969 research outputs found

    A Case Study of New Media Literacies in an English Language Learning Program

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    This case study was conducted in a four-week winter program of an English language center affiliated to a university that is situated in a city in Ontario. Underpinned by theories on new media literacies, actor-network theory, and curriculum, the thesis examines human and nonhuman actors that enabled and constrained students’ new media literacies practices in the English language learning program. Despite the fact that there are emergent studies on new media literacies, there is scarce literature on human and nonhuman actors that influence students’ new media literacies practices. In this study, sources of data included curricular documents, students’ artifacts, classroom observations of 12 student participants and two instructors, and semi-structured interviews with six student participants. Findings show that students’ new media literacies practices of transmedia navigation, appropriation, judgment, and distributed cognition were enabled in the program whereas the practices of networking, participatory culture, and collective intelligence were constrained to a certain degree. The study also identified human and nonhuman actors that shaped students’ new media literacies practices, such as program design, materiality of classrooms, and individual differences of student participants. This study provides curricular and pedagogical suggestions to English language learning programs in order to enable and expand students’ new media literacies practices and bolster their language learning

    Player agency in interactive narrative: audience, actor & author

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    The question motivating this review paper is, how can computer-based interactive narrative be used as a constructivist learn- ing activity? The paper proposes that player agency can be used to link interactive narrative to learner agency in constructivist theory, and to classify approaches to interactive narrative. The traditional question driving research in interactive narrative is, ‘how can an in- teractive narrative deal with a high degree of player agency, while maintaining a coherent and well-formed narrative?’ This question derives from an Aristotelian approach to interactive narrative that, as the question shows, is inherently antagonistic to player agency. Within this approach, player agency must be restricted and manip- ulated to maintain the narrative. Two alternative approaches based on Brecht’s Epic Theatre and Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed are reviewed. If a Boalian approach to interactive narrative is taken the conflict between narrative and player agency dissolves. The question that emerges from this approach is quite different from the traditional question above, and presents a more useful approach to applying in- teractive narrative as a constructivist learning activity

    Defining Deliberate Practice in Supervised Dietetics Education

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    Deliberate practice serves as a potential framework to understand what activities, attributes, and characteristics make an individual an expert in their chosen field or profession. Historically, deliberate practice activities included those that were highly structured with purposeful goals, frequent repetition, and active feedback with immediate remediation. Deliberate practice has never been defined within the context of supervised dietetics education; therefore, the purpose of this research was to develop a valid and reliable instrument to define deliberate practice in supervised dietetics practice, based on the opinions of practitioners and educators in dietetics and allied health professions. Segment one of the research consisted of semi-structured interviews with dietetic program directors, preceptors, practitioners, and non-dietetic allied health educators. A total of 100 themes emerged from an inductive content analysis coding method. Participants in the second segment sorted previously identified themes (100 items) into predetermined categories reflective of the constructs of deliberate practice. An instrument was created of the 55 items retained, from segment two, for use in segment three, which consisted of pilot testing the instrument. Face and content validity of the instrument were tested, and initial reliability estimates were \u3e.70 for most categories. Instrument evaluation from the pilot testing resulted in a 55-item instrument to be tested in segment four. Lastly, all items were subject to factor analysis resulting in a seven- factor solution with 32 items accounting for 59.72% of the shared variance. Deliberate practice within supervised dietetics education can be defined with the following characteristics: (1) opportunities to practice skills and hone knowledge; (2) experiential practice to develop innate talent; (3) skills focused on a high level of patient-centered nutrition care; (4) frequent and ongoing feedback; (5) reading and understanding evidence-based practice literature; (6) professional education and networking opportunities; and (7) environment where the student is free to make mistakes. The applied purpose of this research provides an initial definition of deliberate practice, which lays the foundation for further validation studies of the final constructed definition of deliberate practice in dietetics with the benefit of outlining which practice activities are appropriate in the education of a RD

    Project Lazarus: A Revival of the Human Experience in a Technological Age

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    University of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156347/1/AM-Rev_Charlotte_Cardon_IP_Thesis_Third_Draft_.pd

    Agent AI: Surveying the Horizons of Multimodal Interaction

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    Multi-modal AI systems will likely become a ubiquitous presence in our everyday lives. A promising approach to making these systems more interactive is to embody them as agents within physical and virtual environments. At present, systems leverage existing foundation models as the basic building blocks for the creation of embodied agents. Embedding agents within such environments facilitates the ability of models to process and interpret visual and contextual data, which is critical for the creation of more sophisticated and context-aware AI systems. For example, a system that can perceive user actions, human behavior, environmental objects, audio expressions, and the collective sentiment of a scene can be used to inform and direct agent responses within the given environment. To accelerate research on agent-based multimodal intelligence, we define "Agent AI" as a class of interactive systems that can perceive visual stimuli, language inputs, and other environmentally-grounded data, and can produce meaningful embodied actions. In particular, we explore systems that aim to improve agents based on next-embodied action prediction by incorporating external knowledge, multi-sensory inputs, and human feedback. We argue that by developing agentic AI systems in grounded environments, one can also mitigate the hallucinations of large foundation models and their tendency to generate environmentally incorrect outputs. The emerging field of Agent AI subsumes the broader embodied and agentic aspects of multimodal interactions. Beyond agents acting and interacting in the physical world, we envision a future where people can easily create any virtual reality or simulated scene and interact with agents embodied within the virtual environment

    There’s an App for That: Foreign Language Learning Through Mobile- and Social Media-Based Video Games

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    There is no doubt that the video game industry is undergoing a major upheaval, yet in spite of the recent reconceptualization of video games, educational games as a whole remain the pariah of the industry. Very little has been done in the wake of recent social and industry trends to adapt instruction of academic subjects, especially foreign language, for delivery through video games. Prior studies discussing the potential of games developed specifically for language learning have focused primarily on general principles and have offered no recommendations for platform, genre, or other aspects of design. Through an online survey as well as qualitative analysis of gaming forum discussions and student evaluations of an existing educational language game, this study goes straight to the learners and players themselves in order to determine the opinions and behavioral intentions of potential customers. By synthesizing these insights into consumer demand with theory and industry trends, this study argues that mobile or casual games that are intrinsically social and communicative hold the most potential for success, both in academia and in the industry

    Being serious about games:Whether, how, why, and when computer- and game-based interventions could facilitate in reducing burdens of chronic somatic symptoms

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    Computertoepassingen hebben de potentie om patiënten met een chronische aandoening op een toegankelijke of kosteneffectieve wijze te ondersteunen. ‘Serious games’ zijn computergames die bedoeld zijn om spelers van de games te vermaken, maar ook hun kennis, gedrag, of (mentale) gezondheid te beïnvloeden. Voor patiënten met chronische klachten van pijn of vermoeidheid werd de game LAKA ontwikkeld om hen te motiveren tot oefening in zelfbewustzijn in de omgang met dagelijkse onzekere sociaal-emotionele situaties. Naar schatting heeft één op de vijf Europeanen langer dan zes maanden pijn. Chronische pijn eist aandacht op en daagt uit om daarmee om te gaan. In veel gevallen ontstaan daarbij psychosociale problemen, zoals depressie en verzuim, met sterke maatschappelijke gevolgen. Veel is nog onduidelijk over de haalbaarheid en effectiviteit van computerinterventies, zoals serious games, ter vermindering van individuele lasten van chronische lichamelijke symptomen. In dit onderzoek is met diverse methoden geprobeerd antwoord te geven op de vragen: In hoeverre werken computerinterventies en serious games bij welke mensen met langdurige pijn, hoe werken ze en onder welke omstandigheden? Allereerst werd een literatuurstudie uitgevoerd naar eerder gepubliceerde experimenten over de effectiviteit van computerinterventies voor patiënten met chronische pijn of onverklaarde chronische lichamelijke klachten. Voor onderzoek naar de haalbaarheid van ‘LAKA’, oftewel de acceptatie en het gebruik van de game door patiënten tijdens een multidisciplinair revalidatieprogramma, werden gegevens uit patiëntendossiers, aanvullende vragenlijsten, automatische gebruiksregistraties en patiëntinterviews gebruikt. In een daaropvolgend experiment werden veranderingen in ervaren pijnintensiteit, vermoeidheid, toekenning van negatieve betekenissen aan pijn en psychische lasten vergeleken tussen 2 groepen patiënten: (1) een groep die een door zorgverleners ondersteunde interventie met LAKA volgde tijdens multidisciplinaire revalidatie en (2) een groep die hetzelfde revalidatieprogramma volgde zonder serious gaming. Ook werden patiënten en zorgpersoneel bevraagd naar hun ervaringen met de game. Er werden geen eerdere experimenten met serious games gevonden. De overgrote meerderheid van de geïdentificeerde studies onderzochten het effect van online cognitieve gedragstherapie. Hiervoor werden positieve en blijvende effecten gevonden op patiëntuitkomsten van fysiek en emotioneel functioneren. Echter, de geschatte effecten waren dermate klein en wisselend dat ze voor veel patiënten niet of nauwelijks merkbaar zijn. In het eigen experiment met serious gaming tijdens multidisciplinaire revalidatie werd een ‘zeer klein’ effect gevonden. De inzet van LAKA is haalbaar gebleken tijdens multidisciplinaire revalidatie voor mensen met langdurige pijn. Acceptatie en gebruik varieerden met gewoonten, percepties over plezier en gemak, een coping stijl van actief aanpakken van patiënten en adequate implementatieprocessen. Eerdere experimenten en het experiment met LAKA suggereerden dat leer- en gezondheidseffecten ontstaan door aandachtig gebruik van strategieën voor gedragsverandering. De verklaring hiervoor is dat mensen het piekeren of het toekennen van een negatieve betekenis aan pijn tegengaan. Daarnaast leren zij acceptatie en zelfbewustzijn te bevorderen. Hiervan is sprake bij patiënten die symptomen van depressie tonen of weinig controle over stress of pijn ervaren. Deskundige begeleiding en leren uit blootstelling aan sociale omgevingen, in het echt of in een serious game, zijn daarbij belangrijke voorwaarden. Dit onderzoek kan als basis worden gezien voor meer theoriegerichte en contextgevoelige evaluaties van serious games voor mensen die chronische pijn ervaren. Meer informatie is nodig voor patiënten, zorgverleners en andere besluitvormers, zodat zij beter weten wat ze in persoonlijke en lokale omstandigheden kunnen verwachten van serious games als onderdeel van de behandeling

    Playing it safe : A literature review and research agenda on motivational technologies in transportation safety

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    While motivation affects safety-related decision-making and human reliability, technologies to promote it are scarcely used. We have only recently witnessed how motivational technologies, including serious games, gamification, and persuasive technologies have emerged on the palette of methods for enhancing transportation safety. However, the research on these technologies for transportation safety is fragmented, preventing future studies and practical efforts. This paper describes the state-of-the-art through a systematic review to address this issue. Analyzing 62 studies, we perceive that motivational technologies focus on reducing the accident likelihood and mitigating their consequences. While these technologies can induce positive psychological change and improve learning, the evidence of behavioral change is mainly limited to simulation settings, lacking examination of the long-term benefits and potential adverse effects. Our results highlight the importance of aligning motivational design with the cognitive demand of the transportation task and the means for improving safety. Future research should explore how motivational technologies can enhance safety from the system design perspective, cover a broader scope of transportation modes, compare their effects to conventional approaches while considering social aspects in their design and evaluation. Beside providing an overview of the area and future directions, this paper also introduces design recommendations to guide practitioners.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Abstracts 2006

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    Proceedings of the Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Regional Conference held at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 2006