8,955 research outputs found

    Flower Associations of Mimetic Syrphidae (Diptera) in Northern Michigan

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    Collections of specialized (high fidelity) mimetic Syrphidae in northern Michigan revealed 19 species associated with 18 flowering plants. Almost 97% of these syrphids were taken on seven plant species or species groups, all with conspicuous white or yellow blossoms, and all but one with aggregate inflorescences. Pastinaca sativa (Umbelliferae) is visited by many mimetic syrphids in northern Michigan but by very few in central Illinois; the opposite is true of Sambucus canadensis (Caprifoliaceae). In northern Michigan mimetic syrphids exploit a sequence of blossoming plants that more or less replace each other as the season progresses. The cooling effect of Lake Michigan slows the development of vegetation and the appearance of mimetic. syrphids along the shore by over two weeks as compared to a transect only 6.5 to 17 km inland. Because of the normally cooler temperatures in northern Michigan, syrphids appear on flowers later in the day and remain there longer than they do in central Illinois

    Hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) diversity in Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon - a preliminary study

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    Hoverflies are holometabolic insects, whose adults are pollinators feeding on nectar and pollen. Frequently, they are confused with wasps, bees and bumblebees. In the larval stage, some of them prey other insects, specially aphids (Hemiptera), and others are saprophagous. For this reason, they are important biological control agents. In this study, we carried out the prospection and specific identification of hoverflies in four habitats in Tapada da Ajuda (olive grove, a field of Apiaceae, herbaceous vegetation near Lagoa Branca and plum orchard), between March and May 2017. Hoverfly adults were mostly captured with an entomologic net, but also with jar and plastic bags. A preliminary evaluation on the importance of ecologic infrastructure fava bean inter-row in the plum orchard was also performed. For this purpose, we observed fava plants and plum trees, collecting eggs, larvae and pupae of hoverflies that we reared in the laboratory until the emergence of the adult of hoverfly or parasitoid. A total of 12 species were identified, being the most frequent and abundant Episyrphus balteatus and Sphaerophoria scripta. Species richness was higher in the Apiaceae field although this habitat was sampled only during the last fortnight of the study. In the hoverfly immature collected in the plum orchard we detected hymenopteran parasitoids belonging to Diplazontinae and Pteromalidaeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hoverflies in organic apple orchards in north-western Italy

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    A list is given of hoverflies collected by means of Malaise and white sticky traps in two organic apple orchards in north-western Italy. The total number of collected species was 17 and it was compared with literature, in order to discuss differences due to sampling methods. The predominant species collected were Sphaerophoria scripta (L.) (73% of the total sample) and Eupeodes corollae (F.) (14%). The trend of adult captures of this species is drawn and discussed. Data on wild plant species in the orchards are also given

    The Insects of Treeholes of Northern Indiana With Special Reference to \u3ci\u3eMegaselia Scalaris\u3c/i\u3e (Diptera: Phoridae) and \u3ci\u3eSpilomyia Longicornis\u3c/i\u3e (Diptera: Syrphidae)

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    The aquatic insect community of treeholes in northern Indiana was surveyed from 1983-1986. Twenty-three species, representing three orders and nine families, were found. Megaselia scalaris (Diptera: Phoridae) was collected on several occasions from rotholes, the first member of this family from treeholes. Examination of puparia of Spilomyia longicornis (Diptera: Syrphidae) indicated that the larva of this species has been previously described, but incorrectly associated with the genus Xylata

    Northern-Most North American Flower Visitation Records of the Introduced Flower Fly, \u3ci\u3eSyritta Flaviventris\u3c/i\u3e (Diptera: Syrphidae) and Comparisons With Sympatric Species, \u3ci\u3eSyritta Pipiens\u3c/i\u3e

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    We report for the first time the syrphid fly, Syritta flaviventris (Macquart), collected in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, as the northern-most record for this introduced Mediterranean species. In total, 3 male specimens and 1 female specimen were net collected on three flower species (Verbena hastata, Eryngium yuccifolium and Asclepias incarnata), at a single site of 11 monitored farm sites in southern Pennsylvania. Floral records for the similar introduced sibling species, Syritta pipiens (L.), are presented as well. Passive monitoring with colored pan traps used to monitor bee populations at these sites was not effective in collecting either species of Syritta. Our study suggests that increased active net sampling of Syritta species may provide more information about this genus\u27 distribution in the New World and support future research efforts examining Syritta biology and life history

    Flowers Associations and Mating Behavior or its Absence at Blossoms by \u3ci\u3eSpilomyia\u3c/i\u3e Spp. (Diptera, Syrphidae)

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    (excerpt) Syrphid flies of many species visit blossoms to obtain nectar and pollen (see Waldbauer 1983 for referencesl. Many of these syrphids, in common with other insects (Parker 1978), also find mates at the blossoms. Males of these syrphid species make aerial patrols of inflorescences frequented by females, alternating these patrols with sitting on foliage. l11ey pounce on or chase insects of various species and swiftly initiate copulation with can specific females (Collet and Land 1975; Maier 1978; Maier and Waldbauer 1 979a,b)

    Local and landscape effects of field margins on aerially dispersing beneficial insects and spiders

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    Field margins were implemented in UK agri-environment schemes with the aim to increase farmland biodiversity. Recently aerially dispersing aphid enemies have been shown to provide the majority of aphid control in winter wheat fields but there is a lack of research conducted on the aerial predator guild. This thesis examines the effect field margins have on aphid predators at the single field scale, the landscape scale and, using results from a marking study, examines the direct use of a pollen and nectar rich field margin by Episyrphus balteatus. At the single field scale, field margins had a positive effect of the numbers of Cantharidae, Empididae, Linyphiidae and Tachyporus spp. in fields with sown margins compared to those without during wheat growth and total aphid predator numbers were significantly higher in fields with margin surrounds in early May but not later in the year. At the landscape scale, results from twelve winter wheat fields with varying densities of surrounding field margins showed predatory Tachyporus spp. to exhibit a positive correlation at scales above 500m radius and Cantharidae to exhibit a negative correlation at local scales. Implications for field margins exerting both positive and negative influences on the presence of aerially dispersing aphid predators in winter wheat fields are discussed. A marking study using rubidium chloride proved direct utilisation of a pollen and nectar rich field margin by the Syrphid Episyrphus balteatus, and the traps used in this study also highlighted the association in distributions between Empididae and cereal aphids. Overall it was concluded that the presence of field margins does have an effect on the spatial and temporal distributions of some aerially dispersing aphid predators, but the response of each predator group varies depending on numerous interlinking components of their life history and directions for future research are discussed

    The familes Lonchopteridae, Opetiidae and Pipunculidae of Malta (Diptera, Aschiza)

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    An account is given of the three Aschiza families of Diptera: one species of Lonchopteridae, one species of Opetiidae and four species of Pipunculidae that occur in Malta and which are all new records for this countrypeer-reviewe

    Systematics, Ecology and Host Associations of \u3ci\u3eNaiadacarus\u3c/i\u3e (Acari: Acaridae) in the Great Lakes Region

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    Naiadacarus arboricola Fashing, is reported from adults collected from water-filled treeholes and deutonymphs phoretic on Mallota species, Eristalis bardus and Somula decora (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Michigan, Illinois, and New York. Naiadacarus fashingi, new species, is described from deutonymphs phoretic on Brachypalpus oarus and seven other species of Syrphidae from Michigan, New York and New Jersey. Naiadacarus mydophilus, new species, is described from deutonymphs phoretic on Brachypalpus oarus from Michigan. Based upon known biologies of host insects and other mite species which utilize these hosts, it is hypothesized that N. lashingi and N. mydophilus may inhabit wet decaying wood andior moist treeholes rather than water-filled treeholes. Naiadacarus is hypothesized to be closely related to the genera Schwiebea, Histiogaster and Thyreophagus. The subfamily name Naiadacarinae is placed in synonymy with Rhizoglyphinae