual Part-of-Speech Tagging

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    Morphosyntactic lexicons and word vector representations have both proven useful for improving the accuracy of statistical part-of-speech taggers. Here we compare the performances of four systems on datasets covering 16 languages, two of these systems being feature-based (MEMMs and CRFs) and two of them being neural-based (bi-LSTMs). We show that, on average, all four approaches perform similarly and reach state-of-the-art results. Yet better performances are obtained with our feature-based models on lexically richer datasets (e.g. for morphologically rich languages), whereas neural-based results are higher on datasets with less lexical variability (e.g. for English). These conclusions hold in particular for the MEMM models relying on our system MElt, which benefited from newly designed features. This shows that, under certain conditions, feature-based approaches enriched with morphosyntactic lexicons are competitive with respect to neural methods
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