3,973 research outputs found

    Combining active learning and semi-supervised learning techniques to extract protein interaction sentences

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    Background: Protein-protein interaction (PPI) extraction has been a focal point of many biomedical research and database curation tools. Both Active Learning and Semi-supervised SVMs have recently been applied to extract PPI automatically. In this paper, we explore combining the AL with the SSL to improve the performance of the PPI task. Methods: We propose a novel PPI extraction technique called PPISpotter by combining Deterministic Annealing-based SSL and an AL technique to extract protein-protein interaction. In addition, we extract a comprehensive set of features from MEDLINE records by Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, which further improve the SVM classifiers. In our feature selection technique, syntactic, semantic, and lexical properties of text are incorporated into feature selection that boosts the system performance significantly. Results: By conducting experiments with three different PPI corpuses, we show that PPISpotter is superior to the other techniques incorporated into semi-supervised SVMs such as Random Sampling, Clustering, and Transductive SVMs by precision, recall, and F-measure. Conclusions: Our system is a novel, state-of-the-art technique for efficiently extracting protein-protein interaction pairs.X116sciescopu

    Extracting protein-protein interactions from text using rich feature vectors and feature selection

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    Because of the intrinsic complexity of natural language, automatically extracting accurate information from text remains a challenge. We have applied rich featurevectors derived from dependency graphs to predict protein-protein interactions using machine learning techniques. We present the first extensive analysis of applyingfeature selection in this domain, and show that it can produce more cost-effective models. For the first time, our technique was also evaluated on several large-scalecross-dataset experiments, which offers a more realistic view on model performance. During benchmarking, we encountered several fundamental problems hindering comparability with other methods. We present a set of practical guidelines to set up ameaningful evaluation. Finally, we have analysed the feature sets from our experiments before and after feature selection, and evaluated the contribution of both lexical and syntacticinformation to our method. The gained insight will be useful to develop better performing methods in this domain

    Extracting Biomolecular Interactions Using Semantic Parsing of Biomedical Text

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    We advance the state of the art in biomolecular interaction extraction with three contributions: (i) We show that deep, Abstract Meaning Representations (AMR) significantly improve the accuracy of a biomolecular interaction extraction system when compared to a baseline that relies solely on surface- and syntax-based features; (ii) In contrast with previous approaches that infer relations on a sentence-by-sentence basis, we expand our framework to enable consistent predictions over sets of sentences (documents); (iii) We further modify and expand a graph kernel learning framework to enable concurrent exploitation of automatically induced AMR (semantic) and dependency structure (syntactic) representations. Our experiments show that our approach yields interaction extraction systems that are more robust in environments where there is a significant mismatch between training and test conditions.Comment: Appearing in Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16

    Linguistic feature analysis for protein interaction extraction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The rapid growth of the amount of publicly available reports on biomedical experimental results has recently caused a boost of text mining approaches for protein interaction extraction. Most approaches rely implicitly or explicitly on linguistic, i.e., lexical and syntactic, data extracted from text. However, only few attempts have been made to evaluate the contribution of the different feature types. In this work, we contribute to this evaluation by studying the relative importance of deep syntactic features, i.e., grammatical relations, shallow syntactic features (part-of-speech information) and lexical features. For this purpose, we use a recently proposed approach that uses support vector machines with structured kernels.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results reveal that the contribution of the different feature types varies for the different data sets on which the experiments were conducted. The smaller the training corpus compared to the test data, the more important the role of grammatical relations becomes. Moreover, deep syntactic information based classifiers prove to be more robust on heterogeneous texts where no or only limited common vocabulary is shared.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings suggest that grammatical relations play an important role in the interaction extraction task. Moreover, the net advantage of adding lexical and shallow syntactic features is small related to the number of added features. This implies that efficient classifiers can be built by using only a small fraction of the features that are typically being used in recent approaches.</p

    OpenDMAP: An open source, ontology-driven concept analysis engine, with applications to capturing knowledge regarding protein transport, protein interactions and cell-type-specific gene expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Information extraction (IE) efforts are widely acknowledged to be important in harnessing the rapid advance of biomedical knowledge, particularly in areas where important factual information is published in a diverse literature. Here we report on the design, implementation and several evaluations of OpenDMAP, an ontology-driven, integrated concept analysis system. It significantly advances the state of the art in information extraction by leveraging knowledge in ontological resources, integrating diverse text processing applications, and using an expanded pattern language that allows the mixing of syntactic and semantic elements and variable ordering.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>OpenDMAP information extraction systems were produced for extracting protein transport assertions (transport), protein-protein interaction assertions (interaction) and assertions that a gene is expressed in a cell type (expression). Evaluations were performed on each system, resulting in F-scores ranging from .26 – .72 (precision .39 – .85, recall .16 – .85). Additionally, each of these systems was run over all abstracts in MEDLINE, producing a total of 72,460 transport instances, 265,795 interaction instances and 176,153 expression instances. </p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>OpenDMAP advances the performance standards for extracting protein-protein interaction predications from the full texts of biomedical research articles. Furthermore, this level of performance appears to generalize to other information extraction tasks, including extracting information about predicates of more than two arguments. The output of the information extraction system is always constructed from elements of an ontology, ensuring that the knowledge representation is grounded with respect to a carefully constructed model of reality. The results of these efforts can be used to increase the efficiency of manual curation efforts and to provide additional features in systems that integrate multiple sources for information extraction. The open source OpenDMAP code library is freely available at <url>http://bionlp.sourceforge.net/</url></p