8,081 research outputs found

    Utjecaj broja stupanj-dana grijanja na potrošnju ogrjevnog drva u kućanstvima u nekim zemljama srednje i jugoistočne Europe

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    Serbia is one of the few European countries that does not keep official statistics and does not have data on heating degree days. A heating degree day (HDD) represents a measure to quantify the energy needs for heating a building. In order to create a database, six meteorological stations in Serbia had been selected, for which the heating degree days were calculated for every year in the period 2010-2018. The months with the highest values of heating degree days were also determined for each year of the analyzed period. In addition to the annual level, heating degree days in the heating seasons over the analyzed period were calculated for the six selected stations, as well as the length and the average air temperature of each heating season. In Serbia, heating season officially lasts from October 15 to April 15. To determine the influence of the calculated annual heating degree days on fuelwood consumption in households in Serbia, over the period 2010-2018, multiple econometric models were formulated. The influence of the annual values of heating degree days on fuelwood consumption for household space heating in Slovenia and Croatia was analyzed, as well. The analysis of energy consumption in the households of the selected countries showed that wood fuels are mostly used for heating, primarily fuelwood. This is the reason why this type of fuel was selected for the research.Srbija je jedna od malobrojnih europskih zemalja koja ne vodi službenu statistiku i nema podatke o broju stupanj-dana grijanja. Broj stupanj-dana grijanja mjera je koja se primjenjuje za određivanje energije potrebne za grijanje objekta. Kako bi se formirala baza podataka, odabrano je šest meteoroloških postaja u Srbiji za koje je izračunan broj stupanj-dana grijanja za svaku godinu u razdoblju 2010. – 2018. Osim toga, određeni su mjeseci s najvećim brojem stupanj-dana grijanja za svaku godinu analiziranog razdoblja. Osim na godišnjoj razini, izračunan je broj stupanj-dana grijanja u sezonama grijanja tijekom analiziranog razdoblja za šest odabranih postaja, kao i trajanje i srednja temperatura svake sezone grijanja. Sezona grijanja u Srbiji službeno traje od 15. listopada do 15 travnja. Izrađeni su višestruki ekonometrijski modeli kako bi se u kućanstvima u Srbiji u razdoblju 2010. – 2018. utvrdio utjecaj izračunanih godišnjih vrijednosti broja stupanj-dana grijanja na potrošnju ogrjevnog drva. Također je analiziran utjecaj godišnjih vrijednosti broja stupanj-dana grijanja na potrošnju ogrjevnog drva u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj. Analiza potrošnje energije u kućanstvima u promatranim zemljama pokazala je da se za grijanje najviše iskorištava drvna biomasa, osobito ogrjevno drvo. To je i bio razlog zašto je ta vrsta goriva odabrana za istraživanje

    Innovation in protected area governance: competing models and their impact in different places

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    Concept of polycentricity—the differences between development policies and spatial reality

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    Contemporary scientific literature and strategic documents suggest the concept of polycentricity as a key factor and the aim of regional development policies. One of the aims of this study is to analyze spatial relations between the nodal regions and to determine (calculate) the level of polycentricity in the region of Vojvodina (Northern Serbia). By quantifying spatial relations in the region (using selected methods), we pointed out the relevance of regional development policies, i.e., the extent to which the proposed measures for reducing regional inequalities are in line with the direction of contemporary spatial relations in the region of Vojvodina. We have used four different methodological tools: rank-size rule, urban primacy index, index of functional centrality, and commuting patterns (levels of functional dependence). The obtained results identified the existence of morphological polycentricity, but also the growing domination of the cities of Novi Sad and Belgrade in regulating and managing spatial and functional relations in the region of Vojvodina. These results are not completely in line with the development directions declared in the strategic documents. Our approach focuses on assessing the influence of the main nodal (sub)centers in managing further spatial and functional relations in the region of Vojvodina

    Social impacts of music festivals: A comparative study of Sziget (Hungary) and Exit (Serbia)

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    Music festivals are often seen as a key driver of the city's economies. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in the impacts associated with them. The aim of this research is to examine residents' perceptions of the social impacts of two European music festivals, Sziget (Budapest, Hungary) and Exit (Novi Sad, Serbia), applying the modified Festival Social Impact Attitude Scale and to compare the results using Importance–Performance Analysis. Similarities and differences in perceptions of social impacts of two festivals are discussed with the proposition of priorities for destinations. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of residents' attitudes toward the impacts of festivals and can be utilized by local authorities to increase the positive and reduce the negative impacts of the festival

    Cable Distribution systems - an essential element of the global information society

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    Not long ago, before the advent of cable operators, here in Macedonia, especially in the smaller towns in this area in the developed countries was overwhelming. In Shtip were able to follow only two or three programs in the Macedonian Television. Later, in the nineties of the last century, there have been two more programs to private local television stations. Admission to these programs is done through external antennas. Nevertheless, due to the specific configuration of the terrain and tall buildings, it was not possible quality reception of TV programs in all parts of the city. On the other hand, this way of receiving television programs by external antennas (and several antennas for each family) and brings other problems. Among other things, in terms of aesthetic appearance of buildings resembling a "forest" of antennas. With the advent of cable operators, this picture changes significantly. At the beginning of its development, the cable operators only offered a service to its customers - analog TV. Today, cable operators offer more services, ie services, and are called Multi Service Operators (Multi service operator - MSO). They invest in quality and expensive equipment that receive and distribute to end users a number of TV and radio channels channels with high quality. Users however, relatively inexpensive monthly fee can enjoy the quality of TV channels, radio channels, internet, telephony and other interactive services. Today through KDS can carry more than 70 (seventy!) Analog television and radio programs as well as a much larger number of digital TV and radio channels. Additionally through KDS enables fast digital communication, access to high-speed, broadband Internet and fixed telephony. Modern cable distribution systems represents a form of electronic communication networks. Electronic communications networks other than cable can be partially or completely wireless

    Urbanisation as a tool for economic growth – Novi Sad the developmental city

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    Current research and documents on urban development emphasise the links between economic growth and planning strategies, making urban space an asset of the contemporary market economy. The analysis of development trends in post-transitional cities shows numerous similarities to the Asian concept of developmental cities. This study examines current urban development strategies in the city of Novi Sad (Serbia), particularly focusing on trends in housing projects, which are the major contributors to the production of urban space. The housing policy in the city, spanning from urban reconstruction after WWII until the present, is comprehended through statistical data on construction activity, taken as an indicator of change in urban politics and the general concept of city development. The major change in this concept is the weakening of the connection between city population growth and apartment building production. As a result, human needs are no longer the primary motive for apartment construction. The comparison, analysis, and conclusions based on the interpretation of the indicators highlight the necessity for rethinking present urban practises in order to combat the continual process of degrading the quality of life in the city

    Programme and The Book of Abstracts / Eighteenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2016, Herceg Novi, September 5-10, 2016

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    The First Conference on materials science and engineering, including physics, physical chemistry, condensed matter chemistry, and technology in general, was held in September 1995, in Herceg Novi. An initiative to establish Yugoslav Materials Research Society was born at the conference and, similar to other MR societies in the world, the programme was made and objectives determined. The Yugoslav Materials Research Society (Yu-MRS), a nongovernment and non-profit scientific association, was founded in 1997 to promote multidisciplinary goal-oriented research in materials science and engineering. The main task and objective of the Society has been to encourage creativity in materials research and engineering to reach a harmonic coordination between achievements in this field in our country and analogous activities in the world with an aim to include our country into global international projects. Until 2003, Conferences were held every second year and then they grew into Annual Conferences that were traditionally held in Herceg Novi in September of every year. In 2007 Yu-MRS formed two new MRS: MRS-Serbia (official successor of Yu-MRS) and MRS-Montenegro (in founding). In 2008, MRS – Serbia became a member of FEMS (Federation of European Materials Societies)