1,140 research outputs found

    Tuning of loop cache architectures to programs in embedded system design

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    Low Power Processor Architectures and Contemporary Techniques for Power Optimization – A Review

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    The technological evolution has increased the number of transistors for a given die area significantly and increased the switching speed from few MHz to GHz range. Such inversely proportional decline in size and boost in performance consequently demands shrinking of supply voltage and effective power dissipation in chips with millions of transistors. This has triggered substantial amount of research in power reduction techniques into almost every aspect of the chip and particularly the processor cores contained in the chip. This paper presents an overview of techniques for achieving the power efficiency mainly at the processor core level but also visits related domains such as buses and memories. There are various processor parameters and features such as supply voltage, clock frequency, cache and pipelining which can be optimized to reduce the power consumption of the processor. This paper discusses various ways in which these parameters can be optimized. Also, emerging power efficient processor architectures are overviewed and research activities are discussed which should help reader identify how these factors in a processor contribute to power consumption. Some of these concepts have been already established whereas others are still active research areas. © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER

    Memory Hierarchy Hardware-Software Co-design in Embedded Systems

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    The memory hierarchy is the main bottleneck in modern computer systems as the gap between the speed of the processor and the memory continues to grow larger. The situation in embedded systems is even worse. The memory hierarchy consumes a large amount of chip area and energy, which are precious resources in embedded systems. Moreover, embedded systems have multiple design objectives such as performance, energy consumption, and area, etc. Customizing the memory hierarchy for specific applications is a very important way to take full advantage of limited resources to maximize the performance. However, the traditional custom memory hierarchy design methodologies are phase-ordered. They separate the application optimization from the memory hierarchy architecture design, which tend to result in local-optimal solutions. In traditional Hardware-Software co-design methodologies, much of the work has focused on utilizing reconfigurable logic to partition the computation. However, utilizing reconfigurable logic to perform the memory hierarchy design is seldom addressed. In this paper, we propose a new framework for designing memory hierarchy for embedded systems. The framework will take advantage of the flexible reconfigurable logic to customize the memory hierarchy for specific applications. It combines the application optimization and memory hierarchy design together to obtain a global-optimal solution. Using the framework, we performed a case study to design a new software-controlled instruction memory that showed promising potential.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Balancing Design Options with Sherpa

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    Application specific processors offer the potential of rapidly designed logic specifically constructed to meet the performance and area demands of the task at hand. Recently, there have been several major projects that attempt to automate the process of transforming a predetermined processor configuration into a low level description for fabrication. These projects either leave the specification of the processor to the designer, which can be a significant engineering burden, or handle it in a fully automated fashion, which completely removes the designer from the loop. In this paper we introduce a technique for guiding the design and optimization of application specific processors. The goal of the Sherpa design framework is to automate certain design tasks and provide early feedback to help the designer navigate their way through the architecture design space. Our approach is to decompose the overall problem of choosing an optimal architecture into a set of sub-problems that are, to the first order, independent. For each subproblem, we create a model that relates performance to area. From this, we build a constraint system that can be solved using integer-linear programming techniques, and arrive at an ideal parameter selection for all architectural components. Our approach only takes a few minutes to explore the design space allowing the designer or compiler to see the potential benefits of optimizations rapidly. We show that the expected performance using our model correlates strongly to detailed pipeline simulations, and present results showing design tradeoffs for several different benchmarks

    EbbRT: a customizable operating system for cloud applications

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    Efficient use of hardware requires operating system components be customized to the application workload. Our general purpose operating systems are ill-suited for this task. We present Genesis, a new operating system that enables per-application customizations for cloud applications. Genesis achieves this through a novel heterogeneous distributed structure, a partitioned object model, and an event-driven execution environment. This paper describes the design and prototype implementation of Genesis, and evaluates its ability to improve the performance of common cloud applications. The evaluation of the Genesis prototype demonstrates memcached, run within a VM, can outperform memcached run on an unvirtualized Linux. The prototype evaluation also demonstrates an 14% performance improvement of a V8 JavaScript engine benchmark, and a node.js webserver that achieves a 50% reduction in 99th percentile latency compared to it run on Linux
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