932 research outputs found

    Bridges Structural Health Monitoring and Deterioration Detection Synthesis of Knowledge and Technology

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    INE/AUTC 10.0

    The doctoral research abstracts. Vol:10 2016 / Institute of Graduate Studies, UiTM

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    Foreword: Congratulations to Institute of Graduate Studies on the continuous efforts to publish the 10th issue of the Doctoral Research Abstracts which showcases the research carried out in the various disciplines range from science and technology, business and administration to social science and humanities. This issue captures the novelty of research contributed by seventy (70) PhD graduands receiving their scrolls in the UiTM’s 85th Convocation. As of October 2016, this year UiTM has produced 138 PhD graduates soaring from125 in the previous year (2015). It shows that UiTM is in the positive direction to achive the total of 1200 PhD graduates in 2020. To the 70 doctorates, I would like it to be known that you have most certainly done UiTM proud by journeying through the scholarly world with its endless challenges and obstacles, and by persevering right till the very end. This convocation should not be regarded as the end of your highest scholarly achievement and contribution to the body of knowledge but rather as the beginning of embarking into more innovative research from knowledge gained during this academic journey, for the community and country. This year marks UiTM’s 60th Anniversary and we have been producing many good quality graduates that have a major impact on the socio-economic development of the country and the bumiputeras. As alumni of UiTM, we hold you dear to our hearts. We sincerely wish you all the best and may the Almighty guide you to a path of excellence and success. As you leave the university as alumni we hope a new relationship will be fostered between you and the faculty in soaring UiTM to greater heights. “UiTM Sentiasa di Hati Ku” / Prof Emeritus Dato’ Dr Hassan Said Vice Chancellor Universiti Teknologi MAR

    A Comparative Analysis of High-Speed Rail Station Development into Destination and Multi-Use Facilities: The Case of San Jose Diridon

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    As a burgeoning literature on high-speed rail development indicates, good station-area planning is a very important prerequisite for the eventual successful operation of a high-speed rail station; it can also trigger opportunities for economic development in the station area and the station-city. At the same time, “on the ground” experiences from international examples of high-speed rail stations can provide valuable lessons for the California high-speed rail system in general, and the San Jose Diridon station in particular. This study identifies and draws lessons from European HSR stations that share similarities across several criteria with the San Jose area context. From an initial consideration of twenty European HSR stations, the researchers chose five stations for in depth case studies: Euralille and Lyon Part Dieu in France, Rotterdam Centraal and Utrecht Centraal in the Netherlands, and Torino Porta Susa in Italy. Additionally, the study drew information from relevant local actors and stakeholders to better tailor recommendations to the particular California context.Through the undertaking of different research tasks–literature review, case studies of European railway stations, survey of existing station plans and other planning documents for the Diridon station, station area analysis, and interviews with station area planners and designers–the study compiles timely recommendations for the successful planning of the Diridon station and other stations along the California high-speed rail corridor

    Italo: the pathfinder experience of the competition in the high-speed rail passenger market. The keys to success

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    En la actualidad, los servicios de alta velocidad por ferrocarril en los principles paises, se prestan por operadores públicos. Sin embargo, desde hace algunos años, en Italia, el proceso de liberalización de este tipo de servicios dió lugar a la entrada de un nuevo operador privado, denominado NTV.En este contexto, resulta del mayor interés conocer la experiencia italiana en este ámbito para su posible aplicación a alguna linea de alta velocidad en España

    State-of-the-Art Review and Synthesis: A Requirement-based Roadmap for Standardized Predictive Maintenance Automation Using Digital Twin Technologies

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    Recent digital advances have popularized predictive maintenance (PMx), offering enhanced efficiency, automation, accuracy, cost savings, and independence in maintenance. Yet, it continues to face numerous limitations such as poor explainability, sample inefficiency of data-driven methods, complexity of physics-based methods, and limited generalizability and scalability of knowledge-based methods. This paper proposes leveraging Digital Twins (DTs) to address these challenges and enable automated PMx adoption at larger scales. While we argue that DTs have this transformative potential, they have not yet reached the level of maturity needed to bridge these gaps in a standardized way. Without a standard definition for such evolution, this transformation lacks a solid foundation upon which to base its development. This paper provides a requirement-based roadmap supporting standardized PMx automation using DT technologies. A systematic approach comprising two primary stages is presented. First, we methodically identify the Informational Requirements (IRs) and Functional Requirements (FRs) for PMx, which serve as a foundation from which any unified framework must emerge. Our approach to defining and using IRs and FRs to form the backbone of any PMx DT is supported by the track record of IRs and FRs being successfully used as blueprints in other areas, such as for product development within the software industry. Second, we conduct a thorough literature review spanning fields to determine the ways in which these IRs and FRs are currently being used within DTs, enabling us to point to the specific areas where further research is warranted to support the progress and maturation of requirement-based PMx DTs.Comment: (1)This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Air Transport versus High-Speed Rail: From Physics to Economics

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    Purpose - This bachelor thesis compares high-speed rail (HSR) transport with air transport. The investigation considers physical fundamentals, energy consumption, environmental impact, infrastructure and investment, market situations, passenger's selection criteria to choose transportation options, and overall economics. --- Methodology - The thesis combines an investigation of physical principles with a literature review. --- Findings - Steel wheels on steel rails show by far less rolling resistance to support the train's weight than drag due to lift (induced drag) to support the aircraft's weight. This leads to less energy consumption. HSR trains use electricity from an overhead line. Hence, the environmental impact of HSR also depends much on how the electricity is produced. Airplanes only need an air traffic control environment to connect airports. In contrast, HSR needs infrastructure to connect stations. The amount of necessary infrastructure depends on the geological conditions. For example, crossing mountains means high investment. Longer passages over water are infeasible for HSR. High-speed rail is superior to air transport when connecting megacities because the trains have higher transport capacity, offer higher service frequencies and mission reliability, shorter total travel time, shorter access time to stations, shorter unproductive waiting time in stations and potentially lower travel costs. HSR is a strong competitor to airline services and has replaced some short range flights. A comparison of HSR in different world regions shows differences in the market situation and in passenger's selection criteria for transportation options. --- Research limitations - The potential of high-speed rail was investigated mainly on busy routes with high service frequencies. A comprehensive network comparison between high-speed trains and airplanes was not done and could lead to somewhat different results. --- Practical implications - The report tries to contribute arguments to the discussion about alternatives to air travel. --- Social implications - With more knowledge people can make an educated choice between transport options, can vote with their feet, and can take a firm position in the public discussion. --- Originality/value - A general comparison of HSR and air transport from physical fundamentals to economics seemed to be missing

    Statistical Inference for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks

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    Die Methoden der Netzwerktheorie erfreuen sich wachsender Beliebtheit, da sie die Darstellung von komplexen Systemen durch Netzwerke erlauben. Diese werden nur mit einer Menge von Knoten erfasst, die durch Kanten verbunden werden. Derzeit verfügbare Methoden beschränken sich hauptsächlich auf die deskriptive Analyse der Netzwerkstruktur. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene Ansätze für die Inferenz über Prozessen in komplexen Netzwerken vorgestellt. Diese Prozesse beeinflussen messbare Größen in Netzwerkknoten und werden durch eine Menge von Zufallszahlen beschrieben. Alle vorgestellten Methoden sind durch praktische Anwendungen motiviert, wie die Übertragung von Lebensmittelinfektionen, die Verbreitung von Zugverspätungen, oder auch die Regulierung von genetischen Effekten. Zunächst wird ein allgemeines dynamisches Metapopulationsmodell für die Verbreitung von Lebensmittelinfektionen vorgestellt, welches die lokalen Infektionsdynamiken mit den netzwerkbasierten Transportwegen von kontaminierten Lebensmitteln zusammenführt. Dieses Modell ermöglicht die effiziente Simulationen verschiedener realistischer Lebensmittelinfektionsepidemien. Zweitens wird ein explorativer Ansatz zur Ursprungsbestimmung von Verbreitungsprozessen entwickelt. Auf Grundlage einer netzwerkbasierten Redefinition der geodätischen Distanz können komplexe Verbreitungsmuster in ein systematisches, kreisrundes Ausbreitungsschema projiziert werden. Dies gilt genau dann, wenn der Ursprungsnetzwerkknoten als Bezugspunkt gewählt wird. Die Methode wird erfolgreich auf den EHEC/HUS Epidemie 2011 in Deutschland angewandt. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die Methode die aufwändigen Standarduntersuchungen bei Lebensmittelinfektionsepidemien sinnvoll ergänzen kann. Zudem kann dieser explorative Ansatz zur Identifikation von Ursprungsverspätungen in Transportnetzwerken angewandt werden. Die Ergebnisse von umfangreichen Simulationsstudien mit verschiedenstensten Übertragungsmechanismen lassen auf eine allgemeine Anwendbarkeit des Ansatzes bei der Ursprungsbestimmung von Verbreitungsprozessen in vielfältigen Bereichen hoffen. Schließlich wird gezeigt, dass kernelbasierte Methoden eine Alternative für die statistische Analyse von Prozessen in Netzwerken darstellen können. Es wurde ein netzwerkbasierter Kern für den logistischen Kernel Machine Test entwickelt, welcher die nahtlose Integration von biologischem Wissen in die Analyse von Daten aus genomweiten Assoziationsstudien erlaubt. Die Methode wird erfolgreich bei der Analyse genetischer Ursachen für rheumatische Arthritis und Lungenkrebs getestet. Zusammenfassend machen die Ergebnisse der vorgestellten Methoden deutlich, dass die Netzwerk-theoretische Analyse von Verbreitungsprozessen einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Beantwortung verschiedenster Fragestellungen in unterschiedlichen Anwendungen liefern kann

    Ingénierie de modèle pour la sécurité des systèmes critiques ferroviaires

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    Development and application of formal languages are a long-standing challenge within the computer science domain. One particular challenge is the acceptance of industry. This thesis presents some model-based methodologies for modelling and verification of the French railway interlocking systems (RIS). The first issue is the modellization of interlocking system by coloured Petri nets (CPNs). A generic and compact modelling framework is introduced, in which the interlocking rules are modelled in a hierarchical structure while the railway layout is modelled in a geographical perspective. Then, a modelling pattern is presented, which is a parameterized model respecting the French national rules. It is a reusable solution that can be applied in different stations. Then, an event-based concept is brought into the modelling process of low-level part of RIS to better describe internal interactions of relay-based logic. The second issue is the transformation of coloured Petri nets into B machines, which can help designers on the way from analysis to implementation. Firstly, a detailed mapping methodology from non-hierarchical CPNs to abstract B machine notations is presented. Then the hierarchy and the transition priority of CPNs are successively integrated into the mapping process, in order to enrich the adaptability of the transformation. This transformation is compatible with various types of colour sets and the transformed B machines can be automatically proved by Atelier B. All these works at different levels contribute towards a global safe analysis frameworkLe développement et l’application des langages formels sont un défi à long terme pour la science informatique. Un enjeu particulier est l’acceptation par l’industrie. Cette thèse présente une approche pour la modélisation et la vérification des postes d’aiguillage français. La première question est la modélisation du système d’enclenchement par les réseaux de Petri colorés (RdPC). Un cadre de modélisation générique et compact est introduit, dans lequel les règles d’enclenchement sont modélisées dans une structure hiérarchique, tandis que les installations sont modélisées dans une perspective géographique. Ensuite, un patron de modèle est présenté. C’est un modèle paramétré qui intègre les règles nationales françaises qui peut être appliquée pour différentes gares. Puis, un concept basé sur l’événement est présenté dans le processus de modélisation des parties basses des postes d’aiguillage. La deuxième question est la transformation des RdPCs en machines B, qui va aider les concepteurs sur la route de l’analyse à application. Tout d’abord, une méthodologie détaillée, s’appuyant sur une table de correspondance, du RdPCs non-hiérarchiques vers les notations B est présentée. Ensuite, la hiérarchie et la priorité des transitions du RdPC sont successivement intégrées dans le processus de mapping, afin d’enrichir les possibilités de types de modèles en entrées de la transformation. Les machines B produites par la transformation permettent la preuve automatique intégrale par l’Atelier B. L’ensemble de ces travaux, chacun à leur niveau, contribuent à renforcer l’efficacité d’un cadre global d’analyse sécuritair
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