6 research outputs found

    Staged parser combinators for efficient data processing

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    Parsers are ubiquitous in computing, and many applications depend on their performance for decoding data efficiently. Parser combinators are an intuitive tool for writing parsers: tight integration with the host language enables grammar specifications to be interleaved with processing of parse results. Unfortunately, parser combinators are typically slow due to the high overhead of the host language abstraction mechanisms that enable composition. We present a technique for eliminating such overhead. We use staging, a form of runtime code generation, to dissociate input parsing from parser composition, and eliminate intermediate data structures and computations associated with parser composition at staging time. A key challenge is to maintain support for input dependent grammars, which have no clear stage distinction. Our approach applies to top-down recursive-descent parsers as well as bottom-up nondeterministic parsers with key applications in dynamic programming on sequences, where we auto-generate code for parallel hardware. We achieve performance comparable to specialized, hand-written parsers

    DynaProg for Scala

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    Dynamic programming is an algorithmic technique to solve problems that follow the Bellman’s principle: optimal solutions depends on optimal sub-problem solutions. The core idea behind dynamic programming is to memoize intermediate results into matrices to avoid multiple computations. Solving a dynamic programming problem consists of two phases: filling one or more matrices with intermediate solutions for sub-problems and recomposing how the final result was constructed (backtracking). In textbooks, problems are usually described in terms of recurrence relations between matrices elements. Expressing dynamic programming problems in terms of recursive formulae involving matrix indices might be difficult, if often error prone, and the notation does not capture the essence of the underlying problem (for example aligning two sequences). Moreover, writing correct and efficient parallel implementation requires different competencies and often a significant amount of time. In this project, we present DynaProg, a language embedded in Scala (DSL) to address dynamic programming problems on heterogeneous platforms. DynaProg allows the programmer to write concise programs based on ADP [1], using a pair of parsing grammar and algebra; these program can then be executed either on CPU or on GPU. We evaluate the performance of our implementation against existing work and our own hand-optimized baseline implementations for both the CPU and GPU versions. Experimental results show that plain Scala has a large overhead and is recommended to be used with small sequences (≤1024) whereas the generated GPU version is comparable with existing implementations: matrix chain multiplication has the same performance as our hand-optimized version (142% of the execution time of [2]) for a sequence of 4096 matrices, Smith-Waterman is twice slower than [3] on a pair of sequences of 6144 elements, and RNA folding is on par with [4] (95% running time) for sequences of 4096 elements. [1] Robert Giegerich and Carsten Meyer. Algebraic Dynamic Programming. [2] Chao-Chin Wu, Jenn-Yang Ke, Heshan Lin and Wu Chun Feng. Optimizing dynamic programming on graphics processing units via adaptive thread-level parallelism. [3] Edans Flavius de O. Sandes, Alba Cristina M. A. de Melo. Smith-Waterman alignment of huge sequences with GPU in linear space. [4] Guillaume Rizk and Dominique Lavenier. GPU accelerated RNA folding algorithm

    Synthesising graphics card programs from DSLs.

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    Over the last five years, graphics cards have become a tempting target for scientific computing, thanks to unrivaled peak performance, often producing a runtime speed-up of x10 to x25 over comparable CPU solutions. However, this increase can be difficult to achieve, and doing so often requires a fundamental rethink. This is especially problematic in scientific computing, where experts do not want to learn yet another architecture. In this paper we develop a method for automatically parallelising recursive functions of the sort found in scientific papers. Using a static analysis of the function dependencies we identify sets - partitions - of independent elements, which we use to synthesise an efficient GPU implementation using polyhedral code generation techniques. We then augment our language with DSL extensions to support a wider variety of applications, and demonstrate the effectiveness of this with three case studies, showing significant performance improvement over equivalent CPU methods, and similar efficiency to hand-tuned GPU implementations. Copyright © 2012 ACM

    Specialising Parsers for Queries

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    Many software systems consist of data processing components that analyse large datasets to gather information and learn from these. Often, only part of the data is relevant for analysis. Data processing systems contain an initial preprocessing step that filters out the unwanted information. While efficient data analysis techniques and methodologies are accessible to non-expert programmers, data preprocessing seems to be forgotten, or worse, ignored. This despite real performance gains being possible by efficiently preprocessing data. Implementations of the data preprocessing step traditionally have to trade modularity for performance: to achieve the former, one separates the parsing of raw data and filtering it, and leads to slow programs because of the creation of intermediate objects during execution. The efficient version is a low-level implementation that interleaves parsing and querying. In this dissertation we demonstrate a principled and practical technique to convert the modular, maintainable program into its interleaved efficient counterpart. Key to achieving this objective is the removal, or deforestation, of intermediate objects in a program execution. We first show that by encoding data types using Böhm-Berarducci encodings (often referred to as Church encodings), and combining these with partial evaluation for function composition we achieve deforestation. This allows us to implement optimisations themselves as libraries, with minimal dependence on an underlying optimising compiler. Next we illustrate the applicability of this approach to parsing and preprocessing queries. The approach is general enough to cover top-down and bottom-up parsing techniques, and deforestation of pipelines of operations on lists and streams. We finally present a set of transformation rules that for a parser on a nested data format and a query on the structure, produces a parser specialised for the query. As a result we preserve the modularity of writing parsers and queries separately while also minimising resource usage. These transformation rules combine deforested implementations of both libraries to yield an efficient, interleaved result