6 research outputs found

    Geometric Programming Subject to System of Fuzzy Relation Inequalities

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    In this paper, an optimization model with geometric objective function is presented. Geometric programming is widely used; many objective functions in optimization problems can be analyzed by geometric programming. We often encounter these in resource allocation and structure optimization and technology management, etc. On the other hand, fuzzy relation equalities and inequalities are also used in many areas. We here present a geometric programming model with a monomial objective function subject to the fuzzy relation inequality constraints with maxproduct composition. Simplification operations have been given to accelerate the resolution of the problem by removing the components having no effect on the solution process. Also, an algorithm and two practical examples are presented to abbreviate and illustrate the steps of the problem resolution

    Bandler–Kohout Subproduct With Yager’s Classes of Fuzzy Implications

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    The Bandler-Kohout subproduct (BKS) inference mechanism is one of the two established fuzzy relational inference (FRI) mechanisms; the other one being Zadeh's compositional rule of inference (CRI). Both these FRIs are known to possess many desirable properties. It can be seen that many of these desirable properties are due to the rich underlying structure, viz., the residuated algebra, from which the employed operations come. In this study, we discuss the BKS relational inference system, with the fuzzy implication interpreted as Yager's classes of implications, which do not form a residuated structure on [0,1] . We show that many of the desirable properties, viz., interpolativity, continuity, robustness, which are known for the BKS with residuated implications, are also available under this framework, thus expanding the choice of operations available to practitioners. Note that, to the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first attempt at studying the suitability of an FRI where the operations come from a nonresiduated structure

    On the Suitability of the Bandler–Kohout Subproduct as an Inference Mechanism

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    Fuzzy relational inference (FRI) systems form an important part of approximate reasoning schemes using fuzzy sets. The compositional rule of inference (CRI), which was introduced by Zadeh, has attracted the most attention so far. In this paper, we show that the FRI scheme that is based on the Bandler-Kohout (BK) subproduct, along with a suitable realization of the fuzzy rules, possesses all the important properties that are cited in favor of using CRI, viz., equivalent and reasonable conditions for their solvability, their interpolative properties, and the preservation of the indistinguishability that may be inherent in the input fuzzy sets. Moreover, we show that under certain conditions, the equivalence of first-infer-then-aggregate (FITA) and first-aggregate-then-infer (FATI) inference strategies can be shown for the BK subproduct, much like in the case of CRI. Finally, by addressing the computational complexity that may exist in the BK subproduct, we suggest a hierarchical inferencing scheme. Thus, this paper shows that the BK-subproduct-based FRI is as effective and efficient as the CRI itself

    Bandler-Kohout Subproduct with Yager’s Families of Fuzzy Implications: A Comprehensive Study

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    Approximate reasoning schemes involving fuzzy sets are one of the best known applications of fuzzy logic in the wider sense. Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) or Fuzzy Inference Mechanisms (FIM) have many degrees of freedom, viz., the underlying fuzzy partition of the input and output spaces, the fuzzy logic operations employed, the fuzzification and defuzzification mechanism used, etc. This freedom gives rise to a variety of FIS with differing capabilities