4,708 research outputs found

    Task 10: Research an Alternative Instructional Design Model

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    Under authority of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Center of Excellence (COE) Technical Training Human Performance (TTHP) Task 10 research team has prepared a comprehensive technical report and an executive summary for the Air Traffic Organization (ATO) concerning the instructional development (ID) of occupational education and training for Air Traffic (AT) controllers and Technical Operations (TO) technicians. Research included: • Front-end analysis of available FAA courses and government furnished information (GFI), including course-development documentation and associated guidance, policies, and regulations. • Structured and semi-structured data-gathering techniques in cooperation with Instructional Systems Specialists (ISS), ISS Managers, and Requirements personnel. • Informal observations of validation events for Air Traffic training. • Analysis of the relevant literature from academic, government, and industry domains. The executive summary describes the findings and observations of issues directly related to the ID process and potential solutions based on findings from this comparative analysis. The comprehensive report that follows includes these and additional observations and recommendations as well as the project overview, an introduction to best practice research, the research methodology, presentation and analysis of the results, and discussion of the findings and conclusions

    Revista Economica

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    Estudo de viabilidade de desenvolvimento de um demonstrador de Realidade Virtual para as operações de servicing sobre a aeronave A-29B Super Tucano

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    Since the birth of aviation, the industry has experienced changes on how an airline operator must perform maintenance operations and how new technicians are trained to perform them to ensure the airworthiness of the aircraft, where the reduction of human errors resulting from non-compliance to the stipulated regulations are one of the main concerns. With the surge of new Virtual Reality technologies, EASA Part-147 approved organizations are enabled to incorporate and direct this new knowledge to the training of new EASA Part-66 approved technicians. However, Virtual Reality technologies must only be used and thought of as a complementary training tool, as it does not provide competencies to perform manual actions as welding, drilling, screwing, among others. Virtual Reality allows the trainee to test his theoretical knowledge at any given time without being limited by the availability of real equipment/components necessary to continue his training, without creating the risk of causing any material damage. All the training performed while resorting to the use of Virtual Reality technologies aims to improve knowledge retention, resulting in better approval rates. In this dissertation, a feasibility study and development of a Virtual Reality demonstrator directed to maintenance training for fuel servicing operations over an A-29B Super Tucano aeroplane must be performed, with the reduction of incidents/accidents reports resulting from wrongly performed procedures set as the main goal. The Virtual Reality application was built on a game engine called Unity, where the user can choose from VR hardware currently available or a mouse and keyboard to perform a fueling procedure. For each procedure, there are three modes available, guided, unguided and VR versions. The guided procedure will provide the user with an oriented experience, where no deviation from the maintenance manual for the fuel servicing action chosen can be performed. Each task will be highlighted in the correct order, providing a visual indication of the task to be executed. An exact copy of the Embraer maintenance manual for the designated procedure will also be provided to be used as a checklist. The unguided procedure allows deviation from the maintenance manual and wrong actions are allowed to be performed. However, a score will be given at the end of the procedure to evaluate how accurately the manual was followed. Embraer maintenance manual will be also provided, but with no checklist. Lastly, the VR version will follow the same fundamentals as the guided version. However, the input and output devices used on the previous 2 versions are replaced by an HMD and two handheld controllers.Desde o seu nascimento, a indústria aeronáutica tem vindo a vivenciar mudanças relativamente a como um operador aéreo realiza as suas atividades de manutenção e como treina os seus técnicos de modo a manter a aeronavegabilidade da sua frota, sendo que a ocorrência de incidentes/acidentes que resultem do incumprimento das regulações/procedimentos impostos pela operadora aérea sejam um foco de melhoria. Com a evolução e surgimento de tecnologias de Realidade Virtual, foi possível a entidades formadoras aprovadas segundo a regulação EASA Part-147, incorporar e direcionar este conhecimento para o treino de técnicos de manutenção. No entanto as mesmas apenas devem ser usadas como uma ferramenta complementar ao treino prático, pois não permitem que se adquira aptidões práticas para realizar tarefas manuais como soldadura, furação, aparafusamento, entre outros. Estas tecnologias permitem que o instruendo tenha a possibilidade de testar os seus conhecimentos teóricos a qualquer momento sem estar limitado pela disponibilidade de componentes reais para dar continuidade à sua formação. Todo este processo de treino com auxílio a aplicações de Realidade Virtual pretende melhorar a retenção de conhecimento, que necessariamente levará a um aumento nas taxas de aprovação dos instruendos. Neste trabalho pretende-se realizar o estudo de viabilidade e desenvolvimento de um demonstrador de Realidade Virtual direcionado ao treino de manutenção, para operações de fuel servicing para a aeronave A29B Super Tucano, com o objetivo de reduzir o número de relatos de incidentes/acidentes resultantes de um procedimento mal-executado. A aplicação de Realidade Virtual desenvolvida no decorrer de este trabalho de investigação, teve por base o motor de jogo Unity, em que o utilizador pode recorrer ao hardware VR atualmente disponível, ou a rato e teclado para realizar o procedimento de fuel servicing. A utilização em simultâneo das opções anteriormente referidas não é possível. Para cada procedimento, três modos de realização da tarefa são possíveis, a versão guiada, não-guiada e RV. A versão guiada fornece ao utilizador uma experiência orientada, onde qualquer desvio do manual de manutenção para o procedimento de reabastecimento escolhido não é permitido. Cada tarefa, segundo a ordem tal como surgem no manual estará destacada, de modo a fornecer uma indicação visual da tarefa a ser executada. Uma cópia exata do manual da Embraer para o procedimento escolhido é também fornecida para ser usado como um checklist. A versão não-guiada permite desvios aos procedimentos do manual de manutenção, assim como a realização de ações erradas do procedimento. No entanto, no final do treino são fornecidos elementos para quantificar os eventuais desvios do manual que tenham ocorrido durante o procedimento. Neste caso, o manual é igualmente fornecido, mas sem checklist. Por fim, na versão de Realidade Virtual, tal como acontece na versão guiada, os fundamentos são iguais, no entanto, a diferença que merece maior destaque é o facto de os aparelhos de input e output deixem de ser o rato, teclado e monitor e passamos a usar um HMD e handheld controllers

    Blended learning internationalization from the commonwealth: An Australian and Canadian collaborative case study

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    This case depiction addresses the contentious issue of providing culturally and globally accessible teaching and learning to international students in universities in the Commonwealth nations of Australia and Canada. The chapter describes the university systems and cultures, the barriers to authentic higher education internationalization, and the problems frequently experienced by international students. Two university cases are presented and analysed to depict and detail blended learning approaches (face-toface combined with e-learning) as exemplars of culturally and globally accessible higher education and thereby ideologically grounded internationalization. Lessons learned are presented at the systems level and as teaching and learning solutions designed to address pedagogical problems frequently experienced by international students in the areas of communication, academic skills, teaching and learning conceptualization, and moving from rote learning to critical thinking. The blended learning solutions are analysed through the lens of critical theory

    Developmental study towards effective practices in technology-assisted learning: third combined report from 15 participating South African universities

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    The Centre for Technology Assisted Learning (CenTAL) at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) and the SOLSTICE Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Edge Hill University (EHU), UK signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 28 June 2007 for the creation of a benchmarking hub for the enhancement of learning by the deployment of educational technologies in South African universities. This was followed up during a visit of Mark Schofield of EHU during February 2008 and resulted in an invitation for participation directed at the directors of technology-assisted learning (TAL) centres, and other senior staff members responsible for academic development and support including TAL, at 23 South African universities. The information below was obtained from the participating universities’ present and future activities in TAL. They were requested to use nine so-called “lenses” of self-evaluation and review and to organise the information using these lenses. The first combined report contained the information received from participatory universities during a first round. This report was discussed during a meeting of representatives of participating universities on 28 May 2008 in Johannesburg. During this meeting, a refinement of our common understanding of lenses was discussed and three new lenses were added. A Second Combined Report was produced and discussed at a second meeting of participants on 10 October 2008 at UJ. Two additional universities also came on board in the second semester of 2008. This report is now based on the information offered by all 14 participating universities on these refined and expanded lenses. In the sequel, these lenses are used as headings. Information from participating universities is offered by alphabetically arranging the universities under each lens

    Changing the Landscape of Learning: Critical Factors in Open and Distance Learning

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    Technology is changing our world. The advancement in science and technology has propelled a drastic change in nature and structure of the modern world. Events that look weird or impossible years back are part of ‘normal’ things in our contemporary world. Education has had its share of the paradigm shift in the anal of technological revolution. The paper discusses the adoption of open and distance education along the traditional face-to-face mode of educational delivery. The implication of this change in respect to curriculum development models, design and pedagogy and the role of instructors in open and distance education which are considered critical factors were analysed. The author propose that open and distance learning should be viewed from transformational perspective of improving teaching and learning through designing of relevant curriculum and implementation of constructive based pedagogy

    Volume 36 Number 1

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