100 research outputs found

    Data trend mining for predictive systems design

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    The goal of this research is to propose a data mining based design framework that can be used to solve complex systems design problems in a timely and efficient manner, with the main focus being product family design problems. Traditional data acquisition techniques that have been employed in the product design community have relied primarily on customer survey data or focus group feedback as a means of integrating customer preference information into the product design process. The reliance of direct customer interaction can be costly and time consuming and may therefore limit the overall size and complexity of the customer preference data. Furthermore, since survey data typically represents stated customer preferences (customer responses for hypothetical product designs, rather than actual product purchasing decisions made), design engineers may not know the true customer preferences for specific product attributes, a challenge that could ultimately result in misguided product designs. By analyzing large scale time series consumer data, new products can be designed that anticipate emerging product preference trends in the market space. The proposed data trend mining algorithm will enable design engineers to determine how to characterize attributes based on their relevance to the overall product design. A cell phone case study is used to demonstrate product design problems involving new product concept generation and an aerodynamic particle separator case study is presented for product design problems requiring attribute relevance characterization and product family clustering. Finally, it is shown that the proposed trend mining methodology can be expanded beyond product design problems to include systems of systems design problems such as military systems simulations


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    "Pemilihan supplier merupakan permasalahan yang komplek pada era Industri 4.0 sekarang ini. Banyaknya jumlah supplier dengan kualitas performansi yang berbeda-beda menyebabkan sulitnya pihak internal perusahaan untuk memilih supplier yang sesuai. Di sisi lain macam-macam bahan baku yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat produk jadi, sangat beragam. Kesesuaian supplier berkualitas yang diperlukan untuk memasok bahan baku yang dibutuhkan oleh industri menjadi hal yang penting untuk diselesaikan. Begitupun halnya dengan industri perakitan traktor tangan, industri kecil menengah ini juga sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan bahan pasokan, dan sudah pasti tergantung pula dengan pemilihan supplier itu sendiri. Penelitian disertasi ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh metode terbaru untuk memilih supplier pada industri manufaktur dengan studi kasus pada perakitan industri kecil traktor tangan. Penelitian disertasi ini diawali dengan kegiatan studi literatur melalui FGD, dan studi pustaka, kemudian diikuti dengan pembuatan desain prototipe aplikasi. Dimana untuk menyusun database bahan baku disusun menggunakan struktur produk pada Bill of Material, penentuan bobot kriteria optimal menggunakan Genetic Algorythms dan pemilihan supplier menggunakan metode multi criteria decision making. Studi kasus penelitian ini di sentra Industri Logam Ceper Klaten Solo, yaitu di Politeknik Manufaktur Ceper. Sedangkan pelaksanaan penelitiannya di Lab Komputasional dan Sistem Informasi serta Laboratorium Rekayasa Sistem Informasi Politeknik Negeri Jember. Uji coba aplikasi diimplementasikan pada studi kasus sesungguhnya, dengan data supplier 153, data bahan baku 70 bahan baku dengan variabel kriteria pemilihan supplier sebanyak 10 variabel. Pada tahap akhir diverifikasi menggunakan kuesioner online Google Form, dengan data responden sebanyak 101, banyaknya responden yg memilih “Sangat mudah” dan “Mudah” atau “Sangat lengkap” dan “Lengkap” atau “Sangat tepat” dan “Tepat” > 80 %, ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi / web yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan harapan IKM pengguna (Verified). Kata kunci : Pemilihan pemasok, Computational intelegence, Bill of Material, Group Technology, Multi Criteria Decision Making dan Genetic Algorythms.

    Simulação Computacional do Fluxo de Valor: uma proposta de Integração da Indústria 4.0 e Lean Production

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    Normalmente, o primeiro passo para a implantação de um sistema Lean Prodution é o Mapeamento do Fluxo de Valor (VSM). O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na integração da Indústria 4.0 e Lean Production operacionalizada pelas técnicas de mapeamento de Fluxo de Valor aliados a Simulação Computacional. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido e validado um método para integrar estas duas ferramentas. A Simulação consiste em uma das ferramentas da Indústria 4.0, que proporciona uma informação mais precisa e mais ágil. Isso é fundamental na indústria do Século XXI. Por meio da abordagem do Lean Production foi possível verificar os problemas do estado atual e buscar corrigi-los, simulando um cenário em um estado futuro, podendo se comparar os resultados. As etapas produtivas simuladas, utilizadas como objeto de estudo, foram processos de pintura de móveis de madeira e MDF, visto que era o gargalo da indústria analisada. Após a Simulação, o cenário proposto apresentou uma melhora de 19% na produtividade, além de melhorias em na agregação de valor e utilização dos recursos. A aplicação do VSM aliado a Simulação proporciona ter maior assertividade no mapa atual, uma vez que a Simulação permite que sejam verificados indicadores para um grande período de tempo, enquanto o VSM somente traz dados para um instante de tempo, além disso, a Simulação permite testar alternativas e cenários futuros antes de implementá-los


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    This paper presents a state space control technique for inverted pendulum system. The system is a common classical control problem that has been widely used to test multiple control algorithms because of its nonlinear and unstable behavior. Full state feedback based on pole placement and optimal control is applied to the inverted pendulum system to achieve desired design specification which are 4 seconds settling time and 5% overshoot. The simulation and optimization of the full state feedback controller based on pole placement and optimal control techniques as well as the performance comparison between these techniques is described comprehensively. The comparison is made to choose the most suitable technique for the system that have the best trade-off between settling time and overshoot. Besides that, the observer design is analyzed to see the effect of pole location and noise present in the system

    A Review of Resonant Converter Control Techniques and The Performances

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    paper first discusses each control technique and then gives experimental results and/or performance to highlights their merits. The resonant converter used as a case study is not specified to just single topology instead it used few topologies such as series-parallel resonant converter (SPRC), LCC resonant converter and parallel resonant converter (PRC). On the other hand, the control techniques presented in this paper are self-sustained phase shift modulation (SSPSM) control, self-oscillating power factor control, magnetic control and the H-∞ robust control technique

    A Review of Resonant Converter Control Techniques and The Performances

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    paper first discusses each control technique and then gives experimental results and/or performance to highlights their merits. The resonant converter used as a case study is not specified to just single topology instead it used few topologies such as series-parallel resonant converter (SPRC), LCC resonant converter and parallel resonant converter (PRC). On the other hand, the control techniques presented in this paper are self-sustained phase shift modulation (SSPSM) control, self-oscillating power factor control, magnetic control and the H-∞ robust control technique

    State-Feedback Controller Based on Pole Placement Technique for Inverted Pendulum System

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    This paper presents a state space control technique for inverted pendulum system using simulation and real experiment via MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The inverted pendulum is difficult system to control in the field of control engineering. It is also one of the most important classical control system problems because of its nonlinear characteristics and unstable system. It has three main problems that always appear in control application which are nonlinear system, unstable and non-minimumbehavior phase system. This project will apply state feedback controller based on pole placement technique which is capable in stabilizing the practical based inverted pendulum at vertical position. Desired design specifications which are 4 seconds settling time and 5 % overshoot is needed to apply in full state feedback controller based on pole placement technique. First of all, the mathematical model of an inverted pendulum system is derived to obtain the state space representation of the system. Then, the design phase of the State-Feedback Controller can be conducted after linearization technique is performed to the nonlinear equation with the aid of mathematical aided software such as Mathcad. After that, the design is simulated using MATLAB/Simulink software. The controller design of the inverted pendulum system is verified using simulation and experiment test. Finally the controller design is compared with PID controller for benchmarking purpose

    Low-Cost Inventions and Patents

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    Inventions have led to the technological advances of mankind. There are inventions of all kinds, some of which have lasted hundreds of years or even longer. Low-cost technologies are expected to be easy to build, have little or no energy consumption, and be easy to maintain and operate. The use of sustainable technologies is essential in order to move towards a greater global coverage of technology, and therefore to improve human quality of life. Low-cost products always respond to a specific need, even if no in-depth analysis of the situation or possible solutions has been carried out. It is a consensus in all industrialized countries that patents have a decisive influence on the organization of the economy, as they are a key element in promoting technological innovation. Patents must aim to promote the technological development of countries, starting from their industrial situations