8 research outputs found


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    Each company wants to improve the efficiency of the production process so that it can compete in terms of price and quality with other companies. The company that is the object of this research is engaged in electronics manufacturing. The problem that occurs is the difference in production results between the company's target and the reality that occurs, with an indication of a decrease in the effectiveness of production machines. The highest reduction in machine effectiveness occurred in primary winding machines. The purpose of this research is to measure the value of the effectiveness of the primary rolling machine using the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) method and six big losses. Furthermore, to analyze the factors that are the main priority as a basis for improvement proposals to increase production efficiency using a causal diagram. In the calculation, OEE measures effectiveness with 3 points of view, namely availability, performance, and quality. To determine the decrease in machine effectiveness, the six big losses method was used. The results showed that the average effectiveness level of the primary rolling machine during the study period was 80.7%, with an average value of 97.75% availability, 68.15% performance, and 99.65% quality. Meanwhile, the one that most affected the decrease in the effectiveness of the primary rolling machine was reduced speed losses.Each company wants to improve the efficiency of the production process so that it can compete in terms of price and quality with other companies. The company that is the object of this research is engaged in electronics manufacturing. The problem that occurs is the difference in production results between the company's target and the reality that occurs, with an indication of a decrease in the effectiveness of production machines. The highest reduction in machine effectiveness occurred in primary winding machines. The purpose of this research is to measure the value of the effectiveness of the primary rolling machine using the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) method and six big losses. Furthermore, to analyze the factors that are the main priority as a basis for improvement proposals to increase production efficiency using a causal diagram. In the calculation, OEE measures effectiveness with 3 points of view, namely availability, performance, and quality. To determine the decrease in machine effectiveness, the six big losses method was used. The results showed that the average effectiveness level of the primary rolling machine during the study period was 80.7%, with an average value of 97.75% availability, 68.15% performance, and 99.65% quality. Meanwhile, the one that most affected the decrease in the effectiveness of the primary rolling machine was reduced speed losses

    Evaluasi Efektifitas Proses Pre-Turning Dengan Penerapan Total Productive Maintenance Pada PT Apcb

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    Machinery or production equipment is one of the assets owned by a company thatrequires effective maintenance in order for the company to continue to be productive.Problem encountered is found the machine / production equipment that can not operateproperly, causing the engine breakdown is increasing. One step that can be taken by the company to be able to determine the level of effectiveness of machinery and equipment production by measuring the level of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-turning process in maintenance activities to improve productivity of PT APCB, to identify causes of non-optimal maintenance activities at PT APCB, and to propose improvements for maintenance effectiveness at PT APCB. One approach that can be applied by PT APCB is by applying Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Based on the calculation results, obtained the average OEE value in 2016 was 67,45%. The lowest OEE value in the Pre-Turning process in 2016 was in February at 48.31%, while for the highest OEE in September was 83.23%. This is caused by the bar feeder problem with the highest request frequency value so that the low effectiveness of the Pre-turning process is indicated by the low value of OEE. Proposed improvement for maintenance effectiveness at PT APCB is to apply TPM better by always controlling the level of OEE


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    The manufacturing industry has a system for applying machinery, labor, equipment and raw materials to be transformed into a product that has a sale value. Production machinery and equipment are the main resources that cannot be separated from the overall resource system owned by the company. At PT. Sumber Wovens Utama production machines are used nonstop and cause a decrease in performance of these machines which include frequent breakdowns, loss of ideal speed, and poor quality. The purpose of this study is to determine the overall value of the effectiveness of the production machinery at this time, to find the root cause of the overall equipment effectiveness value is not as expected, and to provide an improvement to the cause of the low value of the overall equipment effectiveness of the non-wovens fabric production machine. The method used in this research is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness Method to calculate the level of effectiveness and productivity of production machines, Fishbone Diagrams to solve problems in projects and Analysis of 5 why to provide improvements to the level of productivity of these machines. The results showed that the average overall equipment effectiveness value for the period November 2018 - April 2019 was 83.2%, this value was still below the world class standard of 85%. Therefore, it is given an improvement over the overall equipment effectiveness value not being achieved by making regular maintenance schedules for production machines, making standard product changeover procedures, making standard parameters for each type of product and updating it every 1 month, etc. so that it gets good results, namely increases the overall equipment effectiveness value of the production machine to be 88.30%.Keywords: Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Fishbone Diagram, 5 why analys, Mesin Produksi, Kain Non-wovens, Production Machine, Non-wovens Fabri

    Implementación de las herramientas del TPM para mejorar la OEE en la producción de tapas en una Empresa Manufacturera Lima, 2019

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    La presente investigación se desarrolló en una empresa manufacturera en el área de producción y tuvo como objetivo general determinar si la implementación de las Herramientas del TPM (Total Productive Maintenance por sus siglas en inglés o Mantenimiento Productivo Total en castellano), mejoran la OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness por sus siglas en inglés o Eficiencia Global de los Equipos en castellano), en la prensa de producción de tapas. El desarrollo del estudio fue de tipo aplicado, se empleó un diseño Pre- Experimental y de enfoque cuantitativo. Se utilizaron las herramientas del TPM como el Mantenimiento Programado, Mantenimiento Autónomo y el Smed (Single minute Exchange of die o cambio de herramientas en un solo dígito) en la prensa de producción de tapas para incrementar la OEE así lograr una optimización de la disponibilidad, rendimiento y calidad. Luego de la implementación de las herramientas del TPM, la prensa de producción de tapas presentó un incremento de 11.44% de la OEE, esto quiere decir que tuvo un incremento de 10,86% en la disponibilidad, 1,5% en el rendimiento y 0,93% en la calidad

    The impact of quality losses on overall equipment effectiveness: an analysis of the food manufacturing industry in South Africa

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    Abstract: The efficiency and effectiveness of manufacturing equipment are key to the productivity and profitability of food manufacturing organisations. This central role in the success of the food manufacturing industry that is played by manufacturing equipment, directs to the need to have the performance of the manufacturing equipment measured. The use of Overall Equipment Effectiveness as a metric to measure manufacturing equipment performance is generally practiced amongst food manufacturers. This metric is used by process owners to advise maintenance strategies that an organisation can put in place to improve productivity. Though a very efficient measure, the omission of information about factors such as quality losses or improper calculation of overall equipment effectiveness, has resulted in maintenance strategies that have failed to produce the desired outcome. This has also resulted in food manufacturers failing to control or eliminate waste in the manufacturing process, and also manufacturing costs such as the costs of unnecessary maintenance activities. Although these challenges are experienced by food manufacturers globally, studies have indicated that most food manufacturers omit quality losses in the measurement of overall equipment effectiveness. This study aimed to investigate the impact that quality losses have on Overall equipment Effectiveness in the South African food manufacturing industry...M.Phil. (Engineering Management


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    OEE is one of the most popular methods of evaluation of the performance in the manufacturing process to identify and eliminate the causes of production losses. This study has a significant importance due to demonstrating the existing loss and identifying indicators of OEE and their impact on production losses. The main purpose of this study is to minimize the losses of equipment by utilizing the available resources. For this purpose, Moghan Cable & Wire Manufacturing Company was selected as a case study. After collecting equipment data, a questionnaire was designed that its validity was approved by group of experts and its reliability was calculated by using Cronbach's alpha method which was equal to 0.901. Data were analyzed by Structural Equation Model, in order to examine the relationship between variables. The results showed that the high levels of overall equipment effectiveness have a significant impact on the reduction of production losses

    Climate Change Issues in Nigeria: A Call For A Sustainable Policy in Agricultural Sector

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    Climate change has been reported to have been caused by human activities and its impacts on global economy and the citizen is devastating in nature. This paper aims to identify various ways through which farmers in the rural community contribute to climate change. This study intends to contribute to environmental sustainability and farmers’ adoption of cleaner agricultural production practices. This research adopted descriptive survey design type. The methodology includes the use of four stage sampling procedure to select 120 farmers from the study area. Interviewed schedule was used to collect data from the respondents, while the data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that majority (92.4%) engaged in bush burning, 96.7% were involved in deforestation,59 % engaged in soil nutrient depletion activitieswhile 92.4% engaged in drainage construction. All these activities contribute to global warming. Therefore, it is recommended that awareness campaign about the cause of climate change should be organized for the farmers in the zone,while policy should be formulated to encourage farmers to use climate smart agriculture in their production process in order to establish environmental sustainability. Key words: Climate change. Bush burning, Deforestation, Sustainability, Farmers activities Global warmin