14 research outputs found

    The bullwhip effect in Brazilian supply chain of organic products: an analysis from the perspective of transaction cost theory

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    This paper deals with the to the supply chain strategic management of organic products. The objective of this study is to propose a model that integrates the concepts of supply chain management (SCM), transaction costs theory (TTC) and bullwhip effect in supply chain of organic products generating propositions that will direct future empirical research. Therefore, this paper proposes that the SCM and TTC can contribute in reducing the distortion of perception of demand along the supply chain of organic products. A conceptual model relating the three variables studied was elaborated and three theoretical future empirical investigations to propositions in order to solve the problem of the bullwhip effect, namely the distortion of perception of demand along the supply chain of organic products

    A percepção da sociologia das ausências na cadeia de suprimentos da indústria de máquinas agrícolas

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    Studies on supply chain management have been focused on competitiveness from the alignment of suppliers to the company’s main strategic interests, with the assumption that this alignment benefits all chains. In this approach, unmet interests of these suppliers are hidden when submitted to the subordination of the main company. This work aimed to understand how the supply chain of the agricultural machinery industry is managed, with the sociology of absences as a category of analysis. This is a descriptive and qualitative approach research, with the participation of six respondents, executives of companies providing implements for the three main agricultural machinery companies in the world. During the research, we sought to connect seven dimensions of supply chain management with the macro-sociological procedure of investigation of the sociology of absences. The results showed that the supply chain management of the agricultural machinery industry promotes the five non-logical existence (monocultures), putting smaller companies’ supply chain members in a situation of absence and concealment, disregarding their knowledge and interests.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An Integrated Group Decision-making Process For Supplier Selection and Order Allocation Using Multi-attribute Utility Theory Under Fuzzy Environment.

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    Supply chain management has become a key aspect that has implications for effective and efficient management of industrial relations. It has also become an important focus for firms and organizations to obtain a competitive advantage. Supplier selection is a highly important multi-criteria group decision making problem, which requires a trade-off between multiple criteria exhibiting vagueness and imprecision with the involvement of a group of experts. In this problem if suppliers have capacity or other different constraints, two problems will exist: which suppliers are best and how much should be purchased from each selected supplier. In this paper an integrated approach of multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) is applied to represent the decision make

    Erfolgskritische Governancestruktur in Netzwerken

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    "Unter dem Titel "Erfolgskritische Governancestruktur in Netzwerken" behandelt diese Arbeit die Governance in Netzwerken. Netzwerkgovernance befindet sich in den Anfängen ihrer wissenschaftlichen Erforschung. Nicht der Erfolg im Einzelfall, sondern die Breite der diesbezüglich existierenden Modelle und Methoden wird untersucht. Ziel ist es, Erfolgsfaktoren von Governance zu isolieren und deren Zusammenhang mit dem Netzwerk aufzudecken. Diesem aktuellen Thema wird hier eine umfassende Einleitung gewidmet, welche die Entstehung und Einordnung dieser Form von indirekter Netzwerkverwaltung beschreibt. Die bedeutendsten Modelle der Netzwerkforschung, insbesondere der Netzwerkgovernance, finden sich hier erklärt und dienen in der späteren Sekundärstudie als Rahmenwerk. Erfolgsevaluation von Netzwerken einerseits wird der Erfolgsevaluation von Netzwerkgovernance andererseits gegenübergestellt. Eine extensive Meta-Analyse von 97 wissenschaftlichen Studien über Netzwerke und deren Managementstrukturen liefert den Status Quo der Forschung und zeigt den deutlichen Handlungsbedarf der Empirie in diesem Bereich. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer Diskussion der Ergebnisse ab, gibt Empfehlungen hinsichtlich weiterführender Studien und setzt sich kritisch mit den behandelten Themen und Methoden auseinander. Es zeigt sich, dass ungenügend substanzielle Daten über die Governancestrukturen von Netzwerken existieren, weswegen die bereits fundierten Modelle der Netzwerkgovernance einer empirischen Verifikation bislang entbehren. Dennoch existiert mit dem Modell von Provan und Kenis (2008) und seinen Faktoren eine mögliche Grundlage für eine Studie. Eine Korrelation von Netzwerkstruktur und den im Modell beschriebenen Idealtypen einer passenden Governance ist evident." (Autorenreferat

    İlaç sektöründeki tarafların kilit tedarik zinciri performans göstergelerinin ölçülmesi ve Türkiye'deki ilaç tedarik zinciri yapısının analizi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.İlaç, toplum sağlığını yakından ilgilendirdiği için stratejik bir üründür ve ilaç endüstrisi de stratejik bir endüstridir. İlacın ihtiyaç duyulduğu anda, istenen kalitede ve standartta müşteriye (hastaya) ulaştırılması gerekmektedir. Bu sebeple ilacın sadece teknolojisi, üretimi ve diğer süreçleri değil lojistik süreçleri, depolama, dağıtım kanalları, teslimat şartları da önemlidir. Ülkemizde ki ilaç sektöründe sadece imalatçı ya da ithalatçı firmalar değil aynı zamanda ecza depoları, serbest eczaneler ve ilaç lojistik firmaları bulunmaktadır. Daha çok gelişmiş ülkelerden temin edilen ya da yabancı lisanslar altında ülkemizde üretimi yapılan ilaçların kaynağından tedarik, üretiminden dağıtım kanalları ve müşteriye zamanında ve kaliteli şekilde ulaştırılması önem arz etmektedir. İlaç firmalarının kurmuş olduğu tedarik süreçleri üretici, lojistik, ecza depoları ve eczaneler arasında teknolojik ve modern bir ağa benzemektedir. İlaç için tedarik zinciri dinamiklerini gerçekte neyin yönlendirdiğinin iyi şekilde anlaşılması gereklidir. Bu çalışmada, ülkemizdeki ilaç tedarik zinciri sektöründeki ana oyuncuların kilit tedarik zinciri performans göstergeleri ölçülerek Türkiye'deki ilaç tedarik zinciri yapısının analizi ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Firmaların elde edilen verileri analiz edilerek üretim, tedarik, satınalma ve müşteri hizmet seviyeleri açısından performansları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, sektördeki ana oyunculardan seçilen 3 ilaç üreticisi, 3 lojistik firması ve 2 ecza deposu olmak üzere toplamda 8 firma ve bu firmaların 11 farklı yöneticisi (uzman) örneklem olarak seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, ilacın nihai müşterisine teslim sağlayan eczane ve eczacılar çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, ülkemizdeki ilaç tedarik zinciri taraflarının tedarik zincirindeki kilit performans kriterlerinin etkileri ortaya konularak uygulamadaki rolleri ve aralarındaki etkileşim ele alınmıştır.Medicine in general is a strategic product as it is closely related to public health, and hence, the pharmaceutical industry is a strategic industry. The medicine should be delivered to the client (patient) at the desired quality and standard at the time it is needed. For this reason, not only the technology, production and other processes of the medicine, but also the logistics processes, storage, distribution channels, delivery conditions are important. In the pharmaceutical sector in our country, there are not only manufacturers or importers, but also pharmaceutical warehouses, free pharmacies and pharmaceutical logistics companies. The fact that the pharmaceutical sector in our country is highly dependent on foreign countries, especially in terms of raw materials, also affects the pharmaceutical logistics sector. The suplying process that set up by drug companies that similar as a modern network among manufacturers, suppliers, logistics companies and pharmacies. In this study, the key rolls of the main players in the supply chain sector in our country drug supply chain by measuring performance indicators have tried to present the analysis of the structure of the pharmaceutical supply chain in Turkey. The data obtained from the companies were analyzed and their performance in terms of production, procurement, purchasing and customer service levels were evaluated. For this purpose, 8 pharmaceutical companies selected from the main players in the sector, 3 logistics, 2 pharmaceutical warehouses and in total and 11 different managers (experts) of these companies were selected as participants. In addition, pharmacies and pharmacists providing drug delivery to the final customer have been included in the study. As a result, the effects of key performance criteria of drug supply chain parties in our country are discussed and their roles in practice and interaction between them are discussed

    Modelo para avaliar o comportamento dinâmico da agregação de serviços no contexto de PSS

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2013.Abstract : The Product-Service System (PSS) is characterized by adding value to the product by association services. In these dynamics systems acting feedback information structures, time lags and nonlinearities. So specific performance conditions this association cannot be addressed by the development process or the contemplation without the evaluating dynamic behavior can trigger unfavorable events in system behavior over time. Therefore, this research aimed to "establish guidelines for orientation of product development efforts by evaluation of the dynamic performance of the aggregation a service module to the product into PSS context." The survey data are secondary in nature and collected in specialized literature through a structured process. With this, the bibliographic reference portfolio has built seventeen articles. The intervention instrument "Dynamic Systems" was used for processing. Three main subsystems were comprised by study: production, service provision and consumption. In describing the system context were explained and associated the main factors and highlighted the feedback loops that give the nonlinearities of the system behavior. This feedback loops are: production control, service provision control, control of product quality, control of service quality, process losses and waiting losses. The system structure was defined in proposed model, as well as entered the variables and enabled the mathematically integrating of constants and variables. The impact of unfavorable conditions in model behavior was estimated with simulation process. Thus four basic guidelines for the development activity of the product were presented as a proposed for solving the research problem. These include: strengthening the integration of actions aimed at consumer satisfaction, strengthen the integration of actions directed to the ease of obtaining the value, strengthen the integration of actions aimed at ease of consumption value, and strengthen the integration of actions aimed at controlling and operation of production and value addition