5 research outputs found

    Research of Vehicle Body Electrical Control Technology Based on TWI Bus

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    随着人们对汽车舒适性、智能性以及节能环保的要求不断提高,越来越多的电器设备被运用到汽车上,传统的点对点配电方式必然导致整车线束复杂庞大,占用更多的车内空间。为了解决上述问题,现代汽车设计时都采用了串行总线的方式控制车身电器设备,目前主流使用的总线是CAN总线,CAN总线有很多适应汽车电气控制的优点,但是对于许多微处理器来说,必须使用专门的接口芯片才能进行CAN总线通讯,这使得在设计时芯片的选择性不够友好,一定程度上限制了使用,也提高了成本。针对上述情况,本文尝试着将TWI总线技术用于汽车车身电气控制,该总线系统采用通用的嵌入式芯片即可实现总线协议处理及发送等关键环节,可以将总线节点尽可能多地贴...With the people’s requirement of car’s comfort, Intelligence, energy conservation and environmental protection developing, more and more electrical equipments are applied to the car. Traditional peer-to-peer distribution methods will inevitably lead to the vehicle’s wiring harness and complicated. It also take up more space inside the car. In order to solve the problem that we have talked above, m...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_机械工程学号:1992010115274

    Design and Implementation of VIP Functional Module of Advanced Elevators

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    针对高端电梯控制系统,设计一种VIP功能模块。该模块具有安全稳定、功能丰富、扩展性强的特点,重点研究了VIP信息读取、通过TWI总线查询EEPrOM内信息等关键技术;经过现场实际测试,该模块运行良好,有较好的推广前景。A VIP functional module designed for advanced elevator control system.The module has safe,stable,and high extendibility characteristic.Several key technologies emphasized such as reading VIP information,querying information by TWI bus.Through the on-site test,the module proved to be running well,and with a good promotion prospects.厦门市科技项目(项目编号:3502Z20093005


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    Design of Elevator Control System Car Call Plate base on CAN-bus

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    随着经济社会的发展、城市化、工业化进程的深入,高层建筑大量涌现,电梯系统因此日益普及,已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。当今电梯系统功能日益增加,电梯系统智能化、安全性的要求不断提高,传统的继电器控制、PLC控制等方式已经越来越不适应电梯系统的各项要求,设计基于微处理器的电梯控制系统已成为行业发展的必然趋势。轿厢是电梯系统中人员乘坐的重要设备,电梯轿厢呼梯控制器是电梯控制系统的重要组成部分,设计带独立微处理器、基于CAN总线的电梯轿厢呼梯控制器符合行业发展的趋势,具有广泛的市场前景和迫切的现实意义。本文将展开论述基于CAN总线的电梯轿厢呼梯控制器设计。 首先,本文回顾了电梯系统发展的历史以...With the development of social economy and being in the procedure of urbanization and industrialization, high-rise buildings have increased greatly in number and the usage of elevator has expanded extensively. Nowadays, elevator has become an indispensable part of people's lives. With increasing demands in elevator control system functions and requirements in intelligentization and security in ele...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_系统工程学号:2322007115285

    Application of TWI bus module design in electrical control systems of vehicle bodies

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    利用AVr单片机的TWI总线构建了汽车车身电控系统的模块化构架。利用TWI总线定义了数据传输协议,建立了基于TWI的通讯信道,实现了数据在主从模块之间的实时通讯。将总线节点尽可能多地贴近车用电器,进而减少车身线束与总线通讯成本。A module framed structure for electrical control systems of vehicle bodies is constructed based on TWI bus of AVR single chip in this paper.The data transmission protocol is defined, TWI-based communication channel is built, and real-time data communication between host module and slaver modules is got.The bus nodes are designed to close to the appliances as nearly as possible, which contributes to reduce the wiring harness and communication costs.厦门市科技计划资助项目(项目编号:3502Z20123013