14 research outputs found

    Evaluation and Analysis of NULL Convention Logic Circuits

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    Integrated circuit (IC) designers face many challenges in utilizing state-of-the-art technology nodes, such as the increased effects of process variation on timing analysis and heterogeneous multi-die architectures that span across multiple technologies while simultaneously increasing performance and decreasing power consumption. These challenges provide opportunity for utilization of asynchronous design paradigms due to their inherent flexibility and robustness. While NULL Convention Logic (NCL) has been implemented in a variety of applications, current literature does not fully encompass the intricacies of NCL power performance across a variety of applications, technology nodes, circuit scale, and voltage scaling, thereby preventing further adoption and utilization of this design paradigm. This dissertation evaluates the nominal dynamic energy, voltage-scaled dynamic energy, and static power consumption of NCL across variations in circuit type, circuit scale, and technology node, including 130 nm, 90 nm, and 45 nm processes. These results are compared with synchronous counterparts and analyzed for a range of trends in order to identify and quantify advantages and disadvantages of NCL across a variety of applications. By providing an evaluation of a broad range of circuits and characteristics, an IC designer may effectively predict the advantages or disadvantages of an NCL implementation for their application

    Architectural Exploration of KeyRing Self-Timed Processors

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    RÉSUMÉ Les dernières décennies ont vu l’augmentation des performances des processeurs contraintes par les limites imposées par la consommation d’énergie des systèmes électroniques : des très basses consommations requises pour les objets connectés, aux budgets de dépenses électriques des serveurs, en passant par les limitations thermiques et la durée de vie des batteries des appareils mobiles. Cette forte demande en processeurs efficients en énergie, couplée avec les limitations de la réduction d’échelle des transistors—qui ne permet plus d’améliorer les performances à densité de puissance constante—, conduit les concepteurs de circuits intégrés à explorer de nouvelles microarchitectures permettant d’obtenir de meilleures performances pour un budget énergétique donné. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette tendance en proposant une nouvelle microarchitecture de processeur, appelée KeyRing, conçue avec l’intention de réduire la consommation d’énergie des processeurs. La fréquence d’opération des transistors dans les circuits intégrés est proportionnelle à leur consommation dynamique d’énergie. Par conséquent, les techniques de conception permettant de réduire dynamiquement le nombre de transistors en opération sont très largement adoptées pour améliorer l’efficience énergétique des processeurs. La technique de clock-gating est particulièrement usitée dans les circuits synchrones, car elle réduit l’impact de l’horloge globale, qui est la principale source d’activité. La microarchitecture KeyRing présentée dans cette thèse utilise une méthode de synchronisation décentralisée et asynchrone pour réduire l’activité des circuits. Elle est dérivée du processeur AnARM, un processeur développé par Octasic sur la base d’une microarchitecture asynchrone ad hoc. Bien qu’il soit plus efficient en énergie que des alternatives synchrones, le AnARM est essentiellement incompatible avec les méthodes de synthèse et d’analyse temporelle statique standards. De plus, sa technique de conception ad hoc ne s’inscrit que partiellement dans les paradigmes de conceptions asynchrones. Cette thèse propose une approche rigoureuse pour définir les principes généraux de cette technique de conception ad hoc, en faisant levier sur la littérature asynchrone. La microarchitecture KeyRing qui en résulte est développée en association avec une méthode de conception automatisée, qui permet de s’affranchir des incompatibilités natives existant entre les outils de conception et les systèmes asynchrones. La méthode proposée permet de pleinement mettre à profit les flots de conception standards de l’industrie microélectronique pour réaliser la synthèse et la vérification des circuits KeyRing. Cette thèse propose également des protocoles expérimentaux, dont le but est de renforcer la relation de causalité entre la microarchitecture KeyRing et une réduction de la consommation énergétique des processeurs, comparativement à des alternatives synchrones équivalentes.----------ABSTRACT Over the last years, microprocessors have had to increase their performances while keeping their power envelope within tight bounds, as dictated by the needs of various markets: from the ultra-low power requirements of the IoT, to the electrical power consumption budget in enterprise servers, by way of passive cooling and day-long battery life in mobile devices. This high demand for power-efficient processors, coupled with the limitations of technology scaling—which no longer provides improved performances at constant power densities—, is leading designers to explore new microarchitectures with the goal of pulling more performances out of a fixed power budget. This work enters into this trend by proposing a new processor microarchitecture, called KeyRing, having a low-power design intent. The switching activity of integrated circuits—i.e. transistors switching on and off—directly affects their dynamic power consumption. Circuit-level design techniques such as clock-gating are widely adopted as they dramatically reduce the impact of the global clock in synchronous circuits, which constitutes the main source of switching activity. The KeyRing microarchitecture presented in this work uses an asynchronous clocking scheme that relies on decentralized synchronization mechanisms to reduce the switching activity of circuits. It is derived from the AnARM, a power-efficient ARM processor developed by Octasic using an ad hoc asynchronous microarchitecture. Although it delivers better power-efficiency than synchronous alternatives, it is for the most part incompatible with standard timing-driven synthesis and Static Timing Analysis (STA). In addition, its design style does not fit well within the existing asynchronous design paradigms. This work lays the foundations for a more rigorous definition of this rather unorthodox design style, using circuits and methods coming from the asynchronous literature. The resulting KeyRing microarchitecture is developed in combination with Electronic Design Automation (EDA) methods that alleviate incompatibility issues related to ad hoc clocking, enabling timing-driven optimizations and verifications of KeyRing circuits using industry-standard design flows. In addition to bridging the gap with standard design practices, this work also proposes comprehensive experimental protocols that aims to strengthen the causal relation between the reported asynchronous microarchitecture and a reduced power consumption compared with synchronous alternatives. The main achievement of this work is a framework that enables the architectural exploration of circuits using the KeyRing microarchitecture

    Elastic circuits

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    Elasticity in circuits and systems provides tolerance to variations in computation and communication delays. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of elastic circuits for those designers who are mainly familiar with synchronous design. Elasticity can be implemented both synchronously and asynchronously, although it was traditionally more often associated with asynchronous circuits. This paper shows that synchronous and asynchronous elastic circuits can be designed, analyzed, and optimized using similar techniques. Thus, choices between synchronous and asynchronous implementations are localized and deferred until late in the design process.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Concurrent Error Detection Methods for Asynchronous Burst-Mode Machines

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    Abstract-Asynchronous controllers exhibit various characteristics that limit the effectiveness and applicability of the Concurrent Error Detection (CED) methods developed for their synchronous counterparts. Asynchronous Burst-Mode Machines (ABMMs), for example, do not have a global clock to synchronize the ABMM with the additional circuitry that is typically used by synchronous CED methods (for example, duplication). Therefore, performing effective CED in ABMMs requires a synchronization method that will appropriately enable the checker (for example, comparator) in order to avoid false alarms. Also, ABMMs contain redundant logic, which guarantees the hazard-free operation required for correct interaction between the circuit and its environment. Redundant logic, however, allows some single event transients to manifest themselves only as hazards but not as logic discrepancies. Therefore, performing effective CED in ABMMs requires the ability to detect hazards with which synchronous CED methods are not concerned. In this work, we first devise hardware solutions for performing checking synchronization and hazard detection. We then demonstrate how these solutions enable the development of three complete CED methods for ABMMs. The first method (Duplication-based CED) is an adaptation of the well-known duplication method within the context of ABMMs. The second method (Transition-Triggered CED) is a variation of duplication wherein the implementation cost is reduced by allowing hazards in the duplicate circuit. In contrast to these two methods, which are nonintrusive, the third method (Berger code-based CED) is intrusive since it requires reencoding of the ABMM with check symbols based on the Berger code. Although this intrusiveness may slightly impact performance, Berger code-based CED incurs the lowest area overhead among the three methods, as indicated through experimental results

    Asynchronous techniques for new generation variation-tolerant FPGA

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis presents a practical scenario for asynchronous logic implementation that would benefit the modern Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) technology in improving reliability. A method based on Asynchronously-Assisted Logic (AAL) blocks is proposed here in order to provide the right degree of variation tolerance, preserve as much of the traditional FPGAs structure as possible, and make use of asynchrony only when necessary or beneficial for functionality. The newly proposed AAL introduces extra underlying hard-blocks that support asynchronous interaction only when needed and at minimum overhead. This has the potential to avoid the obstacles to the progress of asynchronous designs, particularly in terms of area and power overheads. The proposed approach provides a solution that is complementary to existing variation tolerance techniques such as the late-binding technique, but improves the reliability of the system as well as reducing the design’s margin headroom when implemented on programmable logic devices (PLDs) or FPGAs. The proposed method suggests the deployment of configurable AAL blocks to reinforce only the variation-critical paths (VCPs) with the help of variation maps, rather than re-mapping and re-routing. The layout level results for this method's worst case increase in the CLB’s overall size only of 6.3%. The proposed strategy retains the structure of the global interconnect resources that occupy the lion’s share of the modern FPGA’s soft fabric, and yet permits the dual-rail iv completion-detection (DR-CD) protocol without the need to globally double the interconnect resources. Simulation results of global and interconnect voltage variations demonstrate the robustness of the method

    Design of asynchronous microprocessor for power proportionality

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    PhD ThesisMicroprocessors continue to get exponentially cheaper for end users following Moore’s law, while the costs involved in their design keep growing, also at an exponential rate. The reason is the ever increasing complexity of processors, which modern EDA tools struggle to keep up with. This makes further scaling for performance subject to a high risk in the reliability of the system. To keep this risk low, yet improve the performance, CPU designers try to optimise various parts of the processor. Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) is a significant part of the whole processor design flow, whose optimal design for a particular combination of available hardware resources and software requirements is crucial for building processors with high performance and efficient energy utilisation. This is a challenging task involving a lot of heuristics and high-level design decisions. Another issue impacting CPU reliability is continuous scaling for power consumption. For the last decades CPU designers have been mainly focused on improving performance, but “keeping energy and power consumption in mind”. The consequence of this was a development of energy-efficient systems, where energy was considered as a resource whose consumption should be optimised. As CMOS technology was progressing, with feature size decreasing and power delivered to circuit components becoming less stable, the energy resource turned from an optimisation criterion into a constraint, sometimes a critical one. At this point power proportionality becomes one of the most important aspects in system design. Developing methods and techniques which will address the problem of designing a power-proportional microprocessor, capable to adapt to varying operating conditions (such as low or even unstable voltage levels) and application requirements in the runtime, is one of today’s grand challenges. In this thesis this challenge is addressed by proposing a new design flow for the development of an ISA for microprocessors, which can be altered to suit a particular hardware platform or a specific operating mode. This flow uses an expressive and powerful formalism for the specification of processor instruction sets called the Conditional Partial Order Graph (CPOG). The CPOG model captures large sets of behavioural scenarios for a microarchitectural level in a computationally efficient form amenable to formal transformations for synthesis, verification and automated derivation of asynchronous hardware for the CPU microcontrol. The feasibility of the methodology, novel design flow and a number of optimisation techniques was proven in a full size asynchronous Intel 8051 microprocessor and its demonstrator silicon. The chip showed the ability to work in a wide range of operating voltage and environmental conditions. Depending on application requirements and power budget our ASIC supports several operating modes: one optimised for energy consumption and the other one for performance. This was achieved by extending a traditional datapath structure with an auxiliary control layer for adaptable and fault tolerant operation. These and other optimisations resulted in a reconfigurable and adaptable implementation, which was proven by measurements, analysis and evaluation of the chip.EPSR

    Methodologies and Toolflows for the Predictable Design of Reliable and Low-Power NoCs

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    There is today the unmistakable need to evolve design methodologies and tool ows for Network-on-Chip based embedded systems. In particular, the quest for low-power requirements is nowadays a more-than-ever urgent dilemma. Modern circuits feature billion of transistors, and neither power management techniques nor batteries capacity are able to endure the increasingly higher integration capability of digital devices. Besides, power concerns come together with modern nanoscale silicon technology design issues. On one hand, system failure rates are expected to increase exponentially at every technology node when integrated circuit wear-out failure mechanisms are not compensated for. However, error detection and/or correction mechanisms have a non-negligible impact on the network power. On the other hand, to meet the stringent time-to-market deadlines, the design cycle of such a distributed and heterogeneous architecture must not be prolonged by unnecessary design iterations. Overall, there is a clear need to better discriminate reliability strategies and interconnect topology solutions upfront, by ranking designs based on power metric. In this thesis, we tackle this challenge by proposing power-aware design technologies. Finally, we take into account the most aggressive and disruptive methodology for embedded systems with ultra-low power constraints, by migrating NoC basic building blocks to asynchronous (or clockless) design style. We deal with this challenge delivering a standard cell design methodology and mainstream CAD tool ows, in this way partially relaxing the requirement of using asynchronous blocks only as hard macros

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe design of integrated circuit (IC) requires an exhaustive verification and a thorough test mechanism to ensure the functionality and robustness of the circuit. This dissertation employs the theory of relative timing that has the advantage of enabling designers to create designs that have significant power and performance over traditional clocked designs. Research has been carried out to enable the relative timing approach to be supported by commercial electronic design automation (EDA) tools. This allows asynchronous and sequential designs to be designed using commercial cad tools. However, two very significant holes in the flow exist: the lack of support for timing verification and manufacturing test. Relative timing (RT) utilizes circuit delay to enforce and measure event sequencing on circuit design. Asynchronous circuits can optimize power-performance product by adjusting the circuit timing. A thorough analysis on the timing characteristic of each and every timing path is required to ensure the robustness and correctness of RT designs. All timing paths have to conform to the circuit timing constraints. This dissertation addresses back-end design robustness by validating full cyclical path timing verification with static timing analysis and implementing design for testability (DFT). Circuit reliability and correctness are necessary aspects for the technology to become commercially ready. In this study, scan-chain, a commercial DFT implementation, is applied to burst-mode RT designs. In addition, a novel testing approach is developed along with scan-chain to over achieve 90% fault coverage on two fault models: stuck-at fault model and delay fault model. This work evaluates the cost of DFT and its coverage trade-off then determines the best implementation. Designs such as a 64-point fast Fourier transform (FFT) design, an I2C design, and a mixed-signal design are built to demonstrate power, area, performance advantages of the relative timing methodology and are used as a platform for developing the backend robustness. Results are verified by performing post-silicon timing validation and test. This work strengthens overall relative timed circuit flow, reliability, and testability

    Interpreted graph models

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    A model class called an Interpreted Graph Model (IGM) is defined. This class includes a large number of graph-based models that are used in asynchronous circuit design and other applications of concurrecy. The defining characteristic of this model class is an underlying static graph-like structure where behavioural semantics are attached using additional entities, such as tokens or node/arc states. The similarities in notation and expressive power allow a number of operations on these formalisms, such as visualisation, interactive simulation, serialisation, schematic entry and model conversion to be generalised. A software framework called Workcraft was developed to take advantage of these properties of IGMs. Workcraft provides an environment for rapid prototyping of graph-like models and related tools. It provides a large set of standardised functions that considerably facilitate the task of providing tool support for any IGM. The concept of Interpreted Graph Models is the result of research on methods of application of lower level models, such as Petri nets, as a back-end for simulation and verification of higher level models that are more easily manipulated. The goal is to achieve a high degree of automation of this process. In particular, a method for verification of speed-independence of asynchronous circuits is presented. Using this method, the circuit is specified as a gate netlist and its environment is specified as a Signal Transition Graph. The circuit is then automatically translated into a behaviourally equivalent Petri net model. This model is then composed with the specification of the environment. A number of important properties can be established on this compound model, such as the absence of deadlocks and hazards. If a trace is found that violates the required property, it is automatically interpreted in terms of switching of the gates in the original gate-level circuit specification and may be presented visually to the circuit designer. A similar technique is also used for the verification of a model called Static Data Flow Structure (SDFS). This high level model describes the behaviour of an asynchronous data path. SDFS is particularly interesting because it models complex behaviours such as preemption, early evaluation and speculation. Preemption is a technique which allows to destroy data objects in a computation pipeline if the result of computation is no longer needed, reducing the power consumption. Early evaluation allows a circuit to compute the output using a subset of its inputs and preempting the inputs which are not needed. In speculation, all conflicting branches of computation run concurrently without waiting for the selecting condition; once the selecting condition is computed the unneeded branches are preempted. The automated Petri net based verification technique is especially useful in this case because of the complex nature of these features. As a result of this work, a number of cases are presented where the concept of IGMs and the Workcraft tool were instrumental. These include the design of two different types of arbiter circuits, the design and debugging of the SDFS model, synthesis of asynchronous circuits from the Conditional Partial Order Graph model and the modification of the workflow of Balsa asynchronous circuit synthesis system.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceEPSRCGBUnited Kingdo