348 research outputs found

    Sonification of Network Traffic Flow for Monitoring and Situational Awareness

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    Maintaining situational awareness of what is happening within a network is challenging, not least because the behaviour happens within computers and communications networks, but also because data traffic speeds and volumes are beyond human ability to process. Visualisation is widely used to present information about the dynamics of network traffic dynamics. Although it provides operators with an overall view and specific information about particular traffic or attacks on the network, it often fails to represent the events in an understandable way. Visualisations require visual attention and so are not well suited to continuous monitoring scenarios in which network administrators must carry out other tasks. Situational awareness is critical and essential for decision-making in the domain of computer network monitoring where it is vital to be able to identify and recognize network environment behaviours.Here we present SoNSTAR (Sonification of Networks for SiTuational AwaReness), a real-time sonification system to be used in the monitoring of computer networks to support the situational awareness of network administrators. SoNSTAR provides an auditory representation of all the TCP/IP protocol traffic within a network based on the different traffic flows between between network hosts. SoNSTAR raises situational awareness levels for computer network defence by allowing operators to achieve better understanding and performance while imposing less workload compared to visual techniques. SoNSTAR identifies the features of network traffic flows by inspecting the status flags of TCP/IP packet headers and mapping traffic events to recorded sounds to generate a soundscape representing the real-time status of the network traffic environment. Listening to the soundscape allows the administrator to recognise anomalous behaviour quickly and without having to continuously watch a computer screen.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures plus supplemental material in Github repositor

    Flooding attacks to internet threat monitors (ITM): Modeling and counter measures using botnet and honeypots

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    The Internet Threat Monitoring (ITM),is a globally scoped Internet monitoring system whose goal is to measure, detect, characterize, and track threats such as distribute denial of service(DDoS) attacks and worms. To block the monitoring system in the internet the attackers are targeted the ITM system. In this paper we address flooding attack against ITM system in which the attacker attempt to exhaust the network and ITM's resources, such as network bandwidth, computing power, or operating system data structures by sending the malicious traffic. We propose an information-theoretic frame work that models the flooding attacks using Botnet on ITM. Based on this model we generalize the flooding attacks and propose an effective attack detection using Honeypots

    The Dynamics of Internet Traffic: Self-Similarity, Self-Organization, and Complex Phenomena

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    The Internet is the most complex system ever created in human history. Therefore, its dynamics and traffic unsurprisingly take on a rich variety of complex dynamics, self-organization, and other phenomena that have been researched for years. This paper is a review of the complex dynamics of Internet traffic. Departing from normal treatises, we will take a view from both the network engineering and physics perspectives showing the strengths and weaknesses as well as insights of both. In addition, many less covered phenomena such as traffic oscillations, large-scale effects of worm traffic, and comparisons of the Internet and biological models will be covered.Comment: 63 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables, submitted to Advances in Complex System

    An approach in identifying and tracing back spoofed IP packets to their sources

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    With internet expanding in every aspect of businesses infrastructure, it becomes more and more important to make these businesses infrastructures safe and secure to the numerous attacks perpetrated on them conspicuously when it comes to denial of service (DoS) attacks. A Dos attack can be summarized as an effort carried out by either a person or a group of individual to suppress a particular outline service. This can hence be achieved by using and manipulating packets which are sent out using the IP protocol included into the IP address of the sending party. However, one of the major drawbacks is that the IP protocol is not able to verify the accuracy of the address and has got no method to validate the authenticity of the sender’s packet. Knowing how this works, an attacker can hence fabricate any source address to gain unauthorized access to critical information. In the event that attackers can manipulate this lacking for numerous targeted attacks, it would be wise and safe to determine whether the network traffic has got spoofed packets and how to traceback. IP traceback has been quite active specially with the DOS attacks therefore this paper will be focusing on the different types of attacks involving spoofed packets and also numerous methods that can help in identifying whether packet have spoofed source addresses based on both active and passive host based methods and on the router-based methods

    Blocking DDoS attacks at the network level

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    Denial of service (DDoS) is a persistent and continuously growing problem. These attacks are based on methods that flood the victim with messages that it did not request, effectively exhausting its computational or bandwidth resources. The variety of attack approaches is overwhelming and the current defense mechanisms are not completely effective. In today’s internet, a multitude of DDoS attacks occur everyday, some even degrading the availability of critical or governmental services. In this dissertation, we propose a new network level DDoS mitigation protocol that iterates on previous attempts and uses proven mechanisms such as cryptographic challenges and packet-tagging. Our analysis of the previous attempts to solve this problem led to a ground-up design of the protocol with adaptability in mind, trying to minimize deployment and adoption barriers. With this work we concluded that with software changes only on the communication endpoints, it is possible to mitigate the most used DDoS attacks with results up to 25 times more favourable than standard resource rate limiting (RRL) methods

    Analysis and Automated Discovery of Attacks in Transport Protocols

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    Transport protocols like TCP and QUIC are a crucial component of today’s Internet, underlying services as diverse as email, file transfer, web browsing, video conferencing, and instant messaging as well as infrastructure protocols like BGP and secure network protocols like TLS. Transport protocols provide a variety of important guarantees like reliability, in-order delivery, and congestion control to applications. As a result, the design and implementation of transport protocols is complex, with many components, special cases, interacting features, and efficiency considerations, leading to a high probability of bugs. Unfortunately, today the testing of transport protocols is mainly a manual, ad-hoc process. This lack of systematic testing has resulted in a steady stream of attacks compromising the availability, performance, or security of transport protocols, as seen in the literature. Given the importance of these protocols, we believe that there is a need for the development of automated systems to identify complex attacks in implementations of these protocols and for a better understanding of the types of attacks that will be faced by next generation transport protocols. In this dissertation, we focus on improving this situation, and the security of transport protocols, in three ways. First, we develop a system to automatically search for attacks that target the availability or performance of protocol connections on real transport protocol implementations. Second, we implement a model-based system to search for attacks against implementations of TCP congestion control. Finally, we examine QUIC, Google’s next generation encrypted transport protocol, and identify attacks on availability and performance
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