41 research outputs found

    Novel Fmoc-Polyamino Acids for Solid-Phase Synthesis of Defined Polyamidoamines

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    A versatile solid-phase approach to sequence-defined polyamidoamines was developed. Four different Fmoc-polyamino acid building blocks were synthesized by selective protection of symmetrical oligoethylenimine precursors followed by introduction of a carboxylic acid handle using cyclic anhydrides and subsequent Fmoc-protection. The novel Fmoc-polyamino acids were used to construct polyamidoamines demonstrating complete compatibility to standard Fmoc reaction conditions. The straightforward synthesis of the building blocks and the high efficiency of the solid-phase coupling reactions allow the versatile synthesis of defined polycations

    Component-based simulation for a reconfiguration study of transitic systems

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    This paper is organized as follows. Part A presents the context of reconfiguring transitic systems and the main idea in implementing the decision step. It comprises sections 1 to 3. Section 3 presents an example that illustrates the concepts presented in the next sections. Parts B and C express the models and principles used to simulate transitic systems, the result of which will be helpful for choosing the new configuration. Part B focuses mainly on models. It comprises sections 4 to 6. Part C focuses mainly on simulation principles. It comprises sections 7 to 10

    Meta-functional languages for hardware design and verification

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    The approach of embedding hardware description languages in general-purpose languages has been widely explored in the literature and has been shown to aid hardware design and verification. In this paper we explore the use of a meta-functional language reFLect as a host language for a hardware description language. We show how this approach aids the development, analysis and manipulation of embedded objects, whilst at the same time we keep meta-programming features largely invisible to the hardware designer. We illustrate the use of these techniques in supporting circuit placement techniques and automatic model checking of hardware compiler invariants.peer-reviewe

    From a literature review to a conceptual framework for health sector websites’ assessment

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    Health sector institutions’ websites need to act as effective web resources of information and interactive communication mediums to address the versatile demands of their multiple stakeholders. Academic and practitioner interest in health sector website assessment has considerably risen in recent years. This can be seen by the number of papers published in journals. The purpose of this paper is twofold to further establish the field. First, it offers a literature re-view on hospitals’ websites assessment. Second, it offers a conceptual framework to address the website assessment issue in health sector. The proposed assessment framework focuses on four main criteria: content, technology, services, and participation being evaluated by the use of several indicators. Academics, hospital practitioners, public officials and users will find the review and the framework useful, as they outline major lines of research in the field and a method to assess health institution websites.This paper is a result of the project “SmartEGOV: Harnessing EGOV for Smart Governance (Foundations, methods, Tools) / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000037”, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (EFDR).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Embedding a hardware description language in a functional meta-programming language

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    General purpose functional languages such as Haskell, have been widely used as host languages for the embedding of domain specific languages. In particular, various hardware description languages have been successfully embedded in Haskell and other functional languages. More recently, meta-programming languages have also started being used for the embedding of such languages, where the meta-language features allow us to access the structure of data objects in a shallow-style embedding, while retaining the characteristics of a deep-embedding. In this paper, we discuss the application of meta-functional languages for the embedding of a hardware description language, based on reFLect, a functional meta-language which provides an alternative approach for embedding a hardware description language by means of built-in reflection features. Through the use of code quotation and pattern matching, we use reFLect to build a framework through which we can access the structure of our circuits by means of reflection.peer-reviewe

    Access to circuit generators in embedded hdls

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    General purpose functional languages have been widely used as host languages for the embedding of domain specific languages, especially hardware description languages. The embedding approach provides various abstraction techniques, enabling the description of generators for whole families of circuits, in particular parameterised regular circuits. The two-stage language setting that is achieved by means of embedding, provides a means to reason about the generated circuits as data objects within the host language. Nonetheless, these circuit objects lack information about their generators, or about the manner in which these where generated, which can be used for placement and analysis. In this paper, we use reFLect as a functional language with reflection features, to enable us not only to access the circuits, but also the circuit generators. Through the use of code quotation and pattern matching, we propose a framework through which we can access the structure of the circuit in terms of nested blocks that map the generation flow that was followed by the generator.peer-reviewe

    Functional HDLs : a historical overview

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    When designing hardware systems, a variety of models and languages are available whose aim is to manage complexity by allowing specification of such systems at different abstraction levels. Languages such as Verilog and VHDL where designed with simulation in mind rather than synthesis and lack features such as parametrised complex circuit definitions, a must for the design of generic complex systems. A more modern approach is the use of functional languages for hardware description that take advantage of the inherent abstraction in this paradigm, resulting in a more concise and manageable description of the system. This paper gives an overview of different functional language implementations for hardware description, highlighting their historical significance in terms of their capabilities and design approach. We will compare and contrast different ways that certain features, such as circuit sharing, have been implemented in these.peer-reviewe