9 research outputs found

    Synthesis of surveillance strategies via belief abstraction

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    We provide a novel framework for the synthesis of a controller for a robot with a surveillance objective, that is, the robot is required to maintain knowledge of the location of a moving, possibly adversarial target. We formulate this problem as a one-sided partial-information game in which the winning condition for the agent is specified as a temporal logic formula. The specification formalizes the surveillance requirement given by the user by quantifying and reasoning over the agent's beliefs about a target's location. We also incorporate additional non-surveillance tasks. In order to synthesize a surveillance strategy that meets the specification, we transform the partial-information game into a perfect-information one, using abstraction to mitigate the exponential blow-up typically incurred by such transformations. This transformation enables the use of off-the-shelf tools for reactive synthesis. We evaluate the proposed method on two case-studies, demonstrating its applicability to diverse surveillance requirements

    Cost-Bounded Active Classification Using Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

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    Active classification, i.e., the sequential decision-making process aimed at data acquisition for classification purposes, arises naturally in many applications, including medical diagnosis, intrusion detection, and object tracking. In this work, we study the problem of actively classifying dynamical systems with a finite set of Markov decision process (MDP) models. We are interested in finding strategies that actively interact with the dynamical system, and observe its reactions so that the true model is determined efficiently with high confidence. To this end, we present a decision-theoretic framework based on partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). The proposed framework relies on assigning a classification belief (a probability distribution) to each candidate MDP model. Given an initial belief, some misclassification probabilities, a cost bound, and a finite time horizon, we design POMDP strategies leading to classification decisions. We present two different approaches to find such strategies. The first approach computes the optimal strategy "exactly" using value iteration. To overcome the computational complexity of finding exact solutions, the second approach is based on adaptive sampling to approximate the optimal probability of reaching a classification decision. We illustrate the proposed methodology using two examples from medical diagnosis and intruder detection

    Cost-Bounded Active Classification Using Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

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    Active classification, i.e., the sequential decision making process aimed at data acquisition for classification purposes, arises naturally in many applications, including medical diagnosis, intrusion detection, and object tracking. In this work, we study the problem of actively classifying dynamical systems with a finite set of Markov decision process (MDP) models. We are interested in finding strategies that actively interact with the dynamical system, and observe its reactions so that the true model is determined efficiently with high confidence. To this end, we present a decision-theoretic framework based on partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). The proposed framework relies on assigning a classification belief (a probability distribution) to each candidate MDP model. Given an initial belief, some misclassification probabilities, a cost bound, and a finite time horizon, we design POMDP strategies leading to classification decisions. We present two different approaches to find such strategies. The first approach computes the optimal strategy “exactly” using value iteration. To overcome the computational complexity of finding exact solutions, the second approach is based on adaptive sampling to approximate the optimal probability of reaching a classification decision. We illustrate the proposed methodology using two examples from medical diagnosis and intruder detection

    Risk of Stochastic Systems for Temporal Logic Specifications

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    The wide availability of data coupled with the computational advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning promise to enable many future technologies such as autonomous driving. While there has been a variety of successful demonstrations of these technologies, critical system failures have repeatedly been reported. Even if rare, such system failures pose a serious barrier to adoption without a rigorous risk assessment. This paper presents a framework for the systematic and rigorous risk verification of systems. We consider a wide range of system specifications formulated in signal temporal logic (STL) and model the system as a stochastic process, permitting discrete-time and continuous-time stochastic processes. We then define the STL robustness risk as the risk of lacking robustness against failure. This definition is motivated as system failures are often caused by missing robustness to modeling errors, system disturbances, and distribution shifts in the underlying data generating process. Within the definition, we permit general classes of risk measures and focus on tail risk measures such as the value-at-risk and the conditional value-at-risk. While the STL robustness risk is in general hard to compute, we propose the approximate STL robustness risk as a more tractable notion that upper bounds the STL robustness risk. We show how the approximate STL robustness risk can accurately be estimated from system trajectory data. For discrete-time stochastic processes, we show under which conditions the approximate STL robustness risk can even be computed exactly. We illustrate our verification algorithm in the autonomous driving simulator CARLA and show how a least risky controller can be selected among four neural network lane keeping controllers for five meaningful system specifications