316,437 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative renormalization of meson decay constants in quenched QCD for a renormalization group improved gauge action

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    Renormalization constants (ZZ-factors) of vector and axial-vector currents are determined non-perturbatively in quenched QCD for a renormalization group improved gauge action and a tadpole improved clover quark action using the Schr\"odinger functional method. Non-perturbative values of ZZ-factors turn out to be smaller than one-loop perturbative values by O(15O(15%) at lattice spacing of a−1≈a^{-1}\approx 1 GeV. The pseudoscalar and vector meson decay constants calculated with the non-perturbative ZZ-factors show a much better scaling behavior compared to previous results obtained with tadpole improved one-loop ZZ-factors. In particular, the non-perturbative ZZ-factors normalized at infinite physical volume show that scaling violation of the decay constants are within about 10% up to the lattice spacing a−1∼1a^{-1}\sim 1 GeV. The continuum estimates obtained from data in the range a−1=a^{-1}= 1 -- 2 GeV agree with those determined from finer lattices (a−1∼2−4a^{-1}\sim 2-4 GeV) with the standard action.Comment: 19 pages, 18 eps figures. Corrected addres

    Flavor Singlet Meson Mass in the Continuum Limit in Two-Flavor Lattice QCD

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    We present results for the mass of the eta-prime meson in the continuum limit for two-flavor lattice QCD, calculated on the CP-PACS computer, using a renormalization-group improved gauge action, and Sheikholeslami and Wohlert's fermion action with tadpole-improved csw. Correlation functions are measured at three values of the coupling constant beta corresponding to the lattice spacing a approx. 0.22, 0.16, 0.11 fm and for four values of the quark mass parameter kappa corresponding to mpi over mrho approx. 0.8, 0.75, 0.7 and 0.6. For each beta, kappa pair, 400-800 gauge configurations are used. The two-loop diagrams are evaluated using a noisy source method. We calculate eta-prime propagators using local sources, and find that excited state contributions are much reduced by smearing. A full analysis for the smeared propagators gives metaprime=0.960(87)+0.036-0.248 GeV, in the continuum limit, where the second error represents the systematic uncertainty coming from varying the functional form for chiral and continuum extrapolations.Comment: 9 pages, 19 figures, 4 table

    B meson leptonic decay constant with quenched lattice NRQCD

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    We present a lattice NRQCD study of the B meson decay constant in the quenched approximation with emphasis given to the scaling behavior. The NRQCD action and the heavy-light axial current we use include all terms of order 1/M and the perturbative O(αsa)O(\alpha_s a) and O(αs/M)O(\alpha_s/M) corrections. Using simulations at three value of couplings β\beta=5.7, 5.9 and 6.1 on lattices of size 123×32,163×4812^3\times 32, 16^3\times 48 and 243×6424^3\times 64, we find no significant aa dependence in fBf_B if the O(αsa)O(\alpha_s a) correction is included in the axial current. We obtain fB=167(7)(15)f_B = 167(7)(15) MeV, fBs=191(4)(17)(−0+4)f_{B_s}= 191(4)(17)(^{+4}_{-0}) MeV and fBs/fB=1.15(3)(1)(−0+3)f_{B_s}/f_B =1.15(3)(1)(^{+3}_{-0}), with the first error being statistical, the second systematic, and the third due to uncertainty of strange quark mass, while quenching errors being not included.Comment: 31 pages, 24 eps figure

    Kaon B parameter from quenched Lattice QCD

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    We present results of a large-scale simulation for the Kaon B parameter BKB_K in quenched lattice QCD with the Kogut-Susskind quark action. Calculating BKB_K at 1% statistical accuracy for seven values of lattice spacing in the range a≈0.24−0.04a\approx 0.24-0.04 fm on lattices up to 563×9656^3\times 96, we verify a quadratic aa dependence of BKB_K theoretically predicted. Strong indications are found that, with our level of accuracy, αMSˉ(1/a)2\alpha_{\bar{MS}}(1/a)^2 terms arising from our one-loop matching procedure have to be included in the continuum extrapolation. We present BKB_K(NDR, 2 GeV)=0.628(42) as our final value, as obtained by a fit including the αMSˉ(1/a)2\alpha_{\bar{MS}}(1/a)^2 term.Comment: 8 pages, Latex(revtex, epsf), 2 epsf figure

    Light quark masses from unquenched lattice QCD

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    We calculate the light meson spectrum and the light quark masses by lattice QCD simulation, treating all light quarks dynamically and employing the Iwasaki gluon action and the nonperturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson quark action. The calculations are made at the squared lattice spacings at an equal distance a^2~0.005, 0.01 and 0.015 fm^2, and the continuum limit is taken assuming an O(a^2) discretization error. The light meson spectrum is consistent with experiment. The up, down and strange quark masses in the \bar{MS} scheme at 2 GeV are \bar{m}=(m_{u}+m_{d})/2=3.55^{+0.65}_{-0.28} MeV and m_s=90.1^{+17.2}_{-6.1} MeV where the error includes statistical and all systematic errors added in quadrature. These values contain the previous estimates obtained with the dynamical u and d quarks within the error.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex4; v2: contents partly modified, published versio

    Lattice QCD calculation of the proton decay matrix element in the continuum limit

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    We present a quenched lattice QCD calculation of the \alpha and \beta parameters of the proton decay matrix element. The simulation is carried out using the Wilson quark action at three values of the lattice spacing in the range a\approx 0.1-0.064 fm to study the scaling violation effect. We find only mild scaling violation when the lattice scale is determined by the nucleon mass. We obtain in the continuum limit, |\alpha(NDR,2GeV)|=0.0090(09)(^{+5}_{-19})GeV^3 and |\beta(NDR,2GeV)|=0.0096(09)(^{+6}_{-20})GeV^3 with \alpha and \beta in a relatively opposite sign, where the first error is statistical and the second is due to the uncertainty in the determination of the physical scale.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    B meson B-parameters and the decay constant in two-flavor dynamical QCD

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    We present a two-flavor dynamical QCD calculation of the B meson B parameters and decay constant. We use NRQCD for heavy quark and the nonperturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson action for light quark at β\beta=5.2 on a 203×4820^3\times 48 lattice. We confirm that the sea quark effect increases the heavy-light decay constant, while estimate of its magnitude depends significantly on the fitting form in the chiral extrapolation. For the B parameters, on the other hand, we do not find a significant sea quark effect. The chiral extrapolation with logarithmic term is examined for both quantities and compared with the prediction of ChPT.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Lattice2001(heavyquark

    Decreasing Caregiver Stress

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    Stress is both critical and personal experience and has significant effects on caregivers’ physical, mental, and social well-being. The nature of caregiving and the responsibility to work and serve individuals at their illness conditions are very personal encounters that often result in adverse effects on the health and well-being of caregivers (Frederick, 2016). A decrease in stress experience can lead to the satisfaction of caregiver roles and improvement of patient’s quality of life (Choi, Jisun & Boyle, Diane, 2013; Yada, Nagata, & Inagaki, 2014). This scholarly project determined that evidence-based stress management interventions have decreased the perceived stress in caregivers. The scholarly project identified low levels of stress among research participants, and how evidence-based interventions decreased caregiver stress by increasing their knowledge and awareness of evidence-based stress management interventions. The results of this scholarly project agree with the literature that caregiver stress experience can be decreased through the implementation of evidence-based stress management interventions (Blom, Zarit, Groot Zwaaftink, Cuijpers, & Pot, 2013). It is significant to implement evidence-based stress management interventions to decrease perceived stress among caregivers
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